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Just the adaptation to go... So close to sweet freedom....


Part 2


Kris Grimsley

Challenges accepted Dom, I'll get you that lunch date if it kills me


3:40 THIS is why I support him on Patreon.


The movie would be infinitely more interesting if it had that scene where Ana's head explodes!

Jo and Gareth

Minor addition benefit of doing these videos - satiates my curiosity to read them myself with the money going to a charity instead of the “author”.


Thanks for the advice. And aw man I'm sorry you have to go through that.


Listening to all his requirements for doing the third one, “Yeah, I think I can swing that,” Dom: Make it so the DC movies don’t suck... “Why do you ask for impossible things?!?”

E. P. Haury

Hearing all this about the first two books in this thing makes me wonder how the story would have appeared if it had kept Grey as a vampire, like in the original version. Not enough to see if that version exists and look for it, but enough to post the question here. Of course, portraying his desires as monstrous, supernaturally-compelled needs would make it different than it portrayed a vampire who's needs are as right as the current books portray Grey's. Still, it would be an interesting intellectual exercise.


Solid advice. I enjoy these reviews but I think that's the best thing to come out of them.


This makes me want to see some kind of WTFIWWY special where Nash and Tara treat stuff from books, movies etc. that fits into their wheelhouse as if it was actual news stories. I'd love to see the full story hinted at here.

Your Librarian

The knuckles? See that makes me think EL James watched the Johnny Depp "Don Juan" movie. The opening scene is Depp dining with a woman and a seduction technique is to equate two fingers on her hand to her legs; all he's touching are her fingers, but by the time he gets past her knuckles as the "knees" we're all worked up.


03:45am - I was about 10 minutes from going to sleep.... Checks email, sees the post email. Well forget sleep.


Bravo lovely Dominic! The advice you gave at the end was really a brilliant way to end the video.


I love these videos, this one in particular, because I want to knock the advice you gave me into my fifteen year old self.


Love these videos. Decide which challenges you want The Dom and we will get started. I can handle the puppy musical.... or how about this.... just make Terrance do it. You did your time, let the ravenclaw suffer


that scene with nash was great


that scene with nash was great


ok Dom, please make a list of your demands for reviewing the last book/movie so we can divide and conquer


It just hit me - that whole 'pregnancy scare' is utter fucking bullcrap if the timeline is as you suggest (and I am not doubting you at all). Three days is *not* enough time for the hormones in the pill to be out of your system yet, regardless of how bloody fertile you are or how much sex you have. I know everything else in this story is also utter bullcrap, and that's putting it mildly. Merely adding fuel to the fire, I suppose. Can I also just commend you, good sir, on, even with material that you have every right to scream and rant at, you remain relatively calm and structured and, quite frankly, professional. It's amazing and inspiring. <3