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I hope to take a break soon, but I will be around if there are significant bugs. More changes happened at the last second than is ideal. Expect to hear from me Saturday or Sunday, because there's just... a lot of stuff going on.



For those of us who played 0.54.1, do we need to replay to pick up any fixes, or will we be good going forward?


There are additional relationship points, but they're unlikely to change much in an optimized save. I'd wait and see if a 0.54.3 is necessary.


At the risk of sounding like a stalker, you've been talking about work-related stress for a while now. I know I don't speak for everybody, but I'd much rather TLS not become another Crunch-Laden Tension Shard. If it turns out that, over the course of this weekend, you just relax, and no productivity is even discussed? I think your fan base is robust enough to deal with that curveball.


Trivial:: The using message for Ginasta's Burning Impulse is "Ginasta casts Fire!"


REALLY trivial. The top part of the Nyst's Battleground pillar that gets set to Fuzkao's colors when the LoB Loss flag is on doesn't change to Fuzkao's colors. (Might be intentional?)


Don't know about everybody but you speak for me. Even if Sierra needs to take a month or two off completely to just relax that's fine with me.


I apreciatte your effort. I'm sure we all do. Be well. Take a break if you so will it. This year has taken a toll on all of us, we all need a small break anyways.


Just finished a run with 0.54.2 and didn't find any new problems - feedback below is low priority, so please don't let it distract you from putting your feet up. SPOILER ALERT: do not read the rest of this comment if you haven't played yet. /late balance feedback: I don't think I can get to optimal outcomes across the board on my current save, but I can get pretty close with some help from the wiki. I had to miss out on the best OE slavery outcome and accept light CD at the end, and I'll need to go back and change my research order to get the best reward from the Anak's event. Overall, the balance seems about right to me - all of the things I'm missing are because of decisions and tradeoffs I've made in the past, and I'm sufficiently marginal on some of the checks that it'd be difficult to avoid worse outcomes without under-the-hood knowledge. My final scores, in case it helps for balancing: Gathering influence: 11 Gathering OE: 10 Gathering Philon: 13 (including aftermath bonus of +2) Gathering Rodak: 5 Vunne: 7 Orc strength/sapience/magic/attractiveness: 12/12/5/5 Balia score: 24 Orgy score: 7 Riala score: 13 Anak race: 12 (need to go back to start delving research, methinks) Iris event: 8 (New Givini is at 48... dammit) Succubus council: 17 Aftermath (CD calculation): 11 Investigations: all except Fuzkao and Tower mapping Unimportant nitpicks: I'm not sure why save access is disabled when changing equipment before each sequence of orc fights - that means there's a lot of exposition to skip past if you have to reload, and it would be a bit annoying to have to reshuffle equipment again if you had to restart in the middle of the elite sequence. The day 6 Iris event stays on the Gathering music for the first iteration (after transitioning from the DK chambers), but it stays on the Orgasmic Capital music on the second iteration (after meeting Xestris in Climax). I guess this can be easily fixed by using the auto-change BGM setting for the Crimson Hall map. After the white fadeout for Tanurak's "You think it will be that easy?" line and the accompanying explosions in the Alabaster Hall on day 7, the screen fades straight back in, but this makes it look like all the Kings disappear and the harem arrive instantaneously after the explosions. I think it would be better to add a momentary fade-to-black after Tanurak's line, with some suitable sound effect(s) before fading back in to signify all hell continuing to break loose. Something like this could work: https://www.dropbox.com/s/nxeebshcc7cfp2t/alabaster_hall_fadeout.png?dl=0 The music reverts from the event theme to the slow Gathering theme after transitioning from the Anak abandoning Xestris to the Empress fighting the Lustlord, which gives a bit of a low-key feel to the bits in between the climactic battles. Unfortunately, I think the only way to fix this is to remove the "auto-switch BGM" setting from the Gathering Complex map and start it manually on the post-transition events on that map except for the final one.


Dear Sanctity Plate, I have stood up for you against all your detractors again and again. I have argued that you were a decent piece of armor since you could be combined with a Maranite Cloak to allow Vhala to Defensive Rain on the enemies before they could have their first turn while still having her being immune to status effects. Then the Sublime Armor was revealed and combining it with any New Givini Pin proved able to achieve a very similar result. I have also argued that in my very specific Erosian War route you were technically better even if by a margin so thin and so disputable even I had a hard time really thinking it would ever be relevant (+3 Zirantia/+1 Erosia/-2 Ghenalon as opposed to the alternative). And since then you have been kind of slacking off while your destined rival the Orcsphere kept pulling its weight. Maybe you should consider doing something actually unique in the not so distant future outside your, always welcome but a bit bland, bonus to Vhala score or I fear I'll have to reconsider our relationship. Joke aside very good series of updates. I had missed September release so I played the whole Gathering at once today and it has been a blast. For some reason I particularly enjoyed the game of territory control in-between all the politicking. Played the last version and didn't encounter any bug. Did not look at the variables under the hood though.


Hope you get a nice rest))


To be honest, the feast having the upbeat music and the tense Gathering theme in the Gathering Complex finale events feel appropriate to me. Subjective I suppose. I think if you save from the general menu in the middle of a running event, you don't actually get sent to the menu when loading from that save, and instead carry on with subsequent event commands. So an explicit save prompt would be needed.


Glad you enjoyed the update! Not all special equipment will be equal, but I wanted Vhala to get at least something. Maybe it can get an upgrade at some point.

Aris Katsaris

I think I've found a major bug in version 54.2 (don't know if it's present in previous releases). In the solo orc tournament, I won all the fights except the last one (which I deliberately lost to check for different text, etc). The game froze up immediately upon my defeat. I tried again and it happened again. I can press ESC and save the game in that frozen state too, if for some reason you can't reproduce the problem and need the save file.


It looks like the last loss branch is missing the switch that activates the next scene. Should be an easy fix, but I'll wait a good while to put out a fix.

Aris Katsaris

A thing I noticed: Ginasta doesn't seem currently allowed to use the "Crusader Sword", but it seems to me she should (she's a sword-user and is neither a succubus like Nalili nor has an incubus shard like Simon). Moreover it'd be a good for the sword getting a use as well, since once Varia got her custom-made Reforged Givini Blades, the Crusader Sword became useless...


My idea for Ginasta is that she's capable of using anything there isn't a balance reason not to, so... yeah, probably no reason she can't use Anti-Sex equipment.

Aris Katsaris

One more bug I believe I've found: This is Ginasta's response to the Zirantian plan (the one where we remove only Zirantian slaves from the Empress's orgy): https://imgur.com/E4DRPIE And this is Ginasta's response to the plan where we remove all the slaves from the empress's orgy: https://imgur.com/oUSzlLR As you can see, both texts and facial expression seem to be the wrong way around: Ginasta is smiling and says we limited the Empress' cruelty "as much as possible" in the Zirantian plan, and she's more solemn and says "at least you did something" in the plan where we did as much as possible instead. I have *not* checked whether the RP gains are also reversed, but at the very least the texts/images clearly are meant to be the other way around.


Thankfully, it's just the conditional for that line of text that is wrong, and the mechanical values like RP seem correct.

Aris Katsaris

One last minor bug. (Apologies, I must be becoming tiresome.) The first line of Lilith dialogue here: https://imgur.com/BzQ9xUb is partially hidden. I'm guessing the word beginning with 'pol' is supposed to be 'politics'.


FYI, it's generally helpful to include the whole screenshot along with the text box. In these cases I know the exact map the lines take place on, but I won't always. Unfortunately, I don't know what's happening here. Several words of Lilith's dialogue are cut off in a way that just shouldn't happen with the text wrap script. Maybe something to do with changing the text size in prior boxes, but I don't know how to go about fixing this one.


Random question: are there any plans for the Order of Silence and Succubi Holy Knights to meet? Kalant even vouched for them.


Hmm... there are plans that involve them being in proximity, but I'll think about more potential interactions than I was planning.