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I heard you like updates, so I put updates in your update:

1) TLS 0.64.x seems to be stable. Should be no issues with it going public next weekend, so that's nice.

2) My hand is okay. It ached for a few days but resting it seemed to solve the problem. Maybe shouldn't have mentioned it, but I try hard to do exercises to avoid carpal tunnel or similar problems due to my chosen professions. Hopefully just an anomaly.

3) Huge thanks to everyone who left reviews on DoW! I had only hoped for one or two, but instead I got seven people. ^-^ While I was dismissive about its impact earlier, it does help. Maybe not algorithmically, but my games always get way more attention during sale season, so the fact that the rating looks higher could get more people to try it.

4) I don't recall how much I've mentioned, it but that very long term piece of art for The Weirkey Chronicles is finally complete! The artist has a bit of an unusual process, but readers seem enthusiastic about the results.

5) The plan is to have a series of longer posts over the next few weeks. Some will be quite fun! If you're interested in Crimson Gray or the business side of things you should find something to enjoy.

That is all for now. See everyone next week. ^-^



Jeffrey Lebowski

Yay, love updates. Glad your hand is feeling better. I found no issues in TLS 0.64.2 (though I was unable to find the additional, stat-tracking essence you mentioned). Yay DoW finally reached some (nearly but not quite) arbitrary form of critical mass! Love that game so hopefully that helps a few others discover it. This piece of art looks awesome! And finally, I like both Crimson Gray *and* hearing about the business side of the house so the next few weeks of updates sound fun!


It's not an additional, stat-tracking essence, it's an additional stat, tracking essence. It's the bit that says how much unused essence you have when you speak to Balia and she asks if you want to reset your orcs.

Nathan Phoenix

Oh man TLS is only available for "Labor of Love" on Steam this year. Sure it can't actually win but I still want to cast my "Best Story" vote damn it!