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Momentum! The state of flow is something I value highly, and though I'm not going to distract myself getting citations, I've read that it's one of the few states people value higher than happiness. I'm doing a ton of work on TLS and all is right with the world. ^-^

One thing: talking about the scenes last week might have been a tease I didn't intend, as it looks like those scenes will actually be in 0.54.0 instead. This happens sometimes when I'm not working in strict chronological order.

I don't like to make promises I can't keep, so here's a sober estimate: if I maintain sustainable levels of flow through the next five days, TLS 0.53.0 will come out next weekend. If not, it will be the weekend after that. I intend to roll directly into the next update as well, which may delay OEA a bit, but that's fine.

Not much progress on OEA, but check out the new maps:

The new Hoodton Forest uses darkened path tiles and a new technique for the grass. Unless a lot of people dislike the look, I think this will be the chosen aesthetic for the game. Meanwhile, the new Hoodton is still a WIP, but feel free to give feedback about the general direction.



So does that mean to say it could, if things go well be out around the 29th? And if it doesn't it'll be out around the 5th of September?

Runcible Technician

Fingers crossed for creation power, glad to hear you're on a roll. The tilesets for Once Ever After look good to me, at least what I can see from the results so far. The mapping looks good too.


It definitely gives off a more somber vibe than the previous one, which sounds like what you're going for as far as tone so I like it.


If you're giving sober estimates I demand a drunk estimate of 48 hours.


Yay momentum! Congrats SL And whether it's this week or next I'm looking forward to the next update! Though that being said just scrap this whole gathering nonsense, I don't think ANYONE was ever even asking for that kind of thing. Just make the next update a 4 hour power point seminar put together by Qum explaining the mammal concept of HUGS to Sabitha.


I know this might not the be the highest priority for you, but have you ever thought about other uses for these rather beautiful assets you are building for OEA? I mean they'll make the title look great, but it'll be a shame to simply use them once and be done with them. Dont know if there is a trade for these things, but surely someone will want this stuff and might be willing if not pay for it (although I dont really see why not), then trade for something you might want in return - maybe custom music or somesuch. Just a thought.


The main thing I'm going for is giving each Tale a distinct vibe. Hoodton is a relatively serious Tale and so it gets more saturated colors. But areas like Bangville or Ulfina's Tale will be really bright to contrast.


Haha, not a lot of Sabitha this time, but you can presume it's on Qum's agenda.


If the investment in the game pays off, I could reuse some of them in hypothetical sequels. Selling them might be an option, but I don't know how much it would actually earn, some of the assets I don't have resale rights, and I worry that distributing them would make the original game look like it was made with reused assets.


For some reason the new OEA map look like naruto leaf village. No idea why, despite total lack of eastern buildings.


So I picked up the Steam copy of Final Fantasy VI (not VII) owing to TLS withdrawal, partly because I never got through the SNES version back when I was a teen during the Dreyfus affair and the Spanish American War. Interesting to see how many Tropes it seems to have defined for the RPG Maker platform, and some of the ideas TLS has in common (mandatory party split). It's noteworthy how easily the game is broken by grinding, mining the Veldt for AP and Rages, and abusing the hell out of the +2 Magic Espers to turn the entire party into nasty magic spamming mob killers...


Now I want to know what the other states are that people hold in higher regard than happiness. Orgasm? Wealth? Florida?


! ! ! U P D A T E H Y P E ! ! ! U P D A T E H Y P E ! ! ! U P D A T E H Y P E ! ! ! BTW I really like the change to the dirt on the forest map. The upturned forest floor look really brings out the map's suitably arboreal color palette of natural greens and browns.


Slightly difficult to provide feedback on the Hoodton map since I don't know which bits are placeholders, incomplete, or known issues, but here are a few things that stand out to me: The cliffs and the stairs up them should not take up the same amount of vertical space - it makes the stairs look like vertical ladders. The bottoms of the portals don't align with the bottoms of the cliff-faces, making them look as if they're standing in front of the cliffs instead of being set into them. The height of the cliff-face behind the northernmost portal (near Ingrid) doesn't match the height of the same cliff to the east/west. The cave entrance to the east of the orange-roofed building would look better if the ground faded into the darkness instead of cutting off with a sharp line. "ITEM" is very on-the-nose for a shop sign (something like 'general store' or 'supplies' would be better) and the orange lettering on the BAR sign seems too modern to me. The wall of the upper level of the building in the north-east is missing its lower skirting. Slight shadows to the east are present on the fences and porches, but not the buildings, cliffs or trees - I assume this is because the shadows come with those tiles but need to be added to the others. The buildings are lacking windows and look quite tall compared to the trees and humans - are they all two or more storeys high? Some of the above also applies to the forest map, e.g. there's a shadow being cast by the south-eastern corner of Brunhilda's house, but not the north-eastern corner next to it, and the building looks very tall - the windows are above the level of the door frame, so you wouldn't be able to see out of them if they're on the ground floor, but they're not high enough up to be on an upper floor.


FFVI was a memorable one for me growing up, so it's not surprising that it would have an influence.


We used the same dirt, just darkened it. I agree, I think it makes for a better color palette.


Thanks for the detailed feedback! There shouldn't be placeholders, exactly, but some of the objects on the map are there for the mapper's reference (like the portals). >The cliffs and the stairs up them should not take up the same amount of vertical space - it makes the stairs look like vertical ladders. I'm not sure which tiles you'd like to change? That is, do you mean the top or bottom of the stairs should be ground? >"ITEM" is very on-the-nose for a shop sign (something like 'general store' or 'supplies' would be better) and the orange lettering on the BAR sign seems too modern to me. All of the signs were taken from a set some sprite artist created, and honestly, I chose them mostly for not being the RTP signs. Unfortunately, my tile creator is MIA and so I don't think we can really do minor tweaks. >Slight shadows to the east are present on the fences and porches, but not the buildings, cliffs or trees - I assume this is because the shadows come with those tiles but need to be added to the others. Correct.


Hello, Im glad you are on your momentum, I hope everything is fine, its me BleBle from the blog, creating some theories and this and that. I plegded the 3 tier i guess, so I hope to have the art.On the other hand I want to talk you something in private about the tier 4 and donations, about the script things, about what do you mean. When thats clear( in private) we can make a "deal" or not and I just give you the money, aniway i want to give you my thanks about your work, I am totally fan about your game TLS, make my mind work in some levels that makes me say: Thats a good game and I like to imagine what gonna happen or what is on your mind, is not some superficial game. Cheers! By the way: I like the wiki, and want to help in editing, writing or even adding some details of your game, If I am honest, sometimes I play from the beggining to "end" everytime you make an update of the game, so Im pretty confident of the content, but I dont want to pass over your mods, I prefer to contact them and explain what gonna add, what not, giving them the "work".


Oh well I missed the total point: Can we talk in private message? Thanks!


The new dirt in the forest map has kind of a weird look, alternately grainy in some parts and blurry in others. It's forgivable but not ideal. The fence railings in Hoodton seem misaligned. The horizontal ones seem to get right up on the edge of the cliffs, while the vertical ones are quite far back from the edge. Based on the sign symbols, I would struggle to guess the purpose of some of those Hoodton buildings.


Thanks for the feedback! I'm not sure about the blurry parts of the forest, so I'll ask. Fence railings objection is a good point, now that I think about it. As for the signs, at one point some of them were placeholders to make the remap clear, but I don't know what will change and if we really have many sign options.