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Okay, this may be a little quick (didn't expect it to be relevant this fast) but I wanted to at least get something here. If people want to get into it, this can be just the start of a conversation. You probably know there's quite a community of adult game creators building. I'd like to keep being a part of it, but that will mean doing a wide variety of things I haven't done so far. For a start, it's going to involve cross-promotion. You might see some pretty soon. I have really mixed feelings about this. In theory I would like to be able to only occasionally endorse projects that I honestly feel might be of interest to you guys. But there's only so much time in the day and I'm not the type of person to say that just because something isn't my particular cup of tea means it isn't worth drinking. On the other hand, I don't want to come across as either endorsing every project under the sun OR insincerely pretending to like things I don't. Right now, I'm accepting this as a reality of working in a big and quickly-moving field. Still kind of ambivalent about it, hence this post. =/ I'm also very seriously looking into collaborations, both to improve The Last Sovereign and to potentially open doors in the future. While I'll certainly be job-hunting, I also want to take advantage of this period where I know exactly how hard I can push myself. My situation could be better or worse in the future and I'd rather go into it with a backlog of work. Will probably post more about these as they develop, but rest assured my primary goal will remain to get TLS out as schedule. Well, my primary objective is not to end up homeless, but you know what I mean.


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