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Most weeks, this job is a pleasure, and I never lose sight of the privilege that it is to have a creative career. Any problems I have to deal with now are relatively petty compared to some of the struggles I've had earlier in my life, much less people who have faced true hardship.

That said, I do think that some stresses that come with a creative career are at least different. Being the creator of a semi-known thing means constantly being at the center of a maelstrom of opinions in a way I don't think I'd previously experienced. Unless you avoid feedback, you end up being exposed to vehement and contradictory opinions, which can lead creators to react in a number of different ways.

Setting aside whether I succeed, I seek to be an open-minded person, engage everyone in good faith, and not reflexively dismiss things. I think this probably makes me poorly suited to be a creator, as it leads to a buildup of a sort of mental scar tissue.

I want to be crystal clear that I'm not saying I'm feeling depressed or looking for encouragement. The end result is outwardly focused. This isn't who I want to be, and I try to maintain decent mental hygiene, but I feel I haven't kept up with the attrition. I'm not sure I have a particular conclusion here and I hope it won't affect my productivity long term.

Fortunately, I can end on a positive note! Some unknown fan requested fanart of Yarra, which you can see above or here:


They didn't tell me, so I can't give them a shoutout! But if you're reading this, just know that running across the art made me smile. ^-^ (EDIT: This image was requested by patron Treeman4!)

Anyway, something new will be coming out next weekend and I hope there will be game updates in the near future. Progress is being made on multiple fronts.




Oh that request was from me, right after my first playthrough!

Leveler All

We will always get critisism from all angels, been independent creators like you or regular working emplyees, the best that can be done is take the real feedback and opinions been good or bad and ignore thoes who clearly just want to pill on the work and succes of others, stick to your principals and move forward.

Kris Van Gucht

If other people actually knew what games needed better - they would be the ones creating games. Just saying.


Oh, thanks very much! You're not obligated, but if you tell me about this sort of thing I'll show other players and add it to the art pack. ^-^


'' Often people throw words at us but sometimes they are just silly - it's important not to get confused'' - Sucucrates


Thats not true, you can be a creative person who can write but that doesn't mean you have the mind for programing or for drawing. that is actually a very toxic way of thinking.

Stormy Weather

You are one of my absolute favorite game writers period. Regardless of genre, or anything else, you make engaging stories, characters that consistently feel real, and worlds that I want to engage with. Opinions on the end results are always subjective, and angry people tend to be the loudest, but for what it's worth, I'd say you're doing an amazing job.


Huh, I've seen enough of Baalbuddy's work before to immediately recognize it, but I was never expecting to see it here. He's not just a good artist, he does some really fun witty content of his own. I have no idea if he's actually familiar with your work, but I think it's pretty likely he'd be into it. I know that hearing praise and criticism doesn't necessarily balance out emotionally, but for what it's worth, when I share your work (at pretty much every appropriate opportunity,) I always describe you as one of my all-time favorite writers in any medium.


His tweet implies he hasn't played it. Given his output, I don't know how he'd find time, honestly. But yeah, I appreciate his self-awareness and approach to things.

Markus S.

We do not even know how many of trolls on the net are bots. So not even knowing if a certain hit below the belt is actually from a human being. As for most internet there is a pretty easy rule: If you don't like it, don't watch/play/read it. In that regard I'd recommend to think like: Does it carry a objective criticism? If not, do not even bother letting it get you. We also know we cannot make it right for everyone, that's part of our human future project to see how we going to compromise. Well in my opinion you are creating content which is pretty unique and matches my tastes pretty well. But obviously most other ~8mrd. humans won't agree with me, and that's fine. ;)


True it doesn't have to be a competition of who knows better, its also what each person has a preference towards. Recognising tastes can be different helps.