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The time has come! This is Ouroboros 2.0:

[Beta testing is complete, PM me if you're a supporter or get the game via Nutaku/MangaGamer!]


Link updated to v7! I don't know if everyone already played as much as they want, but I hope we have some new testers to make sure no new bugs were added during the improvements.

v2: This version expands the evil ending, implements gallery locking, adds blurred screens to the sex scenes, and has many minor improvements and fixes (including what I hope is a true fix for all the Teira gold bugs).

v3: The fixes of v2, minus the problem with Atreyan's skills. Also minus the gallery unlocker, though.

v4-5: Bug fixes, GUI changes, minor additions.

v6: Hopefully final version.

v7: Minor bug fixes, addition of text to Princess Cescilla's room. Would appreciate it if anyone can confirm this one is bug free, just in case.

Note that minor bugs may persist if you use old saves, especially saves from the middle of an alternate cycle. But starting Amiel/Teira/Emantha cycles over again from the statue of rebirth should let you play bug-free.

I hope this is the nearly final version. Fingers crossed. >.<


This version is nearly complete: the title screens are only sketches, but the rest of the art is included. I will replace the titles with the colored final versions once they are done, but I wanted to get the beta testing process started early. Some notes: 

 - You'll need to use new save files. 

 - The reminder about controls is for me to make a tutorial. I didn't bother yet because you guys already know how RPG Maker games work, but I've seen this be a problem for other games so I want to include one.

I have tested the core new content according to my usual standards, but since then added some additional tweaks that I've only done basic testing on. There's a chance one of those breaks something, but I decided to invest more time into TLS instead of doing yet another replay. If there are any serious bugs, please just be patient and I'll get up a new version as soon as they're reported.

I feel like I should say some more about the release, but... well, you guys know what the game is. I hope everyone likes the new additions, I feel good about the way the game has been restructured, but I'm always open to criticism and reworking so that this will be the best version of the game it can be. This time especially, the development period was very rough, so yeah.

Anyway, now it's just a matter of final polishing and making some decisions. I have some questions for you to answer after you've finished playing:

1) Would you like more scene variants? By that I mean new scenes written for already used CGs. Currently the game has two because I already had art variations drawn for them. More wouldn't be added to increase the number of sex scenes in the game or anything, but to try to give players more ways to mess around with the cycle. For example, I feel like the fairy scene could easily have another use, but didn't think of anything I really liked before the art came in.

2) How long do you think the sex scenes should remain on a black screen? It feels odd to me to put up an image before the text represents those actions, though this is done in many games. Following the action has led to some scenes with a lot of black screens, which is also awkward. Input very much wanted here.

3) Do you think I should redo the scenes so that all dialogue is in normal text boxes with faces instead of via quotation marks? Leaning pretty heavily on this one, but I figured I'd ask.

4) Not a question, but let me know if you have any ideas for new little details. I added new variants to the cycle and made more objects interactable, but doing more wouldn't hurt. If you have any story questions that might make for fun conversations or objects around town you'd like to see get a story, let me know. I'd like the game to be packed with these kinds of small details.

5) Do you think scenes in the gallery should be disabled unless the player saw them during the game? The reason for doing so would be to encourage players to replay and experiment with the cycle, the main reason against is throwing up additional barriers to content.

Those questions are my primary thoughts now, but all feedback is welcome!

Expect edits to this post for future versions, as necessary, as well as potential other stuff. I'll also make another Ouroboros post once we get close to the official launch time with some other content.

P.S. If anyone still wants to have an influence on the main page of my Patreon in the future, there's a new writeup and more discussion in the thread: https://www.patreon.com/posts/new-patreon-6873844


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