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Later than usual, but I have an updated version out this weekend! Thanks go to Decanter and Fulminato for helping me review the numbers; given how my attention is split, it felt like a hurdle to load all that stuff into my memory again, so they accelerated the process.

Link: https://mega.nz/file/jgVTEKxC#AJbjDzCgrY-E1vkKvKVYBmyDNnfnBlioeGHADTDYwMI 

RTP: https://mega.nz/file/G0NDXajD#k2O8xDxFS2cTezpS5OJfK_tCRTfTBk-UKrCzi_Hba0E 

TLS 0.54.1

  - Numerous changes.

 - I made some tweaks to the Lustlord fight, trying to make it more challenging without just cranking his stats.

This one is going out to all patrons, including all the $1 folks. The previous update leaked online (due to Patreon's preview text), so I figured it was only fair that you guys get access to this polished version. I appreciate the support of every one of you. ^-^

This update is long on new modifications, short on replaying the whole Gathering. So for new players or anyone replaying, mention to me if things go smoothly (or report bugs if you encounter any, obviously). Hopefully it will be a smooth path to the public release next weekend.


Edward Culham

Alright, finished the gathering again, and did not find any bug reports that need to be mentioned. I did like how the Lustlord fight actually felt like a fight and had to worry about keeping party members alive at the same time. One thing that does seem strange is the Doom Kings abilities seem week compared to Simon's, and cannot use some of Simon's Incubus King abilities when he is controlling the Doom King. Note on King's Aura and Support Allies. Besides that, excellent update.


Support allies is pretty busted, especially with the Incubus Glove. Not that I'm complaining. I actually like how Simon goes from a just ok physical party member in the early chapters, to a much more versatile jack-of-all-trades in the lategame as he masters his powers.


Chapter 5 Part B: The Good, the Bad and the Anak of Philon.


Re: Lustlord. Adding debuff restance definitely helped make him harder. In my worst save i had to go with Varia, Aka AND Ginasta + Carina. Like you definitely want to keep him debuffed as much as possible.


Yeah, I figured that tweak would at least give all saves something to do.


I agree with previous commenters - the Lustlord felt much more of a threat this time, but not crazy hard. Feels good to me, and it's good to hear that people with intentionally-bad saves can still win. I didn't find any new issues in a full playthrough of the Gathering. It looks like I still have more work to do to balance outcomes, though - tried to boost my Philon influence and ended up missing the slavery check. Speaking of outcomes, I happened to notice the easter egg with the Tower mapping and I really hope someone accidentally triggers it someday. Only one typo report this time: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3ddzmyywgglu75o/Screenshot%202020-10-10%2014.06.18.png?dl=0 smashing -> smashing into? (line 6)


This was a great surprise yesterday, and a very climactic update! How much do you think the balance for the event rewards will change for the public release? Also, I think I found a typo in Esthera's scene: at the end of the paragraph "Without realizing it, she'd fallen..." it says "Try as she might, he couldn't escape..."


Thanks for the feedback, and typo fixed! I do enjoy my easter eggs. ^-^


I'm glad you enjoyed the update, and good catch on the typo. At this stage, I can't say for sure if/how the balance will change. I have no plans to alter anything, but I'll be open to feedback if players suggest something feels missing or doesn't add up well.


Apropos of nothing, I'm now wondering how, if ever, we'll learn of the Lustlord's secret identity as Ronnie James Dio. Estaven's name reveal was a very minor plot beat IIRC. He's presumably not telling unless Simon can extract some memories from the shard, and one imagines the 10,000 page self-congratulatory auto-biography was destroyed with everything else at the main palace.


Man. I fuckin' love this game.


Minor 'bug' but the doom king armor will turn to face simon if he approachs from the side. Which sometimes has it still facing the wrong way in certain cut scenes.


Visual bugs are still bugs! Should be easy to fix the armor in place, thanks.


I am not sure if this has been reported before, but in 54.1 for some reason in Chapter 5 i got True Stone again from the Stone Tower instead of 10 Strange Gold and 1 True Gold iirc. I think that's the name. Like i remember getting it earlier in one of the previous releases.


Had you already created Wendis's new body when this happened? If not, can you upload a save to examine?


OK, I'm seeing something weird in Nyst's battleground. Specifically, I'm getting a miniature version of the Doom King (matching what appears in the save menu when you load a save from this map). It's possible I've screwed something up using my "advanced mana conservation techniques" (that's the ticket!), but it happened even after I restarted from a save file that hadn't been involved in my "advanced mana conservation techniques".


You mean the player-avatar sprite? It's always been the small DK sprite on that map. If it was the full-size armour, then its chonkiness would prevent you from seeing what's on the tile directly to the north of your position. Think of it as the eagle's-eye RTS-style strategic view of the battlefield :-P


I apologize for a bug report on an old version (53.3), but in case it hasn't already been fixed.... during the mid-Erosian war investment phase at the warcamp, I chose to rebuild Kyangan. In the post-war open world investment phase, the builder orc came to my palace to solicit the same funding again.


Thanks for your attention to detail. Would you mind reporting this on the wiki, or perhaps on a newer post? Since this is a few updates ago, it would be helpful if others checked whether or not it's been fixed.