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I've had one of those weeks that was adequate when I had hoped for more than adequate. Made some solid improvements to the new TLS release (check out 0.39.3 on the blog, just uploaded), but wasn't able to work ahead on 0.40.0. Released the new novel to $10 patrons, but didn't get as much other writing done as I'd hoped. Took a bit of time to relax, but still kind of worn out. That's okay; solid progress can be made out of weeks like this.

Another thing I did was set the Steam page for TLS to public:

I am honestly split about whether or not I should put it public this month. The Early Access launch is one of my windows of visibility, but there's also an argument that the visibility is less important than the additional exposure time if I didn't wait until January. Unsure on this, but either way I might as well put the page public, as it needs to be listed for a while before a release is allowed.

It means a lot to me that so many people care about the type of game I want to create. Thank you all for your support.



Playing coy with that tame Yarra quote eh? I would have gone with a screenshot of her saying she has evolved beyond the need for visual aids from after Robin got exposed.


I'm completely open to changing any aspect of the Steam page that could use improvement (though at the moment I'm not particularly likely to go hunting for any more screenshots myself). In choosing screenshots, I aimed to represent varying aspects of the game, but also to show maps that are not standard RPG Maker.* There were solid lines that I disqualified because the map itself is unremarkable, and many people will see that without reading the text. Also, as a general guideline for anyone who wants to suggest screenshots, recall that potential players will have no idea who any of the characters are. Any line that requires context won't work for them. *The Gathering screenshot is weakest in this regard, but I chose it to show the variety of sprites.


I can sympathize with the indecision on the appropriateness of timing in trying to publicize your work, since I'm going through something vaguely analogous that's fretting on my nerves. Changing the subject completely in every way, does the release of the Steam page indicate that there is now a planned timeline in place for the completion of TLS?


No mention of all the INVESTMENTS in the game, what a disappointing game summary, though discovering them by yourself is half the fun of playing it the first time. I'm not quite sure what exposure you're hoping you'll get by waiting till January, since the game doesn't have a price tag it can't come up on top selling, and the new and trending thing doesn't seem that informative, but it's been ages since I used only steam to find a product I want to buy. I think part of the problem will be showcasing the game for people who don't know it as something other then just another RPG-maker asset flip game, which sadly is something the store is flooded with. It's sadly also true that the early access tag likely won't help garner views.


Not a video game expert, but with Black ops 4, Red Dead 2, and the undertale squeal. You'd face a stiff competition. Not that you'd be a direct competition but I feel like most people are playing there pre-orders now and not looking for new games. Anyway sorry if had a lukewarm week, hope things improve over the holiday season!


It does not, any more than a general timeline was already in place. Anyway, good luck with your own issues!


That's a fair point. I rewrote the description to try to emphasize some of the other elements the game has going for it, including the investments. When a game launches in Early Access it is automatically given a degree of exposure by Steam. The reason to wait would be on the assumption that people are currently busy playing AAA games and less likely to take a chance on some random RPG Maker game. However, I don't know how much of an impact this will ultimately have. In any case, yes, getting people to take a chance on the game will be difficult. I will have to rely on good reviews... which isn't so different from how I've gotten along so far.


Yup, that was my thought as well - see elaboration in response to aosdh. Anyway, thanks for the encouragement! Things should definitely improve eventually, I'm just in an unpleasant limbo right now.


Are any of the investments on a moderately pretty map? If anyone has suggestions, a screenshot that shows the party about to make an investment might be a good addition.


Sierra, I have a lot of TLS screenshots. Not sure if any are what you might be looking for or would be helpful, but thought to send them your way regardless. Mostly I took these for myself, and they are mostly focused on lines of dialogue rather than showcasing maps or scenery or anything like that. Here is the archive: Part 1: <a href="http://s000.tinyupload.com/?file_id=16142823601307058025" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://s000.tinyupload.com/?file_id=16142823601307058025</a> Part 2: <a href="http://s000.tinyupload.com/?file_id=91431598797335623771" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://s000.tinyupload.com/?file_id=91431598797335623771</a> Part 3: <a href="http://s000.tinyupload.com/?file_id=00086954935588827435" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://s000.tinyupload.com/?file_id=00086954935588827435</a> Part 4: <a href="http://s000.tinyupload.com/?file_id=08835338212228712570" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://s000.tinyupload.com/?file_id=08835338212228712570</a> Sorry about the split parts, had issues uploading files too large. Also, if anyone cares, I played around with arranging some of these into what I called 'Explain The Last Sovereign Poorly in 4 Screenshots'. Again this was for my own amusement because it made me laugh. There is one serious one in here where I tried to capture the games theme, but the rest of silly tongue-in-cheek arrangements. Here's that one: <a href="http://s000.tinyupload.com/?file_id=05644561049285587138" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://s000.tinyupload.com/?file_id=05644561049285587138</a>


Wow, you definitely do have a bunch of those! It will take me a bit to sort through all of them, but I did glance through your joke ones. Glad the game can provide you with entertainment. ^-^


Oh wow. I've never played cockwhore Altina, and man did I miss out. :o


Hey Sierra. Awesome work as always. A question, that has probably been asked a million times already: Do you have any kinds of plans for a face reveal? I dont want to press you, it is simply a case of base curiocity. It could be interesting to get a better understanding of the person behind the art

Grey Wolf

Her comment at the wedding is somehow still more appropriate than Nalili's.


The plan is not to do one, sorry. I would prefer to be known by my work.


I've heard that nearly half of lifetime sales on steam happen in the launch month. If so, you might want to hold off making it public until you're ready with marketing.


The same principles of exposure still apply, but for the record I want to make clear that I'm not selling TLS for money, and that this will just be the Early Access release (full release coming later).


Minor note: In Yelarel's initial address to the Synod on the third vote of the 2nd day, the line beginning "In the year 943," the text alludes to orcs and succubi capturing Ivalan "mercenaries" attempting to convert people. I suspect this might have been intended to be "missionaries".


Last line of the summary: "Upgrade a customize a home base (Chapter 4+)." I think that was meant to be "Upgrade and customize a home base (Chapter 4+)"