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Hey, new version. Polished up, but there's not a lot to motivate people to replay. I hope some people will test out the new content/features just in case new bugs were added.

Link: https://mega.nz/file/zgMzEZLb#narw_jV8pLeqBajhF2vD_rdtQUrIYQadwg_SAPRah24 

RTP: https://mega.nz/file/f481QS7D#-7sNkd9kwD2NLNa4A1DCiqN-bRkb_I8hiuFV8jW0Ikc


 - Misc bugfixes and polishing.

 - The goddesses now have updated chat lines after the newest quest.

 - Bertricia has been added to Carina's quest and the background math has been changed accordingly.

 - The Philon dungeon music now continues through battles; this was a suggestion from a number of players that I thought was apt.

 - Retroactive: the Tanurak challenge fights can now be escaped, to avoid the edge case where a player with no other saves is trapped in an autosave.


I haven't been talking about TLS lately, but I'm always working on it! Releasing the book created a good environment for me to finish up several major pieces of my work. The result is an update that I hope you'll all enjoy!

Link: https://mega.nz/file/O1ljDSob#uJ2F2PpxamGqqFnUl5z7U9fqmQRoglhVtFPMmgAsNTQ 

RTP: https://mega.nz/file/v5Vx2IxS#Od5fXjQhIkJreuul0GBKkaA5mWNCww2kTv-HStC5194 

TLS 0.63.0

- Completion of the Philon quest line.

- New harem quest: talk to Carina in Stineford.

- The NPC and harem icons in the Reflect menu are no longer text placeholders, but have been replaced with images. This has been on my list for a long time and it took until now to get to it.

- Completing content this section will give you new resources to make more decisions.

- With the right resources, you can create a piece of ultimate custom equipment for Carina.

- Two new sex scenes, plus an affection scene variation that was already in the game but has been locked for a long time.

- Three new illustrated scenes: Ivala Flying, Mithyn Deepthroat, Lynine/Orilise Threesome

I think this is a pretty solid update on its own merits, but I'm especially glad to have finished up the Philon quest line so it isn't left on a black screen. There's also another complete harem quest and some assorted decisions/rewards. Fewer new illustrated scenes than usual, as much of Annikath's time has been spent working on the upcoming portrait feature.

I'm not sure how much else I have to say about this one. More new combat mechanics than usual, so while I tested them moderately well, they may require some tweaking.

Anyway, those are more blocks of the endgame in place. Onward, onward!


Jeffrey Lebowski

I think Zelica's story is particularly tragic. She, out of all the goddesses we've seen or heard about, was the one most convinced that a collaboration between goddesses and incubus kings was both possible and necessary to create a better world. But she had the misfortune of meeting Xerces, who is *almost* exactly the type of King she was looking for, but so convinced that such a partnership is impossible on some metaphysical level that he imprisons her to siphon divine energy that she would have given freely if he was open to reaching an accord. Xerces is what Simon could have turned out like if he pushed away every person and outside perspective in his life (except that Simon definitely would have died before reaching Xerces' level without allies). Simon would still have his absolute stubbornness and drive, constantly moving forward, but without the benefit of diverse perspectives pushing him toward less harmful means and ends. Xerces only kept one person in his life, and even though she was competent, thoughtful, and would have been a valuable perspective to listen to, he wasted her as a blind follower. Her title of "Hand of the Anak" is especially appropriate as he treated her more as an extension of himself than as a partner or collaborator (the exception to this was at the end when he treated her as a liability he could weaponize, which backfired because she was *never* a liability). For someone who spends so much of his time doing research, he has decided that he's done learning anything about the world a long time ago.


Oof, Philon's quest conclusion cut deep, I wasn't expecting that. That's the kind of surprise that makes TLS stand out from most of the other games in that genre. Really makes it memorable.


I'm glad to hear it could have an impact. This is a broadly positive story leading toward a happy ending, so I feel like it's important for that idealistic conclusion to have some costs along the way.


Okay, this is outside the usual scope of feedback for an update, but now that I've played through the Philon tower segment... I thought this was a really emotionally powerful segment, but I was thinking it might increase the buildup of the inner section of the Philon tower if the encounters didn't transition out of the dungeon background music. It's a really great track for the section, and I think that the gravity of this mission is enough that having the music play uninterrupted through the encounters feels appropriate. This was probably one of the places where the interruption of the standard battle music we've had with us for nearly the entire game felt most obtrusive to me.


Wonder what it's like for Simon, being his big shadow form in the Lynine/Orilise threesome scenes. Does he feel larger, like the shadow extends his body, or maybe more like wearing super bulky armor, or piloting a craft? Based on what I can recall him saying about the tentacles, I'd guess its closest to the first one.


Huh, I hadn't considered that. It would be easy to change the battle music for just this section, and it's true this track will play much less than the combat music.


It's more the former in terms of touching the shadow body, but he feels unnaturally bulky the entire time and there's a bit of a sense of armor too because he still has the sensations of the shadow surrounding him.

stephen lelacheur

i dont think iv seen yarra it the doom kings real castle is this a oversigth or am i missing somthing


Sorry, not sure what you mean? Is there a particular reason she should be there?

stephen lelacheur

it just seems she is the only only not their after regathering your forces and after exploring the entiere map she seems to be the only one i cant find and it feel like as simions first true fallower she would be their at the main castle

stephen lelacheur

must be a problem with my save shes not their


While that's possible, it's hard to test on my end. Can you upload your save on the forum or Discord so other players can check it for you?

stephen lelacheur

found problme i moded save and broke her location

Shiny Metagross

*SPOILERS FOR PHILON QUEST* If I had a nickel for every time I mercy killed a woman fused with a tree this month I would have two nickels, which isn't a lot but it's weird it happened twice


You know, I have no idea how long you've been able to access extra sex scenes via that bed behind Yarra, because I only *just* realized it. Now I've been running through a whole backlog I have piled up, and I'm finding that the order when you do that gets kind of weird. Like, the Balia/Iris/Megail threesome shows up before the one where Iris confesses her attraction to Megail. Also I think the Wynn/Simon/Wendis scene takes place back before Wendis got her new body? I don't know if anyone else has taken this long to actually notice the mechanic, but waiting so long leads to kind of silly results.


I'm glad it was just that! It's fine for you to mod the game, but in that case please only report bugs if you've double-checked with others. Over the years I've spent a lot of time on false positives due to modding.


All base beds call the same event and scenes have been building up there over the years. I will take a look at the common event and see if it can't be reordered for the sake of scene logic.


This was an enjoyable update! My wife and I saved the Philon quest for this update. I did not have fucking a tree on my bingo card... but thinking about it that way is how I cope with the sadness. =( It was a good quest/dungeon though. It killed us a few times but wasn't anything crazy. Getting us to stop and think before some of the retries was a welcome experience. I saw a comment further up about keeping the music for the battles as well. I think this is a good idea personally. Carina's quest was enjoyable. I think we've really enjoyed all of the harem quests so far. Qum's will be hard to beat but that's a pretty high bar. We'll continue to look forward to more of them! =) One piece of feedback though. At the end of the Philon quest, there is some party dialogue about continuing the conversation later on and not in the tree-zone. My wife and I ran around a bit, talking to people to see if we had missed the conclusion to this quest but I don't believe there is anything to find. Where I believe the quest to end is a good place for the quest to end in terms of it being satisfying though. Just FYI.


Glad you enjoyed the update! Some of the harem quests will be plot-critical, some will just be character moments, but I hope it's clear how they all support the final endgame for TLS. I see what you're saying about the final dialogue potentially leading to the expectations of more aftermath, but reviewing it directly, I'm not sure what changes to make to guide player expectations better.


You could put conditional dialogue on the Sierra Sprite in the teleportation chamber dependent on whether the Carina Quest and/or Philon Quest are complete to indicate that they have completed the 0.63 content. You could also put a brief SL interjection after the Zelica scene that says that all you can do related to her in this update is distribute the shards but the reflective content suggested would be accessible in future updates, similar to the placeholder interjection on talking to Lexande that noted the Philon Quest would be implemented in a future update. 2 cents.


I mean something like that would help, but that's a lot more work than I was imagining. I was just thinking about having some dialogue be more definitive, like "we can discuss this much later" or "we can discuss this when we discuss assaulting BLAH" if we wanted to be more specific. Regardless, my feedback was more meant to just say something that SL can keep in mind in case she ends up seeing more people comment on it and less my hope that she alters the game significantly off of one piece of feedback. I don't think clarifying anything would be a bad idea though.

DukeLeto7 (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-05 19:27:21 Updated update, new notes! 1) Did you intend to leave Carina's funding requirement at 7+ for the cheapest ProN requirement even though the max Carina Points are now 9 instead of 7? 2) I assume that the decrease in Sierra and Ivala RP for the best results in Carina's Quest and the INCREASE in RP for the worst results are an intentional balancing consolation prize, but since it's anomalous, I have to check. 3) Bertricia's theological input. I am reasonably sure that the maximum possible Bertricia Summit score is 8. I am reasonably sure that it is impossible to get a Bertricia Summit score of 8+ (to say nothing of 9+) without having also completed the Bertricia Quest, so Bertricia's use of "the two of us" when speaking in the Random Number 2+ dialogue can't be wrong. I'm checking with Fulminato on the math on those two statements as the Synod game logic is his balliwick. 4) I would note that most highly optimized players (like me), will have a Bertricia Summit score of 5. If they got Succubi Accepted there will never be a check against it higher than 5 at the Synod and the only way to passively get to 6 without appealing to her in the session prior to Acceptance/Schism vote is to tell Yelarel to push for light reform. 5) OK, this is the big one... regarding variable 0153 THE REAL IVALA... ... So it looks to me as though at least some references to variable 0153 THE REAL IVALA should actually have been to variable 0325 Ivala. The problem is that they usually predate the creation of 0325, and that variable is hard set to 40 at the start of the calculation of Ivala RP when she's freed from the Crystal. Here's the list of appearances of 0153 in the game code as of 0.63.1 by map reference (ordered by menu tree node): 3: Stineford/Stineford/Noble District/Stineford Cathedral/Stineford Cathedral (002/016): +10/+5 for a favorable resolution of the Stineford Magic Points subquest in the Return to Stineford section. Chalice States/Helvanna (021,013): +5 for Funding "Ivalans in Rodak" without the Ivalan succubi having founded a new religion. 18: Erosian War/Ghenalese Battlefield (021,027): +5 for encountering the wyrd thief girl. (sic) CHAPTER FIVE/Mountaintop: (000,000): Mandatory +5 for Ch 5 start. Tatseni/Basanai (024,011): +5 2nd encounter w/ thief girl. Headquarters/Hall of Mortality (024,000): LIMIT AFFECTION Reset 100+->100 20: Incubus War/Mithyn's Island (000,000): +5/+3 positive results from IW: Victory Points check. So... of the above, it looks to me as though the two interactions with the thief girl are definitely about... whatever this variable is actually about... and the "Ivalans in Rodak" investment and the Hall of Mortality affection limit are probably things that should be applied to the Ivala RP variable. As to the others? (shrugs) How you might go about making corrections is dependent on which, IF ANY, are actually errors, and I'm assuming that you don't want to tip your hand on that point, so I won't make any suggestions. (Also, I'm now fed up with writing about TLS tonight. No offense.)
2022-09-14 04:23:05 Updated update, new notes! 1) Did you intend to leave Carina's funding requirement at 7+ for the cheapest ProN requirement even though the max Carina Points are now 9 instead of 7? 2) I assume that the decrease in Sierra and Ivala RP for the best results in Carina's Quest and the INCREASE in RP for the worst results are an intentional balancing consolation prize, but since it's anomalous, I have to check. 3) Bertricia's theological input. I am reasonably sure that the maximum possible Bertricia Summit score is 8. I am reasonably sure that it is impossible to get a Bertricia Summit score of 8+ (to say nothing of 9+) without having also completed the Bertricia Quest, so Bertricia's use of "the two of us" when speaking in the Random Number 2+ dialogue can't be wrong. I'm checking with Fulminato on the math on those two statements as the Synod game logic is his balliwick. 4) I would note that most highly optimized players (like me), will have a Bertricia Summit score of 5. If they got Succubi Accepted there will never be a check against it higher than 5 at the Synod and the only way to passively get to 6 without appealing to her in the session prior to Acceptance/Schism vote is to tell Yelarel to push for light reform. 5) OK, this is the big one... regarding variable 0153 THE REAL IVALA... ... So it looks to me as though at least some references to variable 0153 THE REAL IVALA should actually have been to variable 0325 Ivala. The problem is that they usually predate the creation of 0325, and that variable is hard set to 40 at the start of the calculation of Ivala RP when she's freed from the Crystal. Here's the list of appearances of 0153 in the game code as of 0.63.1 by map reference (ordered by menu tree node): 3: Stineford/Stineford/Noble District/Stineford Cathedral/Stineford Cathedral (002/016): +10/+5 for a favorable resolution of the Stineford Magic Points subquest in the Return to Stineford section. Chalice States/Helvanna (021,013): +5 for Funding "Ivalans in Rodak" without the Ivalan succubi having founded a new religion. 18: Erosian War/Ghenalese Battlefield (021,027): +5 for encountering the wyrd thief girl. (sic) CHAPTER FIVE/Mountaintop: (000,000): Mandatory +5 for Ch 5 start. Tatseni/Basanai (024,011): +5 2nd encounter w/ thief girl. Headquarters/Hall of Mortality (024,000): LIMIT AFFECTION Reset 100+->100 20: Incubus War/Mithyn's Island (000,000): +5/+3 positive results from IW: Victory Points check. So... of the above, it looks to me as though the two interactions with the thief girl are definitely about... whatever this variable is actually about... and the "Ivalans in Rodak" investment and the Hall of Mortality affection limit are probably things that should be applied to the Ivala RP variable. As to the others? (shrugs) How you might go about making corrections is dependent on which, IF ANY, are actually errors, and I'm assuming that you don't want to tip your hand on that point, so I won't make any suggestions. (Also, I'm now fed up with writing about TLS tonight. No offense.)

Updated update, new notes! 1) Did you intend to leave Carina's funding requirement at 7+ for the cheapest ProN requirement even though the max Carina Points are now 9 instead of 7? 2) I assume that the decrease in Sierra and Ivala RP for the best results in Carina's Quest and the INCREASE in RP for the worst results are an intentional balancing consolation prize, but since it's anomalous, I have to check. 3) Bertricia's theological input. I am reasonably sure that the maximum possible Bertricia Summit score is 8. I am reasonably sure that it is impossible to get a Bertricia Summit score of 8+ (to say nothing of 9+) without having also completed the Bertricia Quest, so Bertricia's use of "the two of us" when speaking in the Random Number 2+ dialogue can't be wrong. I'm checking with Fulminato on the math on those two statements as the Synod game logic is his balliwick. 4) I would note that most highly optimized players (like me), will have a Bertricia Summit score of 5. If they got Succubi Accepted there will never be a check against it higher than 5 at the Synod and the only way to passively get to 6 without appealing to her in the session prior to Acceptance/Schism vote is to tell Yelarel to push for light reform. 5) OK, this is the big one... regarding variable 0153 THE REAL IVALA... ... So it looks to me as though at least some references to variable 0153 THE REAL IVALA should actually have been to variable 0325 Ivala. The problem is that they usually predate the creation of 0325, and that variable is hard set to 40 at the start of the calculation of Ivala RP when she's freed from the Crystal. Here's the list of appearances of 0153 in the game code as of 0.63.1 by map reference (ordered by menu tree node): 3: Stineford/Stineford/Noble District/Stineford Cathedral/Stineford Cathedral (002/016): +10/+5 for a favorable resolution of the Stineford Magic Points subquest in the Return to Stineford section. Chalice States/Helvanna (021,013): +5 for Funding "Ivalans in Rodak" without the Ivalan succubi having founded a new religion. 18: Erosian War/Ghenalese Battlefield (021,027): +5 for encountering the wyrd thief girl. (sic) CHAPTER FIVE/Mountaintop: (000,000): Mandatory +5 for Ch 5 start. Tatseni/Basanai (024,011): +5 2nd encounter w/ thief girl. Headquarters/Hall of Mortality (024,000): LIMIT AFFECTION Reset 100+->100 20: Incubus War/Mithyn's Island (000,000): +5/+3 positive results from IW: Victory Points check. So... of the above, it looks to me as though the two interactions with the thief girl are definitely about... whatever this variable is actually about... and the "Ivalans in Rodak" investment and the Hall of Mortality affection limit are probably things that should be applied to the Ivala RP variable. As to the others? (shrugs) How you might go about making corrections is dependent on which, IF ANY, are actually errors, and I'm assuming that you don't want to tip your hand on that point, so I won't make any suggestions. (Also, I'm now fed up with writing about TLS tonight. No offense.)


Carina's funding requirements should have been increased, dangit. Carina and Ivala affection was intentionally reversed, helping players who were behind on them catch up (and players getting the top reward don't need much affection). Bertricia's requirements have been toned down. Thank you for your attention to detail, but none of the 153 Ivala variables are mistakes. I 100% guarantee they aren't if they predate 325. However, I should probably preemptively get the goddesses in the other affection limitation events, just in case.


FYI, I didn't mean to appear critical on the Ivala variable thing. You do a consistently amazing job juggling all the balls of the TLS game system, and I try my best to help you in that endeavor by keeping an eye on the bug reports and the new game code as a line of QA. But in order to do that I have to keep an eye out for things that look odd or out of place, and "Not Ivala" getting RP for an investment related to promoting Ivalan religion stood out.


No worries. ^-^ I am being intentionally cryptic here, and if anything I hope that I don't cause too much extra work while amusing myself.

Shiny Metagross

*Spoilers for the Abyssos raid in FFXIV* So an ancient race of people with magic that just let them create stuff made a prison for failed/dangerous creations that still had a benefit to being studied. After an insane fragment of the chief warden's soul got loose, he started corrupting the other wardens by fusing them with the imprisoned creatures. He got particularly ambitious with Agdistis, who he fused to a tree monster. She was so badly twisted that the process couldn't be reversed, so she has to be killed.