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Public version is out, and it's new for you guys as well:


TLS 0.39.2
 - Numerous balance changes, on average making the vote requirements easier.
 - New/improved Kerannii expressions thanks to Bug Reporting.
 - Improved musical tracks thanks to Lamsey.
 - High Priestesses have been added to the waiting room for those who want to check influence scores again.

There are a lot of tweaks made that you may be interested in.* While this version of the council should be a bit more forgiving and more nuanced, I still can't promise this is 100% final balance. I did my best, though.

*I know this adds work for the people managing the guides and wiki. I tried to list all the changes I made to the hidden mechanics in my responses to Decanter and Fulminato, so hopefully that will make updating things easier for you.

Will make a post on more updatey stuff on Sunday. 


Ra'Chaun Rogers

Is this the second part of the conference?


The second part of the conference will be 0.40.x, and it will take more than a week to finish. This is the public version of the one you and other patrons got to play a week ago. As noted, it has some improvements and changes.


> New Kerannii expressions Crazy backstabbing yandere feeling intensifies. =) So far it's a lot more intuitive as the game explains what kinda affects what better.


I get stuck in a black screen returning to the summit from Ardford. Night one.


reloading the save and restarting the game didn't work. forced to revert to an earlier save.


So, thoughts. You are cruel. That Elleani stepmine is just too detrimental. I'll have to replay the game again. Not from the start, but pretty much everything post BoY, since i am content with how that turned out. And because that's my only save before the Succession Crisis.


> hopefully that will make updating things easier for you. How nice of you, but let me say, if I want make simple guides for easy games i don't follow a game like TLS :P


Kerannii looks a *lot* better in this version. Nice work, Mr. Reporting (or can I call you Bug?). The other polishing is looking good too. Tiniest of bugs: Simon is off-centre (looks like 2 units south) after the overheard conversation between Sarai and the uncertain Sister. It fixes itself if you walk to the north of the map. <a href="https://www.dropbox.com/s/7w98i2jhg17qr6j/Screenshot%202018-11-10%2015.39.42.png?dl=0" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.dropbox.com/s/7w98i2jhg17qr6j/Screenshot%202018-11-10%2015.39.42.png?dl=0</a>


That would be because I panned the map up for Sarai's conversation. While I could pan it back down, I felt it wasn't harmful in this case.


Time to get out the spreadsheet again


High Priestess Annah is as hot as she is annoying. She's a fantastic candidate for hate sex.... although I can't possibly imagine a plausible scenario where it would actually happen.


Got around to doing a legit run through the current content. General comments that stick out on a fresh play-through and minor bug reporting at the bottom. Answering questions from last week: 1) Initial Sarai influence: 22 2) Final Influence: Sarai:12 Bert: 5 Nabi: 9 Hest: 6 Esme: 12 Kera: 10 Anna: 7 3) Natural results. Aimed Results: This was a fresh play-through and I aimed to get the best result possible. Initially when I went through blindly I managed to get the best results possible on all issues, but I had a strong position going in due to a highly optimized save. I also burned a ton of influence. The above values I got when I sat down and looked at the numbers under the hood (big props to those on the wiki forums) and acted miserly with my influence. For each of the votes I either hit the threshold needed exactly or went over by a few points. Below is a brief explanation of my choices. [Goal Hester: Change World.] [Excommunication: Jhenno. Esmera Deal. Simon Nabith. Olive Branch. No excommunication.] [Unity: Sarai all in. Simon Alternate Unity (Esmera Deal). Order Silence 100k. (Result gave Sarai +1) No unity.] [Acceptance: No Arda. Sarai all in. Iris. Simon Nabith. Succubi Accepted.] [Ivalan Succubus: Moderate reform. Orc Priest (diversification research in process) + Orcent. Simon no talk. Esmera + Bertricia asked to support.] [Succubus Joined: Purity research finished. Simon Annah. Lustlord Temples. Succubi accepted overwhelmingly.] 4) General feedback: Seeing the numbers behind the scenes really hammers in for me the degree of control we have in this section. So much of the groundwork needs to be done in advance to get the "best" results. It is very different from the Ardford Summit, where the only prior decision that really matters is the Dwarven Vote and having Pron for bribes. I like the complexity in this section and how you have a small degree of maneuvering room to make or break a few key decisions, but without the appropriate groundwork you're S-O-L when it comes to getting everything you'd want. Definitely adds to the replay-ability. It is hard to fully evaluate it without knowing what will happen in the rest of the conflict. Depends on what issues are brought up. Purity research is stupidly strong for the final vote. I was shocked how much of a difference it made, even when compared to my infinite Pron run. I also really like the implications of dividing the church and the new religion. Differently gonna try and aim for that in another play-though. I noticed that in that vote you give us a lot of control in how it plays out, makes it easier to aim for the schism. Fresh Play-through thoughts: (0.39.1 for Ch 1-3 and 0.39.2 for Ch 4.) It is amazing how much a fresh play-through can put things into perspective. Simon has had a long journey, and still has awhile to go. <a href="http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=39065296905427894264" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=39065296905427894264</a> Thanks for the update as always!


Thanks for the feedback and details! Yes, I wanted this section to really show the results of past decisions, though you'll find a greater degree of control during the second part. Glad you enjoyed it!


"Cumsecretionists" ..... oh god, my sides......


Question answers now: 1) Initial Sarai Value was 22. I guess the values got nerfed from before in response to the overall lightening of requirements for the motions? 2) Final Influence values: Sarai: 9 Bertricia: 5 Nabith: 8 Hester: 6 Esmera: 12 Keranii: 14 Annah: 8 3) Natural results: Got mostly everything I wanted - no unification, no excommunications, succubi tolerance, etc. etc. Aimed for results: Used Fulminato's listings to minmax things and managed to get the 'best' possible evaluation in every category. Gave Annah an olive branch, crushed the motion to unify, got succubi accepted and not just tolerated, and succubi joined the Church with the best possible footing we could have mustered. Burned a lot of Sarai's influence, but these were the more important days. 4) Overall, really liked this section - I was expecting a bit more politicking on the night Sarai advises you to, but this was great fun. All those little quests and conversations adding up to get really good results was fantastic, and I was surprised just how strong Purity research was. Probably shouldn't have been given the Church's valuation of purity. Can't wait for how this keeps on going - I'll admit, interested in seeing how a 'new religion' run would go.


Thanks for your detailed feedback! 1) Sarai was actually getting double credit for a certain variable. 4) Glad you enjoyed it - I look forward to bringing everyone more!


I'm late to the party (work and stuff got in the way), but hey, here's a tweaked minmax of Fulminato's strategy for Esmera ON/Kerannii OFF run with the full Purity research in hand (no research on orcs). I noticed it wastes Jhenno's vote entirely and doesn't walk the razor's edge with Nabith's score quite enough for the current content. This could easily become a shitshow (from the minmaxing perspective) in 0.40! Coming in: Sarai 22, Bertie 4, Nabith 3, Hester 3, Esme 8 (deal on), Kera 9 (deal off), Annah 4, Yela 4. Instead of wasting Jhenno on Hester, I target his +2 bonus on the first succubus vote. The run just collects Hester's influence without depleting it, so Jhenno's bonus for her is pointless anyway. This way I don't need Sarai to step into the succubus vote at all (net +1 inf from Jhenno's lost +2 and Sarai's saved -3) and I redirect Simon's appeal from Nabith to Annah just because I can. Next day instead of saving Simon's inf I use my extra point to appeal to Kera because it's the only non-punitive option. Then in the Ivalan succubi acceptance vote I whore out my +5 from Riala's research and appeal to Annah (w/ purity bonus) instead of Nabith again (Nabit's +1 instead of +2 is good enough). That brings the total for the vote to 23 from Fulminato's 24 - still 1 point to optimize out! Final score: Sarai 13, Bertie 5, Nabith 6, Hester 5, Esme 12, Kera 14, Annah 8, Yela 18 Welp, this is becoming more and more fun on repeated playthroughs, especially because savepoints are easier to manage than in the war, haha.


I missed commenting on this post earlier, but thanks for the feedback!