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Alright, everybody, unless you are reading this the same minute it's posted, you should already have a link to version 0.9.0 in your Patreon inbox. Download and enjoy. ^-^

(NOTE: The message is sent automatically based on May's pledges. Haven't done this before, so there might be a few bugs. If you should have gotten the link and didn't, let me know.)

Version 0.9.0

- New section of the game.

- 5 new plot sex scenes.

- 20 new affection sex scenes.

The big thing you probably noticed there is that I managed to finish everybody's affection scenes! It was a bunch of work, but this way no one's favorite character will be under construction. You could edit affection to get them all (honestly, if I was playing I might >.>) but I intend to balance sex content on the assumption that you're slowly earning them over the course of the game.

One word about balance this section: my goals this time were a little unusual. I wanted to give the feeling that the party was stronger, but still give a sense for their limitations. What ultimately matters is that this section is fun to play, so let me know what you think.

Update on the job front: when I lose my job in August, I should be able to transition smoothly into part time work that will tide me over until I can apply for the 2016 semester. Other than the unavoidable time spent moving, I anticipate there won't be much delay in the game. This job is a very good option for me, so once I get housing settled I'll be feeling comfortable again. ^^

Anyway, I think that's all about the game. Hope you guys enjoy the chance to revisit old areas, but with an update this broad there are sure to be some bugs.



What has Patreon done to my formatting? It won't show up in the editor, either. T-T Well, going to ignore that for now and get the message sent.


Hmm. They've made some very nice changes recently, but the editor isn't one of them. Everything is readable now, at least. And everyone should have the message. Always worried I've screwed something up, but I've done everything I can. >.<


Question, what's the difference between RTP version and Light version? Also, squeeee at an update. I just happened to run out of RPG-maker games today.


The content is the same, but the Light version has a smaller file size and only works if you've downloaded RPG Maker's base program. If you play a lot of RPG Maker games, you probably have.


I have been playing a lot of it lately, and Roundscape may or may not have pushed me to downloading cheat engine. I admit nothing! Got a bit old though when I couldn't get certain character scenes because not enough other content was in to trigger them.


One bug I found was the spot where Stark's head used to be allows Simon to climb the wall and walk around the edges.


I didn't get the message with the new update. Could I get it sent to me?


Thanks to people being dicks about this, the updates only go out to people who pledged the previous month. I see you just made your account, however, so I'll send you this one. ^-^


PLEASE NOTE We have two issues coming up: 1) Patreon is eating a lot of comments as spam, including some of mine. Not sure what can be done about this. I should get a notification for all comments, so I WILL see what you write. 2) Re: some of those comments - please check the patron tiers. Early access links are sent to the $5 and up tiers.


If one set's up a $5 pledge after this post can they still get the early version?


Looks like not. Until recently, I was manually messaging the link people who made later pledges because I really appreciate you making an account to support the game. But this morning I had someone make a new account, ask me for the link, then drop their pledge. So they've ruined that for everyone too. -_- Sorry to start on such a negative note - again, thanks so much for supporting the game! If you really, really want to play this version, I'll message you.

Secular Reason

Destroyed this today. I like how it's coming to the point where we as players are starting to make choices, and the way you did it makes sense. Simon's personality was deeply ingrained, but having all these different people around, challenging his worldview day in and out now opens him up to possible change, which are the player's "choices". Well done. Small choices first, which lead to larger personality changes and larger decisions later. Both the timing and the execution is excellent.


Planned a little of this, but I don't want to misrepresent the project. The game will never move in a 100% open direction. Hope you enjoy it.


didnt get a link


Looks like you pledged after the most recent month was charged. See the earlier post for the problems I've been having with people making fake pledges. Keep everything as it is and you'll definitely get next month's early version. If you really want to play this one, you could send me your pledge via PayPal - a few people have opted to do that. If so, I'd get you the links right away. Sorry for the inconvenience, but it looks like this is the system we're stuck with now. :/


can I please get one


This was an excellent update. I hope the next chunk of update can keep this pacing going with story.


Can I ask where the end of content is for this release?