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Hey, everyone! This is going to be a short update, as a lot of stuff is WIP.

TLS 0.54.1 seems pretty stable, so I don't predict any problems with the public release. I should be able to relax this week, or more accurately work on other stuff.

Maps for OEA continue to move forward. Feel free to comment on the ones above if you have any thoughts! Enough of these are finishing that the next build I make for patrons might have a chunk of the parallaxed maps. Maybe, maybe not.

I'll also have some replacement NPC art to show you, and I might have some fun little TLS chibis, but that stuff isn't ready yet. There should be a few minor things to look forward to over the coming period along with the main stuff I'm working on.

Anyway, I'll be back with a longer post next weekend, after the public release. See you then!




the maps look really good, i like the use of shadows to help show the relative size of buildings.


Please do actually relax when you need to. I don't think any of us wants to see you experience burnout, and not just because it delays us getting to see more of your stuff.


The Red Arena looks good to me. The killing fields look much more work-in-progress, mainly because of the lack of shadows. There's a repeating pattern on the ground on that map which is much too regular, as if it's come from a carpet or floortile texture. There's an extremely faint patch of lighter ground at the bottom of the cave entrances - it'd look better if this was less faint so it blends smoothly with the ground outside.


I do have the intention of relaxing, but I'll post about it in a week, once this update is completely finished.


The lack of shadows is a WIP thing, but the repeating or lighter sections... I'll have to check, thanks for bringing them up.


red areno looks really nice