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I'm much happier with this one - lighting, composition, atmosphere.

I said I was still learning at this stuff.  I decided to make this one a little darker, like the sun is going in and the clouds are drawing overhead.  Possibly with the first one I brightened it too much without having a dominant light source and better defined shadows that would help make sense of it.

One of the problems with this woodland set is that the ground isn't particularly convincing looking.  For most artists this wouldn't be a problem, but since my ladies interact with the ground quite a lot it can be a challenge.  The less of it that's visible in a scene, the more realism you feel.  Anyway, I kept seeing this log and decided that Amanda needed to perch on it.  Hope you like.

Amanda had better head back to the car soon... the woods can be a scary place after dark.




Scary is right. Something could pop up from behind that log at any moment!

Tim Organo

Aww. Amanda looks so beautiful. Maybe slightly inappropriate clothing/footwear for the jungle, but I don't mind.