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Early update for another book release! This is the third in my epic fantasy series, The Brightest Shadow. You can find it here:


While this isn't the conclusion of the entire story, this does complete a trilogy that wraps up many loose ends (sans epilogue). It's been quite a road getting to this point and the whole series is almost a million words!

Some of you have already had a chance to read this one, and I'd appreciate you guys leaving reviews if possible. Everyone else, check it out if you're interested. ^-^ Having this second career is very reassuring, since I know that even if Steam and Patreon simultaneously turn against adult content, I'll be able to continue regardless.

Back next week with another update, one I think everyone will be happy about.



Rocer Perdon

Love your writing in TLS, so I'm definitely interested in your books!


Hope you enjoy! If you look at the linked Amazon page (or blog: http://sarahlinauthor.blogspot.com/) you'll see that I publish a variety of things, each with a somewhat different tone and goal. The Brightest Shadow is probably closest to TLS in scope, but slower and darker.


I actually haven't checked out any of your books up until now, but I'm suddenly realizing I've made a big mistake. I'm a huge fan of fantasy and your storytelling is my favorite part of your games, so it only seems logical that I would love your books too. I'm off to start reading!


Thanks! See my above comment for the variety of my works, but I hope you find something you enjoy. ^-^


Do you ever plan to release printed books of the 2nd and third Brightest Shadow books? I have the first one in print and would love to have them all. Sorry, I'm a book person.


The biggest problem is that there is a hard limit to how thick Amazon will make the books and for novels of this length it requires setting small fonts and doing considerable reformatting, which is a lot of work for a book that only 1% of readers will buy. I felt like the result of the first hardcopy wasn't great quality, though I'm glad that some readers have enjoyed it.