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Lots of stuff going on. The biggest is the TLS 0.63.0 release, of course. Depending on how much more feedback comes in, I may put out the .1 version slightly sooner or slightly later, but we should be on track for a public release in a usual week.

Meanwhile, last week I did a lengthy AMA on r/progressionfantasy if you want to check out my answers there. Lots of different questions asked and I was glad to see it was pretty popular overall.

Thanks to those who have reviewed TBS3, getting it to the first review/rating break point! You guys may be interested in the new worldbuilding post I put out this weekend.

It doesn't seem like anything is going to let up any time soon. Back next week with another update.



Since it's a pain to sign up to comment via Blogger, I'll just put this here instead. I appreciate the TBS worldbuilding post, in large part because I'd actually forgotten the system of ranks laid out in the previous book, and I was thinking there was some rank that came between lesser and greater ironlord/steeljudge. But a rank as silly-sounding as "middle ironlord" would have stuck in my memory, so I figured it must be something else. I'm not really clear though how it is that the Steeljudge test distinguishes between different levels. What result distinguishes a Lesser Steeljudge, whose blood can make the spheres sensitive to sein, from a Greater or Peak Steeljudge?


Glad it's appreciated! When Steeljudges use their blood to temper the spheres, energy is sapped from their blood, and measuring how long it persists is how they're rated. For Lesser Steeljudges, the first step is their blood being potent enough to fully temper one sphere (otherwise it's a bit unreliable and will only make for a low quality Wooden Judge). At higher levels, however, a specific quantity of blood can complete multiple spheres.


I just finished The Unnecessary Victory last night and really enjoyed it. I could sort of tell that something unexpected was going to be revealed at the confrontation with the Zeitai, but I couldn't tell what would happen until immediately before the revelation. I'm definitely excited to see how all the characters grow from their losses from fighting Kreue.


Glad to hear you enjoyed it! Please review if you haven't already. ^-^