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One of the side objectives I want to accomplish this update is to replace a bunch of the default RPG Maker music and battlers with custom material. The less default material, the more people will give the game a chance.

To that end, I wanted to give everyone an opportunity to recommend any custom material they'd like to see in the game. Music is highest priority, but battlers or anything else is fine. To be clear, I am NOT trying to pawn my work off on you guys. I'll be doing plenty of searching and replacing myself, I just wanted to give you an opportunity if anyone has strong opinions or songs they want to recommend.

Anything you want to suggest is fine so long as it's available for commercial use. Custom music packs, open source songs, your buddy's mp3, whatever. There are many resources available - for example, these two sites have more free music than any one person could possibly listen to:



Anyway, I'm not sure how this will go. I know at least some people care about custom music, because they send me emails. Then again, maybe all the people who would participate in this thread have already emailed me. XD This is your chance, anyway.


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