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Release is here, everybody!

0.29.1 Link:  https://mega.nz/#!rgEEBbDB!6p3CteZsenhixsbB9szob8O1t7kioXdg83G5guuM9hQ  

OLD 0.29.0 LINKS

Link: https://mega.nz/#!H4MQ0CSC!Cfw1pvIrtrlWhYgpEHas-8Ob2MvcM9cYPwSOs6dwQes

RTP: https://mega.nz/#!OhNVHSQL!gDgtcw_oaTbY-Uygb5kw5_JSs4w8MXyo9FvEGEzRn_Y


 - Another double update, both the end of the war and the aftermath.

 - Decided to increase the speed of buffing skills and trialed it on Carina's. Report if you like it and I can use the same style for other skills that target the entire party.

 - The new section of the game involves splitting the party into three groups for one dungeon. This is only possible thanks to the scripting work of Decanter. Huge thanks to him!


This release is mostly in good shape, but phew... it is weird trying to balance sections that players can enter with an enormous range of different situations. I very much want everyone's input before this release goes public. Some specific notes in that regard...

Everyone: Tell me how the fights feel. There are several sections where there are optional fights or victory is optional - these are unusual for optional challenges, so I want to get a lot of opinions to tune them right.

People with Low Level Games: Those of you doing LLG challenges or with intentionally bad saves, I especially want your input on the economics sections toward the end. You'll see what I mean. Also the required boss fights, which I want to make as hard as possible without being impossible for a minimum level party.

Decrypters: There are a ton more invisible calculations and there are probably a few mistakes in there. Also let me know if there are other investments or choices that feel like they should have an impact - for example, on the calculation of relationship points for Riala and Iris.

Having said all that... what I would value most are just people's honest reactions to the plot! I've run myself a little ragged trying to get this one out, so I hope everyone enjoys the conclusion of the entire chapter. I wanted to give this conflict all the attention it deserves while also setting the stage for the remainder of the game.


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