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Boruto and Sarada were in the woods as usual, training for their next mission. Sarada was practicing her shuriken jutsu, while Boruto spammed rasengan against some trees. He also took every chance he had to point out how it had taken his grandfather Minato three years to perfect that jutsu and even his father Naruto, the most proficient rasengan user to this day, more than a Month. Bragging about how much of a genius he was for mastering it in merely a week. 

He had been like this for a while now, and it was starting to get on Sarada's nerves. 

Sarada: "Could you get over it already? I get it, you are a fast learner, it is not even that big of a deal."

Boruto: "You only say that because you don't know how hard it is to master such a jutsu. Not just anyone can learn it, you know! "

Sarada: "You wanna bet on that?"

Boruto: "What kind of bet are we talking about?"

Sarada: "I know I can learn it as quickly as you, if not faster. And when I do, you will be my slave for a day."

Boruto: laugh "No way, I know you are skilled but aren't you a little too confident?"

Sarada: "Scared?"

Boruto: "Tell you what, if you somehow manage to do it faster than me, I'll be your slave for a whole week. But if you can't, you'll have to be mine. Deal?" 

Sarada: "Fine by me" 

The next day, Boruto was alone sitting on a bench, when Sarada Slowly approached him.

Sarada: "Hey, Boruto!" 

Boruto: "Oh, Sarada, how is the training going? Have you made any progress?"

Sarada: "About yesterday's bet..." 

Boruto: "Don't tell me you want to call it off. Sorry, but I warned you it wasn't as simple as it se......" 

Boruto was cut mid-sentence by Sarada rising her hand with the palm pointing upwards and forming a perfect blue sphere of swirling wind and water. That rasengan was bigger than anything Boruto could make when he just learned the jutsu, which left him even more dumbfounded. 

Boruto: "B-But HOW? And in just one day... That's not possible." 

Sarada smiled innocently and replied: "It was simple really. All I did was watch you doing it with my sharingan and copied it." 

Boruto: "That's not fair! That's cheating!!!"

Sarada: "Please, You are one to talk about cheating."

Boruto then remembered what had happened a little while ago in the chunin exams when he was exposed for cheating and the humiliation he went through. After that, he simply looked at the floor and remained silent out of shame.

Sarada: "Now, SLAVE, my first command as your mistress will be ..." 

Boruto: "Sarada..." - Boruto interrupted - "About the bet, could we... Just forget about the 'slave' part?"

Sarada: "Don't be a sore loser, you agreed to it and lost, you can't withdraw now."

Boruto: "I'm not withdrawing, it is just... too embarrassing. Please, I can still give you something for winning. What about I treat you to the thunder burgers for a week, no, a month! ? "

Sarada: with an annoyed expression in her face "I should have known you wouldn't keep your word, what was I expecting from a bratty, irresponsible and disgraceful cheater like you?"

Boruto: with an ashamed and saddened expression "Hey, don't say that. I ..." 

Sarada: "My dad should not be wasting his time with an idiot like you. I'll tell him as soon as I see him to quit being your master." 

Boruto: "NO WAIT, PLEASE, Don't tell him. I'm sorry, I'll be your slave, I'll do anything you say."

Sarada: "That's better. Now, if you are done whining, get on your knees, SLAVE." 

Boruto, this time without hesitation, dropped to his knees in front of Sarada, Who proceeded to rise her foot to Boruto's eye level. 

Sarada: "Take off my sandal" - she snapped her fingers and pointed at her foot - "Quick!" 

Boruto did as she commanded and quickly but gently removed her sandal, carefully leaving it in the ground. 

Sarada: "Start licking my foot. There is a lot of dirt between the toes, so make sure to lick them clean."

Boruto: "Sarada, please, I don't want to do that. That's gross."

Sarada: "I didn't ask for your opinion, I gave you a command. You are my slave, so OBEY."

After beholding Sarada's dominant demeanor, Boruto simply swallowed his pride and started giving Sarada's foot slow and soft licks one after another. 

Sarada: "That's right, if you ever start feeling all high and mighty again, just remember this taste and smell to remind you how insignificant you are. This will be a fun week."




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