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Day 3: 

Boruto and Sarada were walking around the village on a shopping streak, in which Sarada bought everything she desired using Boruto's money as he followed behind her, carrying all of her heavy new stuff. 

Boruto: "I still don't understand why do I have to pay for all of this".

Sarada: "That's because you are stupid. Being a slave doesn't just mean that you do everything I tell you to, It also means that everything you possess is actually mine" -she put her hand in her pocket and took something out of it, it was Boruto's purple frog wallet, and proceeded to swing it right in front of his face- "Of course that includes money too". "Now, if you expect to be eating anything today, stop complaining and keep walking. We still have plenty of stores to visit". 

Boruto was actually very hungry AND sleepy. He had spent the night at Sarada's house and not only had he not been allowed to eat anything for diner or breakfast, but he had also been forced to sleep on the cold hard floor besides Sarada's bed, where he could hardly get any sleep. At least she had lent him her slippers to use as pillow, they stank a little, but it was better than nothing. 

Boruto: looking down and with a low voice tone "Sorry Mistress, I'll be quiet". 

They kept walking until Sarada stumbled upon a familiar face. 

Ino: "Oh, hi Sarada, how are you?. And Boruto too, how have you been?"

Sarada: "Hi! Aunt Ino, I'm fine"

Boruto: nervous "Hello Ms. Ino" 

Ino: "So, what are you guys doing?" -She took a look at the two together and said, with an insinuating expression- "Are you by any chance on a date right now?" .

Sarada: with a smug face "Ha, he wishes" -Boruto blushed a little- "He is just paying off a bet we made by buying me stuff". 

Boruto was surprised and relieved she had left out the embarrassing details of their deal. He thought maybe she was not planning on telling others except for her mom about it. 

Sarada looked down at Ino's boots for a moment, (she was wearing the boots she used for 'the last') and noticed they were extremely filthy, all the way from the instep almost reaching knee level. Even her exposed toes were noticeably muddy. 

Sarada: "Why are you all covered in mud?".

Ino: "Oh, that. I had to pass by a pathway with a lot of puddles that were deeper than they seemed. I know I should go change and wash them, but it isn't that big of a deal". 

Sarada: "Are you sure? If you want, I can have Boruto lick them clean for you."

Both Ino and Boruto were taken off guard by what the girl had just said, as if it was nothing. He realized he had spoken too soon. 

Ino: "What are you talking about?".

Sarada then explained the details of the bet to Ino. Much to Boruto's humiliation. 

Ino: laughing a little "I see. I definitely would like to see that, go ahead!". Placing both hands on her hips and moving her foot forward.

Sarada: "You heard what she said" grabbing him by the back of the head "Start cleaning!"  pushing him down till his face was right next to Ino's foot.

Boruto: "Please, could we do this somewhere else?. We are in the middle of the road, someone could walk by and see us".

Ino: "The longer you take, the most likely that is to happen. So hurry up already, I don't have all day either".

Boruto decided to just get to it and try to finish as quickly as possible. He started licking Ino's boots, giving long licks from the instep going all the way up through her shin, almost reaching her knee. Then doing the same on the sides, going from her ankle all the way up her calf, getting all the filth on his tongue and storing it up in his mouth. 

Ino: "Omg, he is actually doing it, haha".

Sarada: "Told you". Closing her eyes and showing once again that smug smile

Ino was visibly delighted by the sight of Boruto degrading himself at her feet in such a way.  

Boruto kept lapping at Ino's boot. The tops, the sides, long licks and short licks. Ino even lifted her foot to allow him to lick the dirt off her soles. He was halfway done when his mouth was already full. He turned his head to the side to spit it all out and go back to cleaning, when unexpectedly, he felt a soft but firm kick on the side of his face coming from Sarada. 

Sarada: "Who gave you permission to spit it out?".

Boruto: looking at her, confused and afraid "My mouth was already full. I... did it to keep licking more". 

Sarada: "Weren't you hungry just a little while ago?. If your mouth gets full, you swallow it all. That will be your meal of the day, so don't waste any more of it". 

Boruto: shocked from what he had just heard "That's disgusting and is not fair! You said that..." -he got interrupted by Sarada placing her foot on his head and quickly pushing down until Boruto's mouth got pressed against Ino's toes. 

Sarada: With a cold and threatening expression looking down on him "Don't you ever talk back to me". 

Boruto: realizing his position and loosing every will to argue or resist "Sorry Mistress, It won't happen again".

Still with Sarada's foot on his head, he started once again to lick the filth off the boots, only this time swallowing every time enough of it accumulated in his mouth. It was absolutely disgusting and made him want to puke, but it was the only thing he would be able to fill his stomach with.

Ino: "Hey! don't forget the toes, they are also pretty nasty".

She lifted her toes and spread them, exposing all the mud stuck in between and beneath them. Boruto suck his tongue in the gap between her toes and her insole and started taking out the bits of filth with it as fast as he could.

Ino: smiling condescendingly "So, Boruto. Are you enjoying the taste of my toes?". 

Boruto: "Yes mistress Ino, they taste wonderful". 

Sarada: Rubbing the sole of her shoe on his nape "That's a good boy".




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