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Day 2: 

After a long day training, Sarada was completely exhausted and of course, her feet were soaking in sweat inside her sandals. After making Boruto give them a quick tongue bath, she said: 

Sarada: "Well, I think we can call it a day, let's go home".

Boruto: still trying to ignore the taste left in his mouth from his previous task "Ok, see you tomorrow".

He started heading home, when suddenly, Sarada's voice stopped him in the spot. 

Sarada: "And where do you think you are going?".

Boruto: Shrugging "To my house, didn't you say that?".

Sarada: "Don't think you are dismissed for the day yet. We will continue at my house." 

Boruto: "But, Mom will get angry if I'm not back for dinner". 

Sarada:" That is not my problem. Tell her you stayed the night in my house for some reason. Unless you want me to tell her what is actually going on". 

Boruto: "No, It's fine, I... I can figure some excuse out".

The two had arrived at Sarada's home. In the Genkan (Section of a Japanese house entrance where you remove and leave your shoes before entering the house), Sarada raised her foot, instructing Boruto to take her Sandals off. He got in one knee and did as requested.

Once inside the house, they headed to the kitchen, where Sakura was cooking dinner. 

Sakura: "Welcome home, Sarada. Oh, hi Boruto, are you staying for diner tonight?".

Sarada: "Don't mind him, he already ate" -she was lying, but Boruto didn't want to contradict her- "How was your day at the hospital?".

Sakura: letting out a sigh "A nightmare, I was running around all day. I don't think I had a single second to sit and relax, my feet are killing me". 

Sarada: "Oh, really?" -A devilish smirk appeared on her face as she turned to look at her slave, who didn't like where this was going at all- "Would you like a Foot massage to relax a little?".

Boruto: in his mind "I knew it" showing regret for being right on his face.

Sarada placed both hands in his shoulders and said: 

Sarada: "My slave here would be more than happy to give you a foot rub and do anything you need to rest from your hard day".

Sakura: "S-slave?..."

Boruto couldn't believe Sarada had just told her mom about it, and so casually for that matter. 

Boruto: whispering in Sarada's ear "What are you doing? This is supposed to be between the two of us".

Sarada: speaking out loud "I never said anything about keeping it a secret, you are my slave to do as I please, it is just logical that my mom gets to enjoy your services as well".

Sakura: "What do you mean? Did you say 'slave'?"

Boruto tried to reply, but he was quickly shut by Sarada's hand. 

Sarada: "We made a bet, and he lost. As a result, he will do everything I command for the week and won't complain about it, right slave?".

Sarada looked at Boruto, who hesitated for a second; but after seeing Sakura looking at him with an intrigued expression, still with the girl's hand on his mouth, he simply nodded in resignation. 

Sakura: "hmmm, if that's the case" smiling just like her daughter "I could definitely use a massage right now". 

Sarada: "Perfect. I'll go take a shower now, in the meantime, get comfortable with him and don't be afraid of using him as you please. If he misbehaves, just tell me, and I'll deal with him later". 

Sarada got into the bathroom and Boruto and Sakura were left alone in the living room. 

Sakura: "Very well Boruto" -she sat on the couch and dropped both of her feet, still wearing slippers, on the coffee table- "Get to work". 

Boruto knelt at the end of the coffee table and delicately removed Sakura's pink slippers. He took a look at her soles and realized she wasn't joking when she said her feet were killing her. Her soles were all red and sore and smelly, although, they were surprisingly not sweaty like Sarada's. It was probably because it had been some time since she took off her sandals and got into the slippers, but it still made Boruto feel a little more comfortable. 

Boruto started rubbing his thumbs on Sakura's arches in circles, as well as twisting her toes a little, one by one, before starting rubbing her heels and the balls of her feet.

Sakura: leaning her head a little backwards and letting out little moans "Mmm, that's right, a little harder. Keep going". 

This continued for some more time and Sakura was definitely enjoying it. Even Boruto wasn't really all that bothered by it, the smell might have been as disgusting as ever, but he had to admit both Sakura and Sarada had very soft and pretty feet. 

He was in the middle of this thought, when suddenly Sakura interrupted. 

Sakura: "Hey slave" -this was the first time she called him that way- "Why don't you show my feet some more love and start kissing them?".

He should have known it wasn't gonna be that easy. He was about to tell Sakura that he would rather not do something like that, when he suddenly remembered his mistress' words before leaving them alone, which reminded him of his position and simply started planting kisses all along her soles while still massaging them. 

The feeling on his lips was quite soft, but having his face so close made the smell too intense to enjoy the moment. He couldn't believe he was kissing the feet of who was basically his aunt, but decided not to think about it and kept going. 

Sakura: "How about you stick your tongue out and start licking them next?".

This was the part he was afraid would come, but, it wasn't like he had a choice. So he started to repeatedly drag his tongue from the heel all the way to the ball of each foot. Sakura then spread her toes wide and said:

Sakura: "don't forget about them".

Boruto immediately stuck his tongue in and out multiple times in each gap between her toes. Sakura enjoyed the feeling of his tongue squirming in there. She even took the chance to squeeze his tongue with her big toe and the long toe. 

Sakura: "I could definitely get used to this. So you said this is for a whole week, right?". 

Boruto: with his tongue still being pinched "Yeth Ma'am (Yes Ma'am)".

Sakura: closing her eyes as she leans backwards with a smile "Hmm, Great!".




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