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This was one of those weeks where things just didn't line up right. On the days when I had the most inspiration, everybody else was productive and sending emails. When I was low on energy, the days would be empty of tasks that don't require it. So I still accomplished some stuff, but it wasn't a satisfying week and it wasn't the major step forward I wanted.

This often makes me feel a bit tired and drained, but the solution isn't necessarily to take a break, because I sometimes find myself experiencing a degree of anhedonia. I've experienced this before, as a symptom of depression, but my life satisfaction is actually very high right now. There's no fatigue, either, and keeping up exercise and other good habits isn't a struggle at all.

So, perversely, it's when I'm highly productive that I feel most like taking a break and just doing something relaxing for a bit, then when I'm less productive the idea doesn't appeal. This isn't so extreme that it's a major problem, but it's something I hope I figure out how to work with eventually.

While I can push through this, and do at times, it makes the core creative work a bit harder. TLS 0.53.0 is still my primary focus, and the Gathering will include some major events that I've been working toward for years. I want to do them right, when I'm at my best. So instead of taking a huge bite out of the remaining work, I find myself nibbling around the edges.

Anyway! Stuff still did happen, and $10 backers got another art post with some lovely new scenes. I made a tiny bit of progress on OEA and started a couple new asset commissions, plus got a book cover, but overall those things didn't take that much time. I was hoping to create an OEA update post for my blog and Steam, but that's being put off for now.



Heh you know what you are saying reminds me of a situation with my family's former Maltese poodle. She was real cute, friendly and loved to play. But she could easily be set off with barking just by seeing people going for a walk outside our house. She always barked so much, I came to the conclusion that she could only ever be happy when being able to bark. And it seems as though you are happy when not working but others aren't. I admit I could be wrong but I thought it was an interesting comparison.


I hate when I've got a good flow going and everything else conspires against me. I've got it. The solution is obvious. The Doom King's Gathering event should be Ogre Sumo Wrestling. What were we talking about again?


Not sure about sumo wrestling but I'm certain there will be some orc fighting especially the story hinting with the impaler.


As long as ogres do NOT wear traditional sumo wrestling "uniform", it should be fine. Otherwise little old me will not survive the mental picture of fantastical, huge, fat, ugly as mortal sin bastards in g-strings rolling on the floor and grabbing at each other's bacon. Screw that.... Lets talk about pancakes and strawberries.


For the record, any time I send you a message at a time when it would interrupt your flow to read or respond, please feel free to ignore it for as long as you want, up to and including indefinitely. Distracting you while you're in the zone is the last thing I'd want to do, and I'd hope that many others here would feel the same way.


sooo i dont know if this is a big deal or not but (spoiler alert for anyone) but following eustrins independence the map still shows it being part of aram. Dont know if its just an oversight or what not but im a huge lore nut and i also love maps and when they dont portray stuff accurately i go crazy lol


Something I seriously want to see soon for a new art scene. The all girl orgy with hilstara after the battle for yhilin was won.


I can update the maps if Sierra would like this change made, but I'm not sure how it works since Eustrin is largely an underground territory. I don't know how much of the actual surface terrain belongs to Eustrin, if any.


Apropos of nothing, this recent (NSFW) edition of the web comic Oglaf may be relevant to your interests. (Or Yarra's.) https://www.oglaf.com/golf/


It's not on the immediate list, but I look forward to getting to some of Hilstara's scenes!


Ok, here is a very important educational video material that every eager beaver super-fan should review DALIY until the material is fully understood. No need to thank me, use it in good health and prosperity. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=basofea2UEs


Hey, just caught up to current content after having missed the last 4 or 5 updates and replaying from before Gawnfall. Phew. Is Renna supposed to be recruitable by the first open world segment in chapter 5, or is that just the point where she would leave if we copied Reletima, and her recruitment comes at a later point? Because I can't seem to get her now, even though the wiki walkthrough somewhat ambiguously suggests I should be able to. EDIT: Also, great content in the recent updates as always, Sierra! Looking forward to the next section, take your time though, no need to rush things! :)


Glad you enjoyed the recent updates! The only two requirements for Renna are being in Chapter 5 and having gone through one of the intimate conversations between her and Iris earlier. I'm not sure if she's missable, but it's possible.