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I don't take weekends off, but there's still a difference between a normal working weekend when I only have to make a couple posts and one where I've released something that will result in a flood of comments. Recently I've been on a streak of releasing something new every weekend:

- The Brightest Shadow 3

- TLS 0.63.0 (Patreon release)

- TLS 0.63.3 (public)

- OEA 0.7.0 beta (Patreon release)

- Genre-Savvy Apocalypse + OEA beta2

- OEA 0.7.0 (Steam release)

- OEA 1.0.0

That's... only seven weeks. =/ It felt like longer during the work. If I had managed to finish the next TLS update, that would have been two more weeks and gotten me past two months. Unfortunately, this seems to be my limit and I crashed this week.

Why push so hard on different projects? Mainly because the creative process sustains me when my mood turns bleak, which it has. Not just recently, pretty much for all of 2022. I've done my best to give you all a lot of content before curling up into a little ball of antipathy.

Anyway, this is not an announcement of long term delays. I can't promise the TLS update next week, but I will keep trying to put time into it. There are other fun things in the works as well, so please look forward to them.

Finally, another positive note: the same artist who did fanart for The Brightest Shadow has also sketched up a cover for The Weirkey Chronicles!



Jeffrey Lebowski

I will refrain from a long rambling comment. I will merely say that I wish you well and hope you will soon find some form of mental/spiritual healing that can dampen the bleakness.

Aris Katsaris

"Not just recently, pretty much for all of 2023." And consider that we're still in 2022.

Noah Andrulis

Don’t stress yourself. I think I can speak for the majority of your patreons when I say we’d rather see you work at a slower pace than see you burn out and not release anything for months on end. Take care of yourself, okay? We can handle a week or two of no updates if that’s what you need to do to keep your energy up.

Runcible Technician

In lieu of my terrible emotional support I will ask a question that occured to me today: If there are so many stories about heroic robots finding humanity through love and/or friendship, why aren't there any stories about heroic robots finding humanity through hatred? I'd love to see a robot barbarian save the day through insane robot rage.