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Sorry this update is late, guys. Rough weekend, upcoming rough week, but I want to keep up the pace. For starters, here's 0.8.1: https://mega.co.nz/#!q8lEVCAB!PE3nOOWrSOgg-gUvBvQOrS4UkqObV2zc29pMTPCLlTA $1 patrons or anyone waiting, have at it. While there are a ton of minor changes from 0.8.0, there's no reason to replay if you already have. Just bugs, typos, and things that might have stuck out as off. Two things to watch, for anyone playing: - Multiple people have reported that one of the quest pages in the Stineford tavern causes a freeze. I cannot duplicate this or figure out why it might. - There are problems with Simon's walking animation being turned off around the Stineford area map screen. I think I got them all, but pay close attention. That aside, have a look at some WIP art: http://i1383.photobucket.com/albums/ah284/sierraleeauthor/AkaWIP1_zpswmfphjrg.png I want everyone to always feel welcome to offer comments and opinions, but in this case I'm not necessarily soliciting them, just keeping you guys in the loop. I'll be requesting changes, but generally speaking I expect to be happy with the final product. Maybe by the public release there will be some inked art to show off. Not sure when fully colored art would be finished or included in the game, so no promises other than that I'm working with artists. Will post about this later. One last item of business: this will be the last Patreon update released like this. Future versions of the game will be messaged to everyone who pledged the previous month. I wanted to be low key about this, but I'm getting way too many people joining/dropping repeatedly to get releases and it's just toying with my emotions. T-T I am dealing with some real life shit right now. I will mention it here if it becomes relevant. No TLS delays are projected.



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sorry to hear that you're having problems. I hope they are solved soon.I also think that as a creator, you have the right and power to protect your creation for emotion toying people among other things. Good Luck and God speed


Well, that's a pretty douche move. I mean, you release the game for free, and there's, usually, only a week difference between the patron release and the public release. Are people really so greedy and impatient that they'll join and then immediately leave? In that case, you have my sympathy for putting up with that. One thing I noticed that you might want to get before the public release. When you reach the end and talk to the cloaked figure, it still says that it's the end of version 0.8.0. Still, that's so minor, it probably wouldn't hurt anyone if you left it. Anyway, I hope this week goes smoother than you anticipate. As for your real life issues, we all have them, and while I cannot speak for everyone, I feel the majority of us, at least, understand; do what you need to do, and good luck.


I'm not a big patreon supporter by any means, but my support will stay unless you stop doing what I like. (like finishing the game and not starting another) Wish you all the best, and from me at least I really like what you're doing here. Keep it up :)


Would you like feedback on the art, or is it mostly there for appreciation? :D


Sketch looks nice. People joining insincerely is a pretty common problem on Patreon. Hopefully Patreon addresses this one day, as "I want the new content and don't want to wait" is a definite reason to back. Very understandable that you'd want the peace of mind that comes with having a bead on your finances and patron loyalty. I wish you well with your real-life problems, regardless of whether they affect us.


I sent Patreon a message about it and they said this is on their radar for 2015, but no promises. For whatever that is worth. In any case, switching distribution methods should be enough to ensure the backers here are people who chose to support the project.