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Everybody who didn't see the previous update: I'm fine! My furnace got fixed almost immediately on Monday, so I had a warm week. More importantly, I had an enjoyably productive week.

Building momentum on these broad updates can be difficult. I could write a huge amount of new NPC dialogue in an eight hour workday, but I've never actually done a day of nothing but that, because so many unrelated lines just wear me down. Usually I end up taking a break, or at best working on something different (some of you may be pleased to know that I've written a bunch of new sex scenes for this upcoming update).

Another aspect of the open world updates is that sometimes after a good day of work my list has actually lengthened. This is because items like "Update Ardford" get replaced with several specific items for more elaborate interactions or quests. Crafting an update where everything is new, events respond to player choices, and there are events around the world involves juggling a huge number of variables.

I felt pretty good about what I managed this week, though. There were a few bumps, but I mostly rolled over them and kept up progress. Some areas are basically done, but there's still much more to do.

Meanwhile, we have something fun: another player has written fanfiction! You can find the scenes from here:


These are some nice vignettes featuring Robin and Riala. Feel free to check them out!



Good to hear the Sierra no longer feels like the tundra, and interesting to hear a bit about your process.


Zamboni those bumps!


Yes I know what mean Sierra, you can write so much that it feels like you need to stop for a bit. And it's nice to know you're warm again.


I'm curious to see developments in Zirantia. Hopefully they're ready for some outside investment; even if it's not particularly profitable, no one should live in slums on Simon's continent!


Prophetic words I think "Simon's continent" Supporting the New Unionist Party, I suspect we will soon control Zirantia in all but name. And with new developments with tyna I believe we will soon have peace with ardoheim and stineford. So Arclent may be "Simon's continent" before the chapter is over.


Is it too early to ask for an estimation on the release date of this particular update, since it's one of the larger ones? Do you expect a february or march release, Sierra? And if you can't say yet, don't worry Sierra, i'm just anxious to get a look on the lay of the land for chapter 5. :)


I can't confidently give a date when the content is so sprawling instead of linear, but if the release isn't out in February something has gone wrong.