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It's out! If you have been waiting during the Early Access period, you can now get the game via these two fine stores:



There's some good news implicit in those links: I had previous believed that it would be completely impossible to host OEA on itch.io. After looking at some documentation and emailing their support, it turned out not to be an obstacle after all! As always, I try to provide alternates to support player choice.

Bad news: I wasn't able to jump through all the hoops for Nutaku and DLsite distribution this week. Nutaku needs multiple weeks to test compliance, apparently, and DLsite always has its own weirdness going on. Thanks to those who helped me not burn so much time on the censorship necessary for the Japanese version.

I now also have an official Patreon link, finally. For those who have been long-time patrons, all you need to do to receive a free copy is to message me. ^-^ Anyone who prefers to get the commercial versions, please leave reviews if possible!

So... while there are some lingering details and I may need to take some time for comments/bugs/etc, this mostly closes the book on this game. Another completed 1.0.0 in the bag!




Congratulations! This is an awesome accomplishment and I'm super happy for you. I definitely recommend people give this game a shot if they haven't yet. =D



Long Tran

GREAT JOB! I'm a bigger fan of TLS myself, but I'm happy you got another project out to its 1.0.0! Awesome!


Awesome! Man, feels like it's been forever since we first saw this project - great to see it finally come to fruition.


I'm not clear on whether or not you mean there is/is going to be a Japanese version. If there is, I'm extremely curious about how Japanese players respond to the game. OEA is unusual within the Anglophone porn game market, but even more so within the Japanese one, I think.


I wondered if that sentence would mislead. The game itself will not be translated, but to be on DLsite it will have the title/description translated to be on the Japanese side, which requires that all scenes be censored in accordance with Japanese law. I have no personal experience in this, but everyone I've read on the subject has suggested that the Japanese population is not generally interested in foreign media outside of the major blockbusters and the like.

Runcible Technician

Congratulations! Thanks for putting up with my mediocre art skills.


I've heard the same, although it does seem like some indie hits do pick up in Japan as well. I know Undertale is extremely popular in Japan for instance, and I've spoken to Japanese people who were fans of Doki Doki Literature Club.


If we message you are we able to get a Steam key or just a download?


Either! You've been able to get a Steam key since the EA release, so the difference is that now I have a final download as well.


I'm a bit unclear on this, is there a changelog between 0.7 and 1.0?


Is there a link for patreon members for this release? I prefer not relying on steam if I can help it.