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Generally fewer people are on at this hour, but my furnace is busted and it's freezing cold and so my schedule is off anyway. Might as well post for all the people in different time zones.

I considered naming this one "Prostitute Edition" but you never know when Patreon will change its mind. The reason there haven't been any art posts in a little while is because I was saving up all the NPC scenes for one big post.

In my ongoing quest to make the game's large number of CGs diverse, this set includes some variety in framing and concept. If the game had only 12 scenes, I wouldn't do something like the Aka one, but I think it's some nice added variety. I also like the second one with the succubus prostitute, where the scene is entirely implication. This set is overall more POV to contrast with the party member scenes.

We're getting closer to finishing the first chapter. A few more plot scenes, four affection scenes, and the joke scenes.



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