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Day 4:

Boruto and Sarada were on their way down town, when they passed by Shikadai's house. Boruto realized he had not seen him lately; perhaps he had already left for that business trip with his dad he had mentioned.

At that moment, Boruto remembered that last time he saw Shikadai, he had lent him his trading cards. If Shikadai had taken them with him, Boruto would not see them for a long time; and even by the time he came back, he would probably have lost them in his luggage already. There was a very special card among them that had taken him so much time and money to get, that he could not afford to lose. He had to take this opportunity to check, just in case Shikadai had not left yet. He hesitated, but managed to gather courage and made his request to his mistress.

Sarada: "Seriously, at a time like this?. Oh well, I'm in a good mood, and we are already here. But this better not take long".

Boruto thanked her for her generosity and hurried up to knock the door. The door opened and the one to open (to Boruto's misfortune) was none other than Temari, Shikadai's mother.

Temari: * with an annoyed voice tone * "Ugh, What do you want now? ".

Temari wasn't precisely fond of Boruto, since he had always got Shikadai in trouble during and even after the academy. This was the reason he didn't go to Shikadai's house often, even though they were best friends.

Boruto: * visibly nervous * "Hello Ms.Temari. I - I was wondering if Shikadai was home to ask...".

Temari: * interrupting * "He is not, he is on a trip with his father. Anything else?".

Boruto: "Oh, well; did you by any chance see if he took a deck of cards with him?".

Temari: * picking something from her pocket and showing it to him * "You mean these? ".

She was holding the deck of cards in front of him and Boruto was about to grab it, but Temari abruptly moved it away.

Temari: "I confiscated these from Shikadai because he was caught playing with them in the middle of a mission. I should have known this was your fault some way".  "I swear, Hinata is way too permissive with you. If I was your mother, I would punish you until you learned to behave for good".

At that moment, Sarada stepped forward and intervened.

Sarada: * smiling * "Would you like to? If you want, I can leave my slave with you for a day to punish him to your heart's content".

Boruto: * in his mind while looking at Sarada* "No please, not with HER!".

Temari: "Slave? Aren't you kids too young for that sort of games?".

Sarada: -she frowned and replied- "This is not a game, look" * snapping her fingers * "Slave, kiss my foot right now!".

Boruto, knowing it was futile to resist, complied. He knelt in front of her and started kissing her toes for Temari's amusement.

Temari: "Hum, you weren't kidding. And you say I can punish him all I want... Hinata won't find out, right?

Sarada: "Don't worry, he won't say a single word about it. He is well-trained and will obey your every command. Isn't that right, slave? You won't make a liar out of me, right?"

Boruto full of fear, but also resignation, simply stopped for a moment to agree to his mistress' claim and resumed his task.

Temari: "Very well then. I'will take you up on your offer" looking down to Boruto "And I'll have a lot of fun with you".

Sarada then left, and Temari ordered Boruto to follow her back into the house. He was about to stand up, but he was stopped by Temari quickly putting her foot on his shoulder. At that moment, he realized Temari had come outside completely barefoot.

Temari: "Who said you could stand up? Crawl like the pig you are".

He remained on the ground and crawled alongside her. Once in the entrance, Temari rose her foot and put her sole right next to Boruto's face, showing him the dirt that had got stuck to it.

Temari: "Look at this. Because of you, I went outside and got them all filthy. Clean them, so I can get inside and punish you properly".

Boruto started licking her sole and getting all the dirt off. He would normaly do it reluctantly, but after cleaning Ino's boots, and with the hunger he was feeling, it didn't seem as bad, as long as he could get something in his mouth. Or at least he thought so, since right after starting, he noticed the strong stench emanating from Temari's foot. He had got used to smelling Sarada and Sakura's feet, but  theirs didn't stink nearly as much as these.

Despite the powerful and sickening smell, he continued until Temari was satisfied and repeated the process with the other foot. Temari was already enjoying herself. When he was finished, she simply rubbed each foot all over his face and hair to dry them from his saliva and went inside.

Temari: "Alright, let's begin. First, take off your clothes!".

Boruto:  * taken off guard, in disbelieve of what he heard * "WHAT?! What did you just say?".

Temari: "Are you deaf on top of dumb?! I said STRIP! NOW!".

Boruto had done a lot of humiliating and disgusting stuff the last days, but he thought even after all of that, there had to be a line that he would not cross no matter what; and this was it.

Boruto: "NO WAY! that's it, I don't care about the stupid bet anymore. I'm out".

He started getting up, but as he did so, Temari delivered a powerfull kick to his crotch. The immense pain dropped him back to his knees, making him bend forward as he shrieked in agony. Temari then pulled him up by the ear and said:

Temari: "Looks like Sarada didn't train you as well as she thought. But that's ok, I can fix that Listen, I don't care what is the reason you are doing this for, you are here with me now. So I'll go pick up something from my room and when I come back, I expect to find you completely naked, kneeling with your face against the floor. Understood?".

Boruto: -He understood he had made a fatal mistake by opposing her will, he was at her complete mercy. In an attempt to not anger her anymore he replied, as he reincorporated himself- "Yes mistress... understood".

Temari left, and Boruto hurried to undress and get into position as fast as the pain allowed him to. The pain was still so intense, that he could barely keep a straight posture; so it was probably better to bow down either way. As he kept his head down, he could hear Temari's bare feet coming back from her room until she was standing right in front of him. Out of nowhere, a whistling sound appeared, followed by an overwhelming amount of pain on Boruto's back. He fell on his side while screaming in great agony, looking up to see what had hit him. What he saw was Temari holding a whip in her right hand, with the most sadistic look he had ever seen in her eyes.

Temari: * in a euphoric manner * "This is the first time I get to use this outside the bedroom" -she stepped on the side of Boruto's head with most of her weight, pinning him into place, hurting him even more in the process- "Don't move!".

She hit him with the whip once more, and once again he screamed at the top of his lungs. His whole body squirmed in agony while only his head remained still, being crushed under the foot of that beautiful, yet terriffying woman.

The whiplash barrage continued, one after another. In between screams, Boruto begged for the torture to end as his eyes began to water, but his words fell in deaf ears. Temari was having the time of her life, inflicting torment upon the kid below her, laughing the whole time. Boruto couldn't avoid thinking about how much he would rather being with Sarada at the moment, instead of in that hell. This kept going for hours, until finally, the whiplashes stopped.

Temari: * catching her breath and wiping the sweat off her forehead * "Uff... that was fun. Time sure flies when you are having a good time, but I think I deserve a break after this" -she headed towards the couch and sat down and pointed at her feet- "Come here pig, my feet got all sweaty after all this exercise and I want you to lick them clean".

Boruto lied on the ground completely beaten, his face full of dry tears and his back fully covered by whip marks that hurt a tremendous amount whenever he attempted to move even a little. However, his fear of Temari forced him to get back in all fours and crawl to his mistress' foot, which he began to lick desperately in an effort to please her.

As he savored the revolting sweat from Temari's foot, he couldn't help but make the comparison with Sarada's feet. Not only were Temari's much stinkier and sweatier, but they were also tougher, thicker and stronger. While Sarada's were smooth, delicate and beautifully shaped, almost princess like. It was as if Sarada's feet had been made to be pampered. Temari's however, had been definitely made to crush people beneath them.

The more he thought about this, the more he wished he could be with her instead of his actual position. Temari took a look at Boruto as he lapped her instep, she could see the misery in his eyes, which she loved. She put her other foot on his back and started caressing the whip marks she had branded him with, completely proud of herself.

Temari: "So, Boruto. Ready for round two?".

Boruto froze at the sound of those words, but immediately reacted by bowing his head as low as he could, and with a loud (but trying to be respectful) voice implored:

Boruto: "NO, PLEASE MISTRESS!, I'll be obedient, I'll do anything else. BUT PLEASE, NO MOR-".

Temari swung the whip once more, shutting him up with a hit on his lower back.

Temari: "It's cute of you to think you have a say in the matter". -she stopped to think for a moment- "But hearing him beg for it would be even funnier" she thought. -she took out the deck of cards once again and showed them to Boruto-.

Temari: "This is what you came for, right?. I present you these two options: 1) You get back to your position and beg me with all your might to keep whipping you as hard as I can, and I give you your cards back. Or, 2) You remain where you are, and beg just as hard to keep licking my sweaty feet and for me to tear every single card apart in front of you. What's your choice?". -Temari smirked as she awaited the boy's response, either one guaranteed to be humiliating for him and enjoyable for her.

Boruto stopped to think about it, he did not want to go through that hell again, but he had that one card in there that he could definitely not afford to lose. Then again, it wasn't like licking those feet was not a punishment on its own. This was a lose-lose situation, and he was breaking his head trying to choose. His thought process ended when the whip landed once again on his lower back, making him want to scream, but he managed to muffle it between his teeth.

Temari: "Times up! Give me your answer now, or I'll decide for you".

That whiplash was the last thing he needed to make his choice. He began licking Temari's feet even faster and taking longer laps, moving his head to lick different places from different angles.

Boruto: "Please Mistress, allow this pig the honor of cleaning your gorgeous feet, that is all I need. You can do whatever you please with those, but please let me stay here and taste your delightful feet".

Temari started laughing like crazy. But as soon ash she could hold her laughter for a moment, she said:

Temari: "AHA HA HA, that was good ha ha. Did you come up with it on the spot, or have you been thinking about it this whole time? Ha ha ha". "Either way, I'll grant your wish".

She picked one of the cards and shredded it until it was nothing but confetti, while Boruto kept licking, looking at her. This process continued until the deck was almost completely gone. As she picked the last card, Boruto saw it was the card he had come for to begin with, the super rare limited-edition Sasuke Uchiha card. Temari began tearing it apart, slowly; he wanted to look away or close his eyes, but he couldn't, he had stopped for a second to look at his most cherished possession being reduced to shreds.

This pause, however, did not last long. Temari swung the whip once again, smacking it into Boruto's back.

Temari: "Oh, sorry. My hand must have slipped. If you don't want any more hand slips to occur, I suggest you don't stop moving that tongue of yours".

As Boruto got back to work. Temari used the toes of the foot she was already resting on his back to caress the whip mark she had just made. Boruto had to get creative in how and where he used his tongue in order not to bore Temari. Even so, occasional 'hand slips' kept happening, and the whole time, he could only think about how much of a mistake he had made by going to that house, and how much he wished to return to Sarada and get as far as possible from Temari.

After some more time, someone opened the door and entered the house.

Sarada: "I'm back!".

After hearing her voice, Boturo got incredibly exited all of a sudden. Like a puppy celebrating the return of its owner. All he wanted to do was rush to her, but he didn't dare to stop licking Temari's feet even for a second. Temari however, simply said:

Temari: "Didn't you hear? Your mistress is back, go greet her properly, pig!".

This filled Boruto with happiness. Still naked, he made his way to his beloved mistress, crawling as fast as he could. Sarada had just finished taking her sandals off, when Boruto appeared and planted himself in front of her.

Boruto:  "Welcome back Mistress!" -he said as he vigorously rubbed his face against Sarada's legs, rejoicing  on the feeling of her soft stocking on his cheek. Which he quickly started showering with kisses, making his way down to the girl's bare feet, giving them several passionate smooches full of devotion and newly found love.

For Sarada, the sight of a naked and injured Boruto worshiping her with such passion was certainly an unexpected scenario. Not an unwelcomed one, though.





Love so much this story