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Day 5:

It was another day in Boruto's life as Sarada's slave. His previous encounter with Temari had not only left him painful scars on his back, but also an immense gratitude for having someone like Sarada as his mistress, who could be cruel but also fair, and was so beautiful and domineering, that made worshiping her so much appealing than anyone else. These were the new thoughts implanted in his mind. 

Sarada was wrapping up another training session, and as always, she made Boruto clean the dust from her sandals and the mix of sweat and filth off her feet with his mouth. Boruto did it eagerly, and even thanked her for the privilege. After hearing this, she chuckled and admitted it had been a good idea to leave him with Temari the day before. 

Sarada had lost some of her shuriken during the throwing practice, and needed to buy some more. So, they headed to the ninja tool & weapons store of the village, and of course she would be paying with Boruto's money. She had already spent all the money in his frog wallet, that's why she made him sneak into his own house in order to bring her all the remaining money he had stored in his room; His life savings. 

They arrived at the store and got inside. The room was quiet, full of shelves and showcases with lots of weapons, but not a single customer. At the end of the hall, there was a woman sleeping with her head resting on her hand. Sarada poked her on the shoulder to wake her up, the woman woke up abruptly and reincorporated herself. 

Tenten: "Uh?! Umm, sorry, didn't hear you come in. Welcome, how can I help you?". 

Sarada: "I was looking for some new shuriken, do you have any like these?". -She showed her the kind of shuriken she used-. 

Tenten: "Of course, just let me check in the back, and I'll bring them for you". 

Tenten went to the storage room and started looking for them. Sarada was waiting in the salesroom, but the silence prompted her to start some small talk with Tenten.

Sarada: "So, business seems to be slow, isn't it?". 

Tenten: "Don't even mention it. I'm dying out of boredom here. There has barely been any customers this week, or the one before... or before". -Tenten came out, holding the new pack of shuriken and gave them to Sarada-.

Tenten: "That would be 250 ryō ". 

Sarada: * turning to Boruto and making a gesture with her head telling him to approach Tenten *  "You heard her slave, pay!". 

Boruto paid for the shuriken, but as he did, he noticed Tenten staring at him with intrigue. She then looked at Sarada and asked: 

Tenten: "Sorry, did you just call him 'Slave'? Like in... 'He is your Slave and you are his Mistress?' ".

Sarada: * a little confused by the tone of her question * "Actually, yes. That's exactly it". 

By this point, Boruto was used to getting exposed, so he simply nodded. 

Tenten: * getting excited all of a sudden * "And, Is it like a 'Femdom' relationship? Do you punish him?, does he worship your feet?". 

Sarada: * Even more confused * "Uhm... yes. Why?". 

Tenten: * still as excited and getting closer to Sarada * "I've read a lot about these stuff, but have never actually seen it. I've always fantasized about having my own slave and have him do everything I command. It must be so fun!".  

Sarada: * Getting a little more comfortable with the situation * "It is, actually. And not only is it entertaining, but also quite handy. It helps you relax and makes you feel so powerful and good with yourself".

Tenten: sigh "That must be wonderful, I could definitely use something like that right now." -She paused for a second- "Sarada, since I don't have a slave of my own, could I please borrow yours?" Putting her hands together "Just for a few hours". 

Sarada: "hmm... Sure! I don't see why not. My slave will be more than happy to fulfill all of your fantasies. Right slave?". 

Boruto: "Yes Mistress!". 

Tenten: "Yay! Thank you!". 

Sarada took Boruto's wallet and left. Boruto found himself standing alone in front of Tenten, and as per Sarada's orders, he would do anything to satisfy her.

Tenten: trying to hold her excitement "Ok, where do I begin?". * Changing to a more serious tone * "Let's start small. Slave, kneel and bow before me!". -Boruto did as he was told, kneeling in front of her.- going back to a cheerful tone "Yeee, this is awesome!". "Now, why don't you kiss my feet while you are down there?". 

Boruto moved forward and began planting lots of long, heartfelt  smooches on both feet, making sure to cover her toes and instep. Tenten let him continue for some time, contemplating the sight of another human being degrading himself for her amusement, which made her feel incredibly happy and in control. A little later, she moved her foot, putting it under his chin and using it to lift his face until they made eye contact.

Tenten: "I have a little game in mind, but for that I'll need you to make some clones, 2 should be enough. Can you do that?". 

Boruto: "Of course Mistress, no problem". -he made the signs for the shadow clone jutsu, and created the 2 clones-.

Tenten: clapping once and making a cute gesture of satisfaction. "Perfect! The game goes like this. One of you will lay on his back, and I will stand on him. I will try to walk around the room, but, you must not let me touch the ground. Your job is to throw yourselves in front of me as I walk, to be my stepping stones and prevent me from touching the floor". 

Boruto1 laid on his back and Tenten got on top of him. Then started taking a step as Boruto3 quickly got down, letting her stand on his chest. Tenten changed direction and the same happened as Boruto2 got on his back and she landed her foot on his belly. They played this game for a little while, Tenten was struggling a little to keep her balance, but she was having a lot of fun stomping on the Borutos. The Borutos were desperately laying down and getting up rearranging themselves as to not let her stand on the ground, getting their bodies trampled and their faces crushed under the soles of her shoes. 

They managed to not miss a single time, even when she feinted to throw them off. When Tenten felt it had been enough, she told the Borutos to get up and said: 

Tenten: "For the next thing I want to try, I'll need an item. I'll go get, be right back". 

Boruto1: * in his mind * "I hope it is not a whip".

Boruto2: also in his mind "please don't let it be a whip". 

Tenten came back smiling, and the hearts of the Borutos almost skip a beat when they saw her holding something black, long and thin. However, they relaxed as they realized it was not a whip, but a leash with a leather collar attached to it. 

Tenten: "Now, which of you was the original?". 

Boruto1: "I am, Mistress". 

Tenten: "Ok, come here. I have a little present for you. I bet Sarada will love it too". 

He took a step forward and let his neck exposed for Tenten to wrap the collar around it. The moment she closed the buckle, he felt a sudden and heavy fatigue. He felt dizzy and unable to stand, which forced him back into his knees and hands.

Boruto1: "W..hat...is ..?". 

Tenten: "This is no ordinary leash. This is a special ninja artifact that extracts the chakra of whoever is wearing the collar and gives it all to the one holding the leash". * She tightened her grip * "Any leash would have been enough, but this was too good of an opportunity to let it pass. Mmm, receiving all your chakra feels so nice". * Getting back on track * "For this I won't need so many of you, but don't disappear yet. There are cleaning supplies in the closet; the store is in desperate need of cleaning, so get to it" * pointing at Botuto2* "I want to see the it nice and shiny". 

He obeyed and went for the supplies. Tenten looked at the two remaining and pointed at Boruto3. 

Tenten: "You, become my chair!"

Boruto3 got in all fours behind her, and she sat on his back. Tenten pulled the leash and extended her legs forward, commanding Boruto1 to remove her shoes, which he did. Once barefoot, she pressed both her feet on Boruto1's face and pulled the leash hard, burying his face in her soles. 

Tenten: "C'mon, smell my feet. I want to hear you sniffing". 

Boruto1 took deep and loud sniffs, taking all of Tenten's foot odor in. He kept sniffing for a few more minutes, when Tenten removed her feet from his face. Without saying a word, she simply put her heel right next to his mouth. Boruto knew what he had to do; he stuck his tongue out and Tenten made contact with her heel, moving her whole foot down, dragging his tongue by her arch, her ball and her toes. She repeated this multiple times, up and down, with her other foot as well. 

Tenten: looking at Boruto3 "What do you say my little chair,  do you want some quality time with my feet too?". 

Boruto3: "Yes Mistress, please". 

Tenten: -She stood up and pointed down to her left foot- "You can have this one". 

Boruto3: "Thank you, Mistress". - he dropped to the floor and started worshiping it passionately -. 

Tenten: "As for you" * looking at Boruto1 * "We are not done yet" -she twisted her hand, wrapping more of the leash around it and pulling it upwards. Boruto1 felt the tension on his collar, making him throw his head back. Tenten raised her leg and planted her right foot on his face, covering it completely as she kept tightening the leash. 

Tenten was having the time of her life. She looked around and took a moment to appreciate the situation. She had two slaves at her feet, worshiping her and humiliating themselves, she even had one on a leash; while another slave was sweeping her floor and dusting her shelves as per her command. 

She had dreamt about this day for a long time, and it had finally come. This was, without a doubt, the best day of her life.

