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It's so freaking cold. My furnace went out, but when the repairman came, he needed to leave to get a part. Then it was fixed for a day, but failed over night, so he had to come back, then get another part. They don't work on the weekend, so... my poor icicle fingers. T-T The upside is that my insulation is apparently better than I thought.

Anyway, this isn't an announcement of major delays or anything, I'm just griping to stay warm. This sort of thing is a distraction, and the cold slows me down a bit, but progress continues! I've now hammered through a whole lot of the dialogue updates, plus various other pieces of new content to keep myself interested. There should be more scenes than average.

Hopefully my next update will be from a warm house with a lot of progress having been made.



My inner Yarra compels me to remind you that goddess fucking is a warm activity. Down, inner Yarra, down! Seriously though, hope you manage to stay warm.


I strongly recommend getting gloves and a heated blanket, just in case this happens again.


Hope you warm again soon!


I've found that being very large and disgustingly morbidly obese is a good way to save on heating bills. The main problem is that one-legged New Englander with a harpoon and a crazy look in his eye at the local YMCA. (My weight problem is not in any way correlated with my porn game addiction. That is slander!)


dogs. and blankets. Also if you tack blankets in open doorways (if you have any) it will help your insulation a bit more. But still, here is hoping your furnace woes will soon be a thing of the past.


Never fear! I bike in the winter for exercise, so I'm pretty well set for winter gear.


Whoops, it's too late to gain weight to save on heating this winter. I've made terrible life choices.


Cheap handwarmers at Walmart come through in a pinch. If your water heater is still good then a nice soak in a warm bath :) Then there is the food lovers choice of using this as an excuse to bake lots of cookies and other delectable treats XD Hopefully they are able to fix your furnace soon... Bundle up and try to keep warm


What kind of service company are you using that doesn't work on weekends, especially on something they failed to fix? They should give you a massive discount on your bill, and if they don't, they should be replaced as well.


You could always use a small heater, though they drive up the electric bill, smell unpleasant, need so much power they sometimes blow my circuit out, and only work for one room... I'm lucky I live in California.


I like the tower heater, except it doesn't warm my feet at all. Still, it's easier on the circuits then the small space heater for my feet. And, no I cannot run them both at the same time.


Maybe I just live in a colder climate or work with better companies, but from my experience, it's UNHEARD of that they would say, "well, you'll have to be without heat for the weekend, because I'm off until Monday." No one would put up with that around here.


I was under the impression there was emergency people to address those kinds of issues so you aren't without heat :o


It's the downside of being in a low cost-of-living area. They do have weekend staff, but they make you pay through the nose for it.


There are definitely emergency people, but since I'm not in imminent danger, I'd have to pay a lot of special fees.


If you are truly freezing I'd think it's worth paying it. Even if it's not worth that don't you have somewhere else you could go to until they fix your furnace and it stays fixed?


Gotta make sure furnace breakages happen on Mondays in the future.


In theory, but I want to keep working. =/ This is the disadvantage of moving off laptops.


I should have expected this would get a response, but in my defense... I was cold. Anyway, I'm just updating for anyone checking back to say that my house is again warm. It got fixed really quickly on Monday and they said all would be well now. If they'd had the parts they needed on hand, it could all have been done in one day last week.