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Yah yah I know you're all BORED of the studio and want to see what Daz Studio 4 can do. Amanda feels the same way.  It's just that it's so easy to do perfect lighting in the studio... outside is ballache!  Still the only way I will get good at this is if I try a lot and gradually learn.

Amanda persuaded me to take her out to the woods and I got her to strike a pose or two for me while we were there.

I really need to get better composing and lighting these scenes, especially if Jennifer is heading to the jungle.... but I hope you think this is an OK start.  A lot of it is learning what props are available and how to make use of them without it taking all week to make a scene.



Mena R.


Tim Organo

Such a classic outfit. Seeing her in it never gets old or boring. SO beautiful.