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We're doing another patron-only week. No huge changes, but many reports and thus fixes/alterations came in late in the week, hence there was little time for testing.

Link: https://mega.nz/file/T99CXDYK#rwpY9uqjsTMYEwpDExuMb1Xms3E3nFir99v1lzw1YKw 

TLS 0.64.2

 - Uyae's quest has been modified in a number of ways. The results now require choosing a tradeoff and requirements are more relaxed, which was my intent.

 - Balia's quest has minor additions (notably a stat tracking new essence) and the battle loss bug is fixed.

 - Yet more minor fixes.

Hopefully this one will be most unremarkable and a completely stable 0.64.3 will go public next week. But if you have been waiting to play for early things to get sorted out, now is a good time!


Jeffrey Lebowski

In the last version tried getting my Pure Orc to level 100 to see if ascending it to godhood would give me a bonus but alas... I only was able to get it to level 98. I know it won't work this time either but trying it is a good enough reason to play that fun puzzle again


Haha, I didn't really consider how high you could level one orc. Obviously I had various calculations to determine level rewards, but the actual maximum would require balance between essence and one time fights...

Jeffrey Lebowski

Haha I did toy with that (also completing all the optional fights before pouring essence into levels is important because the leveling option seems to grant 5 levels no matter how much experience that translates into), but I highly doubt I found the optimum balance. But what I did think was interesting was at very high levels, it can take the killer type enemies up to 3 hits to kill you