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Hey, everyone! I'm glad to announce that the first big art release is now public, and you can download it here:


No images in this public post to comply with guidelines, but you should be able to see art previews and other fun things on the Steam page:


Having said that, I don't have a lot more to add. This has been a long time coming and I hope everyone enjoys it. ^-^ I also hope that everything goes smoothly and I can have my first actual weekend in a long time...

But first comes promotion. I'll be posting new threads on Reddit and other places:



Greentext Guy

I made a review! https://gtgdoes.com/2020/04/16/greentext-does-the-last-sovereign/ I also made this horrible monstrosity. https://i.imgur.com/nqcHqiO.png


I appreciate your support! And the meme will go straight into the image pack's meme folder.


Great to see the art update go public! A minor bug report, I ran through all scenes with CG (those available to my save at least) using reflect skill and found out the Steinfield Orgy scene and Yarra + Trin scene's CG would not disappear after the scene finishes, forcing me to run another 'normal' scene to resume control. I suppose there is one line about clearing CG missing in those two scenes, or maybe it's because those scenes involve multiple CGs which didn't all get properly cleared.


Dangit. This is my fault, but I really didn't want to lose half my evening to this... -_- But thanks for the report!


Good luck with the promotion!


I'm doing a replay of the game after a long while and I noticed that Galvia doesn't describe the ores in Eustrin B6 anymore. Surely this isn't intentional? EDIT: I was wrong, it was just an oddly clear false memory >.<


As far as I can tell, she still does. But she has to be tagging along with your group first, which only happens after you meet her in the booze shop and have the Hilstara x Galvia scene, and only during the Chapter 3 visit.


Sorry for asking so many questions, but have you stated if you'll be commissioning a CG for the lock-in conversations? Maybe after you've done most of the sex scenes. But I think there will definitely be a more heartwarming feel to the game by seeing those scenes. Like, since I'm doing a new playthrough, I got to Qum's scene and seeing her babble incoherent nothings to Simon while he holds her and smiles would totally be sweet.....yup.....and then you can glitz the whole game up. Like add CGs for important/sad scenes. Like when Hilstara thinks you'll have to kill her or something to stop her from hurting you because she got got'ted.


The number of scenes will already be really high, but that doesn't mean we won't add more when we feel it's appropriate. There are a few SFW scenes already planned. While having an illustration for every locking scene might be overboard, that wouldn't exclude scenes that would particularly benefit from having one. ^-^


So the sex scenes are like one CG? Not even a cumming CG?


It varies per scene. Some do have coming CGs, some have multiple, a few have separate base images. It depends on how varied the scene is.