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The second half of the war is proving longer than I had anticipated, but I very much want it to come out on August 25. In order to make that happen, I will not spend much time typing here and just get back to work.

To keep you company in the meantime, here is a Megail picture (original post). Retromancer commissioned it from Redd - enjoy!

Chapter three comes to an end this Friday.




LOVE the artwork!!!!!


༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ SIERRA TAKE MY ENERGY ! ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


"Not 'Knickerless Nickleby'?"


Great news, I'll be looking forward to not sleeping on Friday.

EG Douglas

Dang, Redd does fantastic art. Hang in there Sierra. Work to your capability, not beyond it. Quality is worth waiting for, as is not hearing that you've collapsed.


Damn, that's a nice piece, and it looks Exactly like her character portrait. Very good. Looking forwards to the next version, but I should probably put it off for a week just to get the bugfixes out of the way. Ah who am I kiddin, I'll just back up my save and play it twice.

Leveler All

Take your time, is an amazing game and tons of great characters, also thissss are is amazing, how do we make it more? i won't mind supporitng a team up more often if is liek this.


Thanks for all the amazing work Sierre, remember not to push yourself too hard. The art looks great too.


Nice work by Redd. Megail being Megail though, I'd expect she would hike the skirt up about another inch or so :)

Ben Wilder

Any chance we cany get artwork added to the h scences in the FINAL version of the game?


She has said earlier that she is looking for a artist to create the h scenes but is having trouble finding one that meets her standards and are willing to dedicate their time to such a long project, but eventually there will be pictures just give it time.


YES ! So excited about this. Great artwork too. Thanks for sharing Retromancer.


At this point it has more to do with finding the right person, but everyone's support does help that! Thanks to Patreon, I've been able to approach much more expensive artists.


Must... finish... chapter... After that, though, I do intend to stop pushing myself as hard for a little while. Like the end of the previous chapter, I'll take a moment to follow my inspiration and refresh myself with something different.


I look forward to this.

Andrey Kulikov

Writers and game makers have to push themselves if they want to finish a game/book. You created a great chapter and everyone here eagerly waits for the ending of it. I'm sure that your fans sincerely appreciate your dedication and wish you success! As always, thank you for the hard work ^__^


Oh boy I can't wait hahahaha.....

Quiet Stranger

Another fantastic piece from Redd. You'll make it in time. I believe in you. And I eagerly await not only a spectacular chapter climax, but the results of whatever personal diversion is to come.


Godspeed, Sierra, and congratulations on creating the first H-game that I really DO play (mostly) for the story.


That picture is small, but not bad.


Hm... Personally i won't mind a delay if that means a more polished update, all things considered.

Some Idiot

Take all the time that you needddddddddddddddddddddd! GREAT STORY TAKES TIME AND ALL THIS TELLS ME IS THAT THE STORY IS GETTING GREATER~


Ohhh, I was hoping for an update. But, we've waited this long, we can wait as long as we need. Don't sacrifice the story, game or your health to please us. Most of us here have shown that we can wait for updates, especially for a game as great as this one.


Hey I've got what's probably a stupid question. If I load the new game-update from the save file in that blank field (With the message NPC and the one that tells you character RPs), will that automatically bring me to the new content, or will I have to replay from the last save point before that? I've never actually tried that before since I haven't been playing for too long


You're welcome. 99% of the credit goes to Redd, of course. I'm glad a picture of Megail got a good reception.

Edward Culham

It starts the new section, just like if you didnt do it. The blank field is only there to let us know that there will be more and allow us to save after everything

Edward Culham

Sierra, i found a game crashing bug during chapter 2 Succubus Hunt. If you have the chat window open or is talking to the succubus to tell her to run, if the timer hits 0, it causes the game to crash