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i cant relax anywhere without anything triggering a severe anxiety attack, everyday, day in, day out, 365 days a year, im exhausted, i dont know what to do anymore, it gotten to the point where i deleted my telegram, my twitter, if it wasnt for fa being down, id be deleting it too, ive mentally collapsed in on myself, im tired.. i dont wanna fight anymore, i have anxiety bursts once every hour, im literally exhausted, i didnt come to this world just to live like this, i cant get help or help myself, i feel like the only way for me would just to disappear from everything, no body understands the pain im going through, everyone are like "keep pushing! life gets better!" or "youll make your family and friends sad if you left them!"

this is not the thing i want to hear, im literally ehxuasted, and using friends and families DOESNT make it easier for me, im severly damaged, ive been suffering for over a decade, im sick of it, ive been trying to fake happiness, i still feel alone, everyday i spend time in my bedroom doing the same over and over again, i cant go out without getting social anxirty, and i have no friends irl to help me out either, im literally stuck with my own thoughts, i wish i could get the help i need but i am at the edge, i cant take it anymore

im sorry for letting you guys down, im sorry for creating false hopes, im sorry for everything

i shouldnt have been here in the first place, i was supposed to be aborted when i was still an infant, my dad committed suicide, i got no one to go to with my issues, i dont want to spend money on therapy, they cant help me with the issues i have, pills cant help me, nothing can, why do i need to suffer anymore, i was fucked from the beginning, i am terrible sorry for coming into your lives just to disappear as quick again, i cant anymore..

nothing can help me, i am in so much mental pain that it literally gives me physical pain, my chest hurts, my entire body hurts,

i cant escape anywhere,

ive imploded in on myself



Leto... I won't try to tell you it'll be okay or that it will get better... Because I can't promise that. And while I haven't been through the same exact things you have, I would be more than willing to help in any way I can. I'm currently majoring in Psychology and while I am definitely no where near a professional, I'm hoping to continue learning what I can to help friends who are struggling. Even if you just need someone to vent to without trying to tell you how to fix it, there's a lot of us out there that would be happy to listen. You make so many people smile l, the least we can do is try to be there for you inlf you want us to be. DM me any time okay? And heck, you can email me or text me too if you really want. Sending all the love prayers and good juju I can


Im sorry to hear Leto. Please atleast take care of yourself if you are going to be away.


Leto, just know we won't give up on you. We'll be here for you.


Also if I said anything to trigger it I apologize. Mostly been playing around with the last thing I said to you :)


We love you, leto. You are not worthless, or disappearing on us, you are a shining example of a person. You are a good person, and you are loved. There isnt anything that anyone can say to change what youre feeling, and thats ok, because life sucks ass sometimes. I just want you to know, beyond anything that is going on in your life, there is someone who loves you. This helps me out when im having a major anxiety attack. Do me a favor, and look around you, find 5 things you can see, 4 things you can touch, 3 things you can hear, 2 things you can smell, and 1 thing your can taste. Enjoy the small distractions and carry on.


awr dude I'm really sorry :c This is going to sound hollow, but I care about ya and I really hope your life gets better. Your art always brightens my day. I wish there was more I could do to help you out. Stay strong. Lots of love to you. <3


ive been venting years ago, so many times that i just quit because it never helped me but others understand what im going through, so i just stopped venting to people, it doesnt help in any way, thanks tho, hopefully youll become a very good psychologist to be able to help other people, i am literally beyond help, i have been for years, ive just been dumb enough to push it this far, im sorry


i just wish i had someone irl telling me that too.. i feel so empty.. but thank you..


Hey Leto. Omg you propably feel really bad if you're ready to post this kind of message on here. I'm so sorry to hear this from you. You always been a source of joy for me! I love your art, and the little touch of humour you draw from time to time! You're such a great artist, and I hope you hear it from people from time to time. I remembered once on stream you tried to explain to me the basic of drawing. I'm still bad, but I always remembered what you said, and I'm really grateful for this! I don't really know about your issues...how it feels to have social anxiety. And I think there are propably not a lot of option to make you feel better. All I can say is that even if you already heard it tons of time before, life is worth living for, and you should never feel that you should not belong here... Sometimes life is really rough, and you feel that your pain will never go away... But one day you'll see the end of the darkness. I wish you the best to go through your problem. If you really need someone to talk to, even if you propably have other people to offer you this, my DM are open, and I'll be happy to help you the best I can. Stay strong!


You haven't let us down. You don't owe us anything, and if anything we owe you support because of the happiness you've brought to many of us. What would it cost you to get therapy?


Hey Leto, if you need someone to talk to you can always message me. I can respond really quickly and just be a voice. You are a beautiful artist and we all love you, but I totally understand that sometimes we just need an extra hug to make us feel... there...


as i said, therapy wont work in my situation, it only works on some people, not everybody, even therapy is out of reach, but thanks for the offer..


if only i could get the physical affection, love and comfort irl, id be less lonely, its really difficult living hundreds of miles away from the closest hugable person.. i just wish it was as simple leavint his world as it was coming to this world, i feel like i dont belong here, i never did.. i cant live in front of a screen forever and just forget about my own body irl, if only making friends irl as online was easy, id be a little bit more comfortable..


Hey Leto, I feel really sorry for your situation I know it hasnt been any good in the past year, just know I'll be always thinking on you. Your art inspired many and the lessons you teached me are unfogivable. You'll always be one of my favorite artists no matter what and I want to thank you for everything you've done for me, you really helped developing my art, there're no words that can explain how grateful I am. Be safe out there and know you have a very special place in my heart. If you need anything please don't hesitate on messaging me <3


I know this is bigger than me. It's too big for anyone. But I wish I could take it away, and I hope you find an answer that leaves you feeling whole and content, and soon. I know a big part of your dilemma is distance and separation. It can be hard, but remember that no matter how far away, we're all real people who really care about you. There's only so much I can do with words, and I'm sure you've heard them all before, but words are all I've got right now. If talking would help, you know where to find me, bud. Be safe. Be peaceful. Focus on you.


I have read what you have said in the past on twitter but I didn't imagine what you were actually feeling. Living on the other side of the world isn't something that is helpful to your needs but I have been to the edge of what you are feeling before but my situation was more of the opposite. I could be in a crowded room and be overwhelmed with the same feelings of loneliness and anxiety. it was the stranded in the ocean paradox "water everywhere but not a drop to drink". all I can offer for you at this moment is a ear for listening. I wish you the best

Fluff W0lf

Leto, I've been a fan of your talents for a long time now. Though we've never met, I never imagined someone as gifted and giving as you would be going through so much. I hate false support, "keep going, everything will work out" nobody knows that for sure, hell, nobody understands what you're going through other than yourself, it's impossible to give true empathy because everyone is different. I won't lie... It doesn't get easier, it doesn't get less painful. The only reason that we can get back up is because we're stronger from the last time we've been knocked down. Scars heal, but minds and hearts don't. I don't know where you'll find happiness, all I know is that whatever you choose, make sure that step forward is made with no regrets. regret is the most anguishing part of life because it's the one of the few things you can't do anything about. Leto. I may not know you personally, but reading your post, it shook me. If you see this, just know that the only thing you have control over, is your own actions and decisions, even though it's scary, or sometimes appears impossible, it all starts with a personal choice. Make sure that choice is what you really want


I know im bad at cheering ppl up n such But u sayed ur going to come to berlin in August for the furcon. We will all meet u there if we can and give you all the hugs we can. *hugs online for now*


If you really feel that way why not just drop everything and travel around to places you want to go?


Leto. Please. Don't give up. I know it's hard. And nothing I will say could ever pretend to give you a solution to make things better. But please *always* remember that there are people out in the world who love you. You are a light in this world, a light that has reached so many minds and touched so many hearts. You might be using your light to illuminate the walls of your world in search for an answer to your pain, but even if you cannot find that answer right now, please never forget the light that comes from within you. As much as your body may hurt, as much as your mind might be tormented, that light remains pure and unblemished. It is special, it is unique, and it could still one day illuminate the love it has been searching to find. Stay strong.


You need to make a big change I feel. Just move somewhere entirely new, closer to those huggable people you mentioned. It sounds crazy and like that's not a possiblity but it helps me to set goals. Honestly if you said you needed help to pay for a plane ticket over to a new place to live or something, my money is yours. I'm sure others would be happy to assist as well. All that matters is your happiness. Hell, you need a room to stay? Shit I got one for ya. Do whatever it takes to make a change. That's about the only advice I can give that's not generic garbage you hear all the time. Also, don't ever feel like you let us down. I'm here for YOU. I love your art but at the end of the day, I subbed to pateron for you as a person. I'm just a random stranger on the internet but I genuinely care about your well being. If you wanna talk about anything, literally anything, me and others are here.


I-i lived the same thing, and that's horrible, if u want to talk about it I'm here... U guys can't understand how horrible it's...


I want to say something helpful, but I’m not smart enough to think of anything right now. But I also can’t NOT say anything because I don't want you to think that I don't care about you, because I do. I just want you to know that. I DO care about you and your wellbeing. If you need someone to rant to I’m always available.


I'm sorry your feeling this way friend. I wish there was more I could do for you. I feel your pain when it comes to mental anguish. I'm not good at helping helping though problems or other things. If you need to take a break then that is understandable. I really hope you find what your looking for. We are always here supporting you no matter what. The little ammount of money I can send you so it makes life somewhat bearable, I wish it was more. We really all are here for you and please if things get worse please talk to us or someone. There are always people here that will listen to you. Much love💚


I'm sorry to hear about this. As someone who battled with severe depression and anxiety I can feel your pain. Feeling trapped in your own body is something I would not wish on my worst enemy. If you ever need to talk, you can always vent to me, we may be stranger half way around the world, but I still care. Stay safe Leto, you'll pull through.

Emmett Sky

I know exactly what you’re going through. My whole life I’ve known nothing but abuse and currently still a slave to a family but doesn’t matter through it all I always find away to stand back up an Fight for what I want . What I love to see more than anything is my friends happy I don’t care what happens to me I just want to see my friends happy an we’re all here for you no matter what . we all love you and your art

Skiffer Blackpaw

:-( I had no idea you were going through that.


I am really sorry but I think you should get some professional help for your problem. I don't think writing on Patreon will help you that much.


While I don't think any of my words will help, please know that you give a lot of people a bit happieness. Whatever you do now I hope it will work out for the best for you. You said you wanted to visit EF once. Maybe you could find a couple nice people there, maybe even some of your community. I think it would be worth a shot.


You need to get the hell away from your toxic ass family. Life isn't always gonna feel as shitty as it does right now, and if I did live closer than a drive across the Atlantic I'd be coming over. And no ones expecting you to be in front of your screen all day every day working. We miss you over in our chat group, and still hoping ya join back some day. We're your friends dude, we aren't here just to consume your art/product.


Hey, don't ever get the feeling that you are letting us down, it's quite the opposite! Your art really did something for me, something good, that won't be changed by whatever you do now. I won't pretend to know how you feel, how could I? I don't think anyone can really know what's going on in somebody else's head. Yet I can try to relate to some of the feelings you mentioned, and maybe give some counter-thoughts ;) You talked a lot about things related to social anxiety and peer pressure, which I also had my fair share of. To this day I still have my issues with people, but it got a lot better once I realized that friends don't want you to be perfectly happy (I know, sounds weird, but hang on). Actually everybody is a little broken, and what makes a good friendship is being open about those broken parts, rather than hiding them. To that end, I actually think it's good that you told us about the problems you are dealing with, not necessarily so that we can help you, but also because - quite frankly - it is comforting to know that you are not this perfect online artist, but just a normal person with their own issues, like me, like all of us. It also seems like you think your life is a mistake... so what? Everything around us is, or at least was, a mistake. Every single letter in your genome, mine, Albert Einstein's or the trees's outside came to be through some random error during DNA-replication, which miraculously turned out to be just what was needed to be more fit for life. That's all the world is on the lowest level, just a random mess. Same goes for any good or bad idea people have, every character trait or interest, those are random things. It's what these things eventually turn into that counts. The gene mutation that made our ancestors grow opposable thumbs, the random idea that lead to the discovery of Penicillin antibiotics, or whatever drives you to pursue your art, which not only delights people, but also brings them together. You are doing something good here, and you are darn good at it (I love your art style), don't give up halfway up the mountain. Turn this mistake into a miracle. It's safe to say that all people here belong to a fringe group of society, as we are all drawn to anthropomorphic animals, yet we can come together here because of your talent to create awesome art. That must count as something good to do with your life. And if your problems have financial reasons, maybe do take some time off to get a "more steady" job on the side. I think we would all understand. If you want to talk more, about anything really, just respond to this comment or maybe pm me (I don't really know how these things work on Patreon). Hang in there, friend.


I forgot to mention that I dropped out of school in 2011 because of severe depression after my 2 year old cat was ran over.. so I got no form of education other than art, and it's insanely difficult to get a job in this town, so me getting a job is way out of reach..


as I mentioned, therapy wont help, nor pills, and im sorry for sharing my thoughts on here..


i came back here to help my mom fix this house so she could live happier when i finally move out on my own, i wasnt happy leaving her behind in this mess with my both sisters taking advantage of her and not helping her.. im literally ashamed of being their brother, but i wont go into details about my family issues, im sorry


i would but i cant, because i need to help my mom first, and i go no money to travel anywhere apart from ef next month, if i do decide to travel that is..


Well that's a bummer indeed... I think you once mentioned that you live in Germany. Here in Germany there is a way to get your school certificate as an adult with just taking one week of exams. Yet I don't know if German citizenship is required for that...


He wen't back to Norway as far as I know, but I'm sure there would be similar programs over there. I know from my brother that getting back into all the school stuff will be very hard after this many years but I'm sure you could do it, Leto. You never seemed opposed to working hard for your goals.


People care about you Leto, you brought inspiration in many peoples in the fandom and earned our respect and support. If leaving the fandom would make you feel better, then everybody would understand, you don't need to apologies for that. Also, no life on earth is a mistake, you are here and that is what matter, and many people are thankful for that. As some pointed out I can't say I understand what you go through, nobody can, but I've already witnessed how someone's mind can betray himseld, just remember there's always a better solution.