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sometimes i feel like i take you all for granted, but the support ive received lately has really helped me feel a little bit more hopeful, im still sorry about going as far as venting on my patreon as its not really professional of me, i am trying my best to get my mental attacks under control.

i love all of you, youre all incredible people, you all deserve so much more. ?



You should feel safe to vent whenever and wherever you want. Your feelings are valid and important.

Cats n' Cameras

You're really awesome, I'm glad you're okay. And no, you deserve all the support you can get. Thanks for being you, and that what matters!


I feel like this is what patreon is for. So that we can contact you directly. Feel free to vent anytime :)


We're all here to support ya Leto! Never feel like you need to apologize for letting us see the real you; good, bad, silly, crazy, happy and anything in between. We luv ya too bud!


I can say for my self I support you monthly so I can see you grow art wise and accomplish your goals outside of art. Most of us here want to see you happy and continuing your dreams.


We'll always be here for you... in the good times and the bad. That's what friends do.

Killer Space

We're here for you, and we thank you for so much. A short message, but YOU deserve it. <3




No need for apologies, Leto. There is an avenue to ask for a helping hand, it would be a crime not to utilize it. I'm happy you are feeling hopeful, may the road ahead be less bumpy for ya, brother.

Fluff W0lf

I'm glad you're doing better. I can breathe a sigh of relief knowing that you're okay. We're here for you Leto, always


We are here Because we love you. Leto. You don't have to be alone in this world. I wish I could take you on a 2 week vacation to Hawaii, though. :T


We're here because you're incredible, and you deserve each and every one of us. I know mental health issues are difficult to control, but none of us here think any less of you because of them. We support you all the way! And we each have your back ^.^ stay strong and don't be afraid to vent or express yourself

Skiffer Blackpaw

We love you too! You are incredibly talented and have brought much happiness and joy to many, including myself. I hate that you or anyone has to go through things like you are going through, and like many I wish I could help but am unable to do much online. Anyways... all I can do is send positive thoughts your way and hope that someday, somehow, things will get better for you. I know that online friends and company isn’t the same as having someone there IRL (I should know, having almost no real friends local to me), but we do still care about you, love you, and are always happy to listen if you need someone to vent to!


Glad to hear you are doing better

Futrzasty Mefju

Yay \o/ i'm so so happy to hear that. Dont give up. We dont wanna lose that amazing artist and most important- friend.


Glad you're feeling a bit better. And remember that its OK to not be OK sometimes, its normal.


Good to see that you are a little better :)


Glad you're feeling a bit better, Leto. Everyone is human, no need to apologize for that ^^


Im glad to hear Leto! It might be unprofessional to vent but tell me, is it better to keep it in and let it get worse or come out with it to reduce the build up? Its good to vent to let it all out. Im just glad you are ok, that is all I care about :)