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Release time!

Link: https://mega.nz/file/bwsiDLqY#9pZPxCKSw_ThqshZlXO8emnqOjNDvQI2crpcwf8YW5w 

RTP Version: https://mega.nz/file/Lh0EDbYR#qHioDnkX92rPz2pIv2YK7YKXQcU9p9HeL8fsSuZNEK4 

TLS 0.54.0

- New segment finishing the Gathering
- 2 new scenes
- Equipment from dead orcs is now given back to you prior to the orc event.
- More healing for parties in between segments.
- New character bust art thanks to Lamsey.
- 4 new illustrated scenes: Aka x Tentacles, Carina + Qum, Iris Doggy, Balia Table

I described this update last week, so I won't repeat myself. This is the culmination of several major threads, so I hope that people enjoy it. Beneath the surface to varying degrees, you'll also see the consequences of your work so far in the Gathering. Though I tried to find a reasonable balance, it almost certainly requires some reworking.

I described being exhausted in a $10 post recently, but I've actually been feeling great most of today. I have a lot of highs and it was fun finishing this update. But I predict that as that wears off, I'll be pretty tired. Though I hope to be as present as normal during the release period, I may need to step back at times. Also, maybe put the public update two weeks out even though this one isn't huge. We'll see.

The next weekly update will come out after the weekend so that it can coincide with a minor announcement. Look forward to another writing thing, but meanwhile, please enjoy the update!


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