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This update is coming to you on an unusual day so that I can highlight something new I've been working on. Unless you closely follow my SFW stuff as Sarah Lin, you're probably not aware that I have a new serialization out. You can read it for free here:


If any of you have a RoyalRoad account, I'd be very grateful if you want to feed the algorithm. Ratings, reviews, follows, favorites... they all go into the system and give me a better chance of appearing on the top lists. I'm ascending by ranking and in the top 25 by trending - that gets me more attention, and if I can reach the top seven I'll get on the front page and all my numbers will explode.

With this series I'm trying to write something fast and fun, to balance some of my other heavy projects. I hope these will make decent breaks between other work, because I can write one of these books pretty fast with little followup required later. For now, though, I'm just posting the written chapters and crossing my fingers.

As for TLS, I'm on top of all bug reports, but I haven't pushed out a 0.54.1 yet. I want to give game decrypters time to look at the balance so that the next version is fairly solid overall. Doing a more relaxed two week release isn't something I'd want to do all the time, but it's definitely less stressful than trying to get out fixes ASAP. I also have more mental bandwidth for prepping on OEA, though I haven't really started focusing on that yet.




Today's Headlines: Local madwoman releases her Sunday weekly update on a Tuesday.


On a bug-related note, there seem to be two succubi from the Pan-succubus meeting in 0.54, who decided to meet up several years too early for the meeting. While I commend their enthusiasm, I don't think they are intended to stand around when Simon explores Esthera's palace in chapter 2. One has green hair, one is blonde and both are on the right side of the room, from a players perspective. They are in Esthera's throne room


Fixed, thanks! I'm relieved there haven't been too many errors like that.

Aris Katsaris

After I found the missing triplets the young blonde succubus-child appears in two locations in the same screen: https://imgur.com/a/2kdSHRS

Secular Reason

I'm always looking for more stuff to read, especially on my late night shifts at work so... YES!