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Alright, mid-week update to decide some things. I'm not sure if I should release 0.8.1 this weekend or the next - there's a trade-off between more time to polish and more delay overall. Key question: do we have anyone intentionally waiting to play 0.8.1? If so, I'd put it out early - maybe for all patrons as a bonus for all the faithful $1 supporters. Other than more bugs, the only thing I'm waiting on is the custom text guy. But he only seems to work weekends, so I expect to hear nothing until he gives me a fixed version on Saturday. In other news, I have a new promotional image. I have a deal with an artist I like, and she gave me an image I can use that will accurately represent future game content (though I plan to replace it with a custom image ASAP). Here it is, let me know if my text is too crappy or the character is too recognizable: http://i1383.photobucket.com/albums/ah284/sierraleeauthor/blaze_it_by_wolphie35-d6jizdi_zpsxr7vhuri.png THE PITCH: [Title screen, for non-Patreon locations.] The Last Sovereign is an adult fantasy RPG that plunges you into the saga of a world torn between forces of lust and purity. As you enter the complex conflict, you forge a new path that will change the course of history! ...maybe. The thing is, acting like most heroes gets you killed, and most evil overlords' plans make no sense. The Last Sovereign is a game that twists your expectations for adult games, while fully embracing a reconstruction of some familiar old tropes to provide a lot of fun, sexy content. [http://i1383.photobucket.com/albums/ah284/sierraleeauthor/blaze_it_by_wolphie35-d6jizdi_zpsxr7vhuri.png] By telling a story that has sex as an integral component, The Last Sovereign offers a deep storyline that naturally includes sex scenes. No need to grind for hours or lose to every enemy to find the content. Not only will you adventure in a world where sex is a weapon, you'll build a harem of fully-realized characters with their own reasons for being with you... in and out of the bedroom. [http://i1383.photobucket.com/albums/ah284/sierraleeauthor/Group%20Shot%20Content_zpsw3ltizzy.png] The game has been updated with a new chapter every month without fail, each update adding more sex scenes and advancing the intricate plot. You'll not only battle monsters and explore dungeons, you'll negotiate with kings, survive steamy encounters with succubi, investigate mysteries, dominate the world economically, and claim a glorious destiny! (I'm not sure if I should put in something about giving weekly updates. It breaks the flow of the last part, but there's so much distrust toward Patreon I have an inclination to try to include a show of good faith.)





The character is too recognizable, I think. Even if people don't know which character it is, Homestuck fans are sufficiently... evangelical, shall we say, that too many people will know what it's from. Honestly I would advise against using any other IP's character, as some fan might see it. Pretty good art though. I favor the later release date with somewhat earlier release for patrons. This release changed a lot and could use the extra bughunt time - you should see my notes (and in fact you will). I think unless you're specifically making a pitch for support on Patreon rather than just checking out the game, monthly updates of the game itself is enough. Don't get me wrong - as a patron I appreciate the status updates - but non-patrons are significantly less likely to care about things that aren't the game itself. More thoughts on the pitch later, promise.


(I apologize if this appears twice. Many of my posts seem to be disappearing, but if I do them again, they reappear. If I don't, they don't seem to show up even after waiting. When I try to delete the duplicate, it vanishes for a while then comes back.) What is the problem with the custom text? You may have mentioned it elsewhere, but my memory is becoming more selective the older I get. Anyway, if you need to make a quick correction, the font used for the title screen and the chapter cards is the Neverwinter font. I don't recognize the character, but I live in a hole. Still, if Decanter says the character is too recognizable, I'll take his word for it. I second that the art is pretty good, though. As for the text, the font is pretty generic. It neither accentuates nor detracts from the promo. It's pretty boring. You might want to select a better display font, but I'm not a graphic designer. I'm not the best person to offer advice on your pitch, since I've become disillusioned with marketing and bitter about the way marketers think. Still, I'll offer a couple of comments. I'd define what you're doing as more of a "deconstruction" than a "reconstruction" of the genre. As for any possible Patreon distrust, you might want to slip in that the game is free for everyone, for example, "The game has been updated with a new chapter, free to everyone, every month without fail...." I wouldn't promise weekly updates, since life happens, but you might add a sentence at the end. Something like, "Follow us on Twitter." You might say: ...and claim a glorious destiny! If you enjoy the game and want support its development, receive regular updates, and see sneak peeks of future versions, support me on Patreon. [link] I'm sorry I can't be more helpful. Hopefully, someone with a greater appreciation of marketing will come along to offer some advice.


I agree with Decanter. I've never even read Homestuck and I was able to recognize it straight away. People can get very protective of their IPs on the internet, and it would be best not to risk stirring the hornet's nest right as you make your big pitch. As for the pitch itself, I like it. One of the things that first got my attention was how it faked you out with the typical h-game protagonist and followed up with Simon already planning several steps ahead of the proverbial devil on his shoulder. And for what it's worth, I'd like to play 8.1 this weekend. I wasn't able to get around to 8.0 last weekend and when I saw the bug reports, I figured I'd wait until 8.1.


Ok, I agree right off the bat the the first 2 pictures were very easy to tell were based on HS, haven't read it for years but yeah, I can tell. Artwork itself is decent but I'd be wary of using that image as the others have said, The promotion itself seems fine to me and would make me curious to play if I wasn't already hooked. as for how to include giving weekly progress updates, fairly simple to insert it in there, "The game has been updated with a new chapter every month without fail, each update adding more sex scenes and advancing the intricate plot. Weekly updates will keep you "abreast" of the situation and give opportunities for feedback, questions, and general information to be shared and discussed. You'll not only battle..." As you can see I think it flows pretty well, but it's up to you.


Thanks for letting me know about the SPAM filter. If I write a comment that doesn't show up, I'll refrain from reposting it, unless it is for other patrons and not exclusively for you. Also, I thought of a couple of other places you may want to post information about your game. You can post at the Sharks Lagoon forums (<a href="http://the-new-lagoon.com/)" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://the-new-lagoon.com/)</a> and the AIF Archive Yahoo Group (<a href="https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/aifarchive/info)" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/aifarchive/info)</a> The former usually has flash and html games while the latter usually has ADRIFT/TADS/INFORM games, but I think there may be an interest in a high-quality RPG Maker such as yours. Also, another potential bug occurred to me, which I decided to report. When you go to Reval's compound with Megail, when Yarra's group is first ambushed, it only contains Yarra and Robin. After the first battle, though, you can change formation to add Aka to the group. I'm not sure if this is how you wanted this encounter to work. Perhaps you only wanted a group of two, like with Hilstara and Qum. Perhaps you wanted Aka to be part of the group during the initial attack. Perhaps it is working exactly as you wanted. I don't know, so I thought I'd mention it.


I'll add your recommendations to the list. ^^ The ambush actually has to do with who was in the active party when you started the scene - if someone was out, they don't automatically join. I think I can force everyone back into the party, but I'll have to work on that sometime when I'm less tired. FYI, everybody: planning to release 0.8.1 after I get a little fixed art and another bug report or two. Hopefully this weekend.


MM i would say Giving WEekly updates would be an incentive But at the same time it wouldn't give you time to polish off or iron out any possible bugs i would recommend from a logical standpoint of Promising a bi fortnightly Release updates ie a release every second week ie 1 week finding possible bugs second week polishing off the update before releaseing it


Well this is exciting.