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I think 2020 has gotten off to a good start, but unfortunately I've had to spend some time lately on promotional junk. Hopefully that's almost over and I can focus on creative work. In theory I should be able to devote over a solid month to that work before there will be a wave of releases.

Meanwhile, we hit an arbitrary milestone: 1000 patrons! It will drop below a thousand at the end of the month, and if current trends will continue, it will waver around and hit that number more than once. Still, it's nice to have so many of you supporting my work. ^-^

Speaking of fan enthusiasm, someone created a little bit of TLS fanfiction they wanted me to link:


Anyway, that's all for this week. Hopefully the next will be a quiet and productive one.



I have an idea for an investment opportunity. Hire a succubus to put an illusion on a statue so that Antarion thinks it's a beautiful woman who's really into him. Have her set up shop near the Merchant's Guild so everyone in Ardford gets to see him flirting with said statue. The succubus could sell tickets! And yes, this started with that fanfic.


How about investing in a parade of succubi, humans and orcs dancing through the streets of Ardford, only to stop in front of the Blademaster's Guild, and revealing a giant banner spelling "Antarion sucks flaccid cock" The cost would be high, but it would certainly provide some social score

Secular Reason

Hey Sierra, just got back from vacation so I'm still catching up on the game, and I'm not sure if this has already been reported, but in Stineford on the newer content? It is entirely possible to do all the quests (except Sarai's) and thus go to her and choose "Final Preperations" or whatever the option is, leading to the whole scene with Annah and the Chosen... but without doing that quest, neither Sarai nor Annah are available to talk to in the Cathedral Courtyard. This leaves any player who saves there stuck - a 100% gamebreaking bug, because you cannot progress without talking to them. You're going to need to add a trigger to that option even showing up, where that quest is completed. Because the option is there both if the quest is not complete, and also if you never even took it to begin with.


No, this hasn't been reported! I think the fact that Sarai's presence is dependent on her quest is an oversight from the previous concept of that scene, which has just been corrected. Thanks!

Runcible Technician

I don't know if it was intentional, but I was in the Blue Rose during the Steinford section in Chapter 5, when I rested after the cave, I didn't get the normal fun sprite animation, I got a bald sprite standing still over Simon. I don't know if it was a placeholder or just a glitch.


This is a known bug, but one that I can't solve. All the animations seem to work individually and I don't have a theory about what interaction causes one of them to break when with the others.