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I'm updating a day early because I'm mad with power and no one can stop me! Also it works better for my schedule and I'd like people to take a look at that map up top. More on it at the end, but take it in.

I feel like I broke through this week, though I'm not confident enough to be certain I have momentum. It was a good week, almost entirely dedicated to TLS. Not a lot to say about it, but I don't want this update to be unbalanced...

Some of the scenes in this upcoming set will be pretty long, on par with the longest in the game (other than the shard-absorbing scene that includes everyone). The later one is a story-critical scene, so that's not surprising, but the earlier of the long ones just... got out of hand. It's an optional scene, it just has a lot of characters doing a lot of things.

People seem to have varying views about group scenes, but I think it has real strengths. There's an intimacy to just two or three characters coming together, yet there's also something appealing about a larger number. Anyway, this scene I'm circling around will be something I haven't done before and hopefully people will like it. Trin is in charge.

Anyway, I spent fairly little time on OEA this week, but I do have some things to show you. A lot of the changes I'm making feel like rearranging chairs to me. For example, I replaced 30ish base sound effects just so OEA won't sound like every other MV game. But is one "menu opening" sound better than another one? Not really.

However, I've commissioned some custom balloon icons, on the right compared to the RTP standard ones:

These may serve the same function as the defaults, but I feel they actually improve the game by giving it some unique flavor. Hopefully others agree, anyway.

I also found the time to put updates on Steam and my blog. These will be a little redundant for you if you've been following the Patreon updates, but feel free to take a look.

Finally, back to the first thing: my mapper finally had enough time for us to do a map. Those of you who played OEA will remember the original placeholder, or you can see part of it at the Steam link. This is the first redone map, so getting our aesthetic right is important, and for that reason I'd like everyone's thoughts!

Even a basic sense of what looks good or bad to you would be useful. Though we did bounce this one back and forth before I showed it, I don't consider this perfect, and in fact I have a couple issues with it. But instead of getting into them, I'd just like to get everyone's un-influenced reactions to the mapping style. So please look carefully and be honest.

Hopefully next week I'll be able to announce amazing progress, but... wish me luck.




This is against the rules! You can't do this. Now I feel like I have to go to work tomorrow!


So basically you mean to say next week. Either Saturday or Sunday when you want to give us an update you'll feel confident that TLS will be ready? Not that I expected it this week or from the 16th-23rd but sometime after that you might be ready? Keep up the good work


i was wondering after an update for tls can we continue from a previous save file or do we have to restart from the beggining


You mean from before the waiting room?


i really like the new map. specifically i couldn’t find a repeating unit for the tree arrangement which felt really good. considering it’s kind of the base forest that you deal with it feels warm and generally positive. as for nitpicks the grass tiles don’t seem to have variety if that’s intentional then it’s doing what it’s supposed to. the separation from brunhilde’s house and the rest of the forrest seemed jarring, it looks like sand and that would seem like a ton of effort to put into changing a piece of land and i don’t remember if there is lore on how the house got there. again i think it looks very good overall and these are just nitpicks.


I mean that next weekend I will give you an update, and I hope I can report above average progress.


Thank you for giving detailed feedback on the map! This is exactly the sort of thing I hope to see more of - perhaps the grass will be more varied in the final version.


What a gorgeous new map. Very moody. Very appropriate. Plus, the darker and richer colors should nicely complement the new reaction bubbles. I'm looking very forward to seeing what's done with the later areas.


Thanks for the feedback! I'm glad you like the look. We intend to alter color saturation and other details to try to give each Tale an appropriate feel.


"Trin is in charge" The four most dangerous words in the English language.


The amount of stress I had seeing this and thinking it was Sunday for a moment.... Though I guess my stress will be less then Simon's when he reads this and see's Trin will be in charge of something next update :) And just to chime in I like the big group stuff! Regardless of TLS and OEA progress I'm happy it sounds like you had a good week SL, and wish you another one for this week!


Aside from the fact that you have sand in the middle of a forest, it looks pretty damn good. Really like the way individual trees are done and the way they are clustered. From what I recall about OEA, this theme fits the mood of game's lore rather well. But... Why DO you have a sand island in the forest and why would anyone build anything on it? It would be much more fitting (IMHO of course) to have a dirt patch there. I guess its perfectly fine aesthetically, just not very logical :)


I like the emote booklloons, and nonstandard sound effects, and group scenes. I'm not sure "like" will be the right word for Trin's reign, but I look forward to watching the chaos from a safe distance.


I was interpreting it as light-colored dirt, but you're not the only person to mention it, so I'll definitely keep it in mind. Thanks for the feedback!


The book icons are rather neat looking.


It looks good. I do not like the transition between the sand terrain and the grass terrain, I would have made some small spots to make it more smooth. But otherwise it is ok.


Sorry for the delayed response here on the map. When I zoom in I see a tiny Ingrid there, and the dirt doesn't look nearly as bad from close-up, where there isn't as much dark green to contrast it with. The little stone path that curves with the dirt lends itself well to fairy tales with neat little cottages tucked away in the woods. Also, I like the cave tucked away in the bottom left corner. I missed it on first glance, so it definitely blends in, and is the kind of thing I would feel rewarded for spotting in gameplay.


I really need to play the next update. It's probably been close to a year since I actually played one. Kind of related: Are you planning on enabling the yearly subscription? You and one other person are the only ones I'd actually do it on, but I have no doubts in my head about supporting you so if it's there I'd like to do it.


Hope you enjoy it when you do! There's also another version incoming. I've been thinking I'd probably enable the yearly subscription at some point. I intended to bring it up in an update some time, but I'm really focused on work right now.