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It's a big game release weekend, which is always a mixed bag. I'm a bit scattered, so this update will be a few tidbits of information as well as an odd request for players of past games.

Because Steam personalizes everyone's pages so much, individual experiences vary, but it does seem like OEA is hitting trending pages for many players with the right settings. Here it is at the top of a category, whee:

I actually have a partially written post about OEA's performance that I think will be interesting both for casual players and professionals, but it's too early to draw certain conclusions yet. However, I can say that going Early Access appears to have definitely been the right decision. Obviously I'm not blowing up the industry, but I'll be curious to see how much the equation changes in a few months once I have data from all stores.

Now, a request: can anyone send me completed save data for my previous games? This is a strange request coming from DLsite - specifically they want a save sitting in the gallery room for the RPGs, or all scenes unlocked for the VNs. You'd think I'd have this on hand (I certainly expected to), but due to the development process, I don't necessarily have save data that works for the final game.



I can check, I should have save data for OEA and Ouroboros. I can check either later or tomorrow and send it through!


I checked and I have saves for the following I'll send you: - Crimson Gray - Crimson Gray Dusk and Dawn - Desecration of Wings - Once Ever After - Ouroboros 1. Do you need something for TLS? 2. Am I missing any games?


I'm doing a full replay (not cheating a ProN this time!) but I had a minor bug report and a lore question. In the first Gathering, in the central courtyard, you can walk through the stones with Rodak's sigil on them: there's no collision. As for the question: I know Hester generally follows her own theological path, but is she (or was she) generally a consecrationist? It just struck me that it seems she was trying to consecrate Ivala herself because even she was born unworthy.


Bug report: I think I have this fixed for the next version. Hester: She was always a bit of a centrist, but yes, she started as a Consecrationist.


I'm just amazed atm that Kuro no Kiseki is on that screenshot as well. Always feels weird to see Trails just 'out in the wild', so to speak.


Oh also quick continuity question (though the answer may end up lying in not-yet-revealed details): in the intro to Chapter 3, Mithyn refers to Ivala's "captors" (plural). Is Hester not working alone, or is she just referring to the Church in general?