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I am tentatively hoping to release the next section of the game this Friday (March 18). Finishing up the Noxian Nights release dragged on for a while, but it's out and it looks like it's stable and well-received, so that clears the next week of other work.

Since last update, I've finished a great many pieces. The main dungeon is basically done, though there's a lot to do with the plot finale after it (since this is also the conclusion of Chapter 2). The summit sections are done barring bugs discovered in future testing. I've also pared down the list of unfinished sidequests, investments, and other optional stuff significantly.

There are plenty of other things to do yet, though. One thing I may have to do is release 0.17.0 on Friday with the completed chapter, then work on updated music and battlers for another Patreon release several days later, then finish polishing for the public 0.17.2 on the 25th or so. That seems doable.

After that, I may change things up for a month due to overall tiredness. $10 backers can expect a thread about that in time - meanwhile, don't hesitate to give music or battler suggestions, though as the above schedule notes that's not going to be my first priority.



Just wanted to chime in real quick since I'm a new patron... Your work on TLS is nothing short of breathtaking. The time, effort, and passion that you've put into this game is ever so apparent. I could go on a small rant about how well developed your characters feel, how unique and absorbing the story has become, or how TASTEFULLY sexy the scenes are (and that's not an easy thing to achieve) but I feel like I would just be rambling and wouldn't do any of it justice. I guess I just want to say thank you for making this game, you should be eminently proud of the work you've done. Keep up the fantastic work, but don't forget to take care of yourself too, I (and many others I'm sure) would be ever so sad to see this wonderful game go unfinished. Looking forward to seeing where you go next!


Thank you kindly! I try really hard on this, so it's always nice to find people who appreciate it. ^-^ I have every intention of bringing you consistent updates until the game is complete!