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I wanted to ask how y'all are doing?

I haven't done that in a while so I'm just wondering to make sure you all are having a nice day!
If not some of you don't have a nice today, I'd invite you for some virtual taco!
But there gonna be virtual pizza for everyone, wooooh!

I also want to apologise for the lack of contents, I'm trying to catch up on old projects, so stay tuned!

Much love,
Leto & Pebble


Futrzasty Mefju

Hewo, sweethearts :3 I'm just chillin and drink some beer ^^ Pizza and beer... Mmm perfect <3 Take care, guys ^o^


Thanks for checking up you two, I'm having a good day actually! Started earlier than usual, but also ended earlier, so it's fine. Hope you are doing good as well~


I'm doing pretty okay, thank you for asking Leto! I hope you are doing well. Also if you could make that virtual pizza with no red sauce ide appreciate it ^w^


How caring xp. I'm feeling hopeful today. Even if I'm being booted from my apartment from the new owner, I might be finding a cheaper & better place. Also, my boyfriend's last 6-month cancer checkup is coming up so we get to see if we're in the clear for a few more years! I just hope my head keeps on track. We just might finally be coming out of the biggest rough patch in our lives, probably soon time to stop being so idle in the fandom and come back, I miss everyone! I hope you're doing well too, dude. Keep on keeping on!


It's Taco Tuesday, so it's gonna be a great day!


Pizza! Where!?! Also doing fine, hope you are too!


You have all my prayers and positive wishes! He must be in the clear or I'll shove the cancer into a school locker and take its lunch money!


I'm doing really well, thanks for asking! :D I hope you're doing really well, too. And please, no need to apologize, you've been doing JUST FINE!


I feel not bad, but it could be better. I can not wait for the Borderlands 3, it's so beautiful game! I wish you all the best!!! And, why you do not draw arts with Leto? Just interesting.

Killer Space

I got to sleep in an hour this morning, so it's a great start to the day! Still unpacking at mine and the wifey's new place, so always a busy day!


I've been okey. Work drains me a lot but I've been trying to keep up with healthy habits, like continuing to go on hikes even though it's been 98-100°F (36-37°C) over here! Bleh! Currently saving up to attend Midwest FurFest in December. <3