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Hey guys! Happy friday! It's time to watch the next breaking of bad and walt is DEFINITELY the most baddest of the breaking in this episode.  ok i edited out the spoilers incase someone is watching along with me but oh boy the ending...




"Because Jesse isn't just some... some rabid dog!" 🔥 Walt truly does value Jesse but Jesse is a threat like Skyler said. Hank even lists the good things Walt has done for Jesse in this episode. None of this would have ever happened if Walt didn't run over Gus's two gang-bangers and just let Jesse die or save Jesse from Emilio & Krazy-8. Jesse just pushes him too far in the end. Walt's been facing death the whole series. He tried to off himself in the pilot... he's an already dead man in a sense. He may be thinking to himself it could help wrap this mess up for his family if he dies. "I have lived under the threat of death for a year now. I've made choices. I alone should suffer the consequences of those choices, no one else". I'm open to the thought of Walt leaving behind the coordinates on the fridge for Skyler to find and giving Jesse the opportunity to harm or kill him even for poisoning Brock, unarmed. Hanks basically breaks it down for Jesse and he's right. The show points in that direction or that's how I perceived it because Walt left the voicemail to Jesse after Walt Jr. hugged him and he immediately thought of Jesse plus they showed the little girl's dad who appeared to be Walt's backup at first but wasn't. Jesse could have got him in a more private place to harm him even. As he's making the call to Todd at the end you can tell he's distraught over it but probably thinking to himself what Skyler said earlier in the episode- it's either Jesse or potentially their family. Walt didn't want to kill Jesse, he tried to avoid it, he genuinely saw that option as out of the question when Saul & Skyler suggested it, he legitimately wanted to talk to Jesse and "make him see reason" but when Jesse responded to this suggestion with a vague threat that, at least at that point, was thought to potentially involve Walt's family or going to the dea or his money. He felt he could no longer risk having an unhinged emotionally charged Jesse around potentially causing him real problems. It is only at this point that he reluctantly accepts what both Saul & Skyler suggested as the only practical option. In this back half of season 5 I'm all for team Walt. Especially after watching the series dozens & dozens of times. He did messed up things like everyone, he can be rough around the edges sure but he shows commendable character for being an antihero. Hank does let his "I want to be the guy to slap the cuffs on him" emotions take him over more in this season than any other. Hank had pride and ego too like Walt. Hank was head of the dea and keeping Pinkman at his house is crazy when you think about it. Hank couldn't let this go though. Hank could have even let Jesse handle Walt on his own, not intervene by tracking Jesse. I don't think Jr. or Holly was on his mind in those moments either. When Hank was on to Gus, Mike was worried about the cartel attacking Gus's guys when Hank had eyes on their comings and goings which would create the "perfect storm". The cartel was the rabid dog for Gus and now Jesse is the rabid dog for Walt now that Hank has his eye on him. I love the parallels in writing. Also the two–faced pink teddy bear is in a tree behind Walt's house when Hank is escorting Jesse to his car. Post didn't catch it according to my Albuquerque BB tour guide.


The Final Five! That makes two shows I'm watching reactions to that have The Final Five mentioned... ;P "That many hours?" Hell yeah I could probably talk for 3 hours straight about Babylon5. You should consider watching it Vee, especially if you like a really good slow-burn story with epic space shizz on top!

Jason wolfe

It’s about to get really fucking crazy

Jonah Bertorelli

This girl think's we have only seen walt in his undies 6 times? lmao! have you forgotten half of them or something? XD

Jonah Bertorelli

ughhhhhhHH!!!!!! that's frustrating. I can't believe a meme really shit all over one of Aaron Paul's best and most emotional scenes!!!! :'( sad face. lol When he breaks down and screams "he can't keep getting away with this!" I feel it in my bones every single time. Goosebumps. Pure raw emotion.

Christophe Schannes (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-29 01:40:19 Wow, the elusive "team-walt-in-season-5" in the 2020s. I thought you guys had all gone extinct... It's good to treat Walt as a nuanced, complex character because that's what he is. And I don't really agree with people that talk about him in the same way that they talk about two-dimensional evil characters like Hector Salamanca. That being said, in-universe, he's just as morally reprehensible as Hector Salamanca and he's only more nuanced to us, from the outside looking in, because the show is giving us that perspective. Yes, he cares about Jesse, he doesn't, in his heart, want to kill him. That's certainly interesting. But it doesn't morally make Walt better just because the hit on Jesse is reluctant. And you seem to purposefully mishear Hank in this episode. He doesn't list "good things" that Walt has done for Jesse, he explicitly says that it sounds like Walt did these things to manipulate Jesse into sticking by his side. Which is exactly spot-on. Walt cares for Jesse but it's not a pure, selfless, unconditional kind of care, it's a toxic, manipulative relationship that he's only entertaining as long as Jesse firmly sticks by him and, importantly, under his thumb. We saw how quickly Walt turns on Jesse when he feels he isn't giving him enough respect, isn't doing what Walt commands him to. Just rewatch that scene where he berates him after Jesse makes it absolutely clear he wants out of the business and so Walt decides to keep all the money to himself. Or earlier, after Walt saw Jesse's positive relationship with Andrea, and manipulates him into breaking up with her so that she's not a threat to Walt. That's not actual love and care, that's just awful. And tons more examples like this. You can appreciate Walt as a character, as a well-written figure in a well-written show. But you can't really defend his actions in-universe and have much of a leg to stand on.
2024-01-06 14:26:03 Wow, the elusive "team-walt-in-season-5" in the 2020s. I thought you guys had all gone extinct... It's good to treat Walt as a nuanced, complex character because that's what he is. And I don't really agree with people that talk about him in the same way that they talk about two-dimensional evil characters like Hector Salamanca. That being said, in-universe, he's just as morally reprehensible as Hector Salamanca and he's only more nuanced to us, from the outside looking in, because the show is giving us that perspective. Yes, he cares about Jesse, he doesn't, in his heart, want to kill him. That's certainly interesting. But it doesn't morally make Walt better just because the hit on Jesse is reluctant. And you seem to purposefully mishear Hank in this episode. He doesn't list "good things" that Walt has done for Jesse, he explicitly says that it sounds like Walt did these things to manipulate Jesse into sticking by his side. Which is exactly spot-on. Walt cares for Jesse but it's not a pure, selfless, unconditional kind of care, it's a toxic, manipulative relationship that he's only entertaining as long as Jesse firmly sticks by him and, importantly, under his thumb. We saw how quickly Walt turns on Jesse when he feels he isn't giving him enough respect, isn't doing what Walt commands him to. Just rewatch that scene where he berates him after Jesse makes it absolutely clear he wants out of the business and so Walt decides to keep all the money to himself. Or earlier, after Walt saw Jesse's positive relationship with Andrea, and manipulates him into breaking up with her so that she's not a threat to Walt. That's not actual love and care, that's just awful. And tons more examples like this. You can appreciate Walt as a character, as a well-written figure in a well-written show. But you can't really defend his actions in-universe and have much of a leg to stand on.

Wow, the elusive "team-walt-in-season-5" in the 2020s. I thought you guys had all gone extinct... It's good to treat Walt as a nuanced, complex character because that's what he is. And I don't really agree with people that talk about him in the same way that they talk about two-dimensional evil characters like Hector Salamanca. That being said, in-universe, he's just as morally reprehensible as Hector Salamanca and he's only more nuanced to us, from the outside looking in, because the show is giving us that perspective. Yes, he cares about Jesse, he doesn't, in his heart, want to kill him. That's certainly interesting. But it doesn't morally make Walt better just because the hit on Jesse is reluctant. And you seem to purposefully mishear Hank in this episode. He doesn't list "good things" that Walt has done for Jesse, he explicitly says that it sounds like Walt did these things to manipulate Jesse into sticking by his side. Which is exactly spot-on. Walt cares for Jesse but it's not a pure, selfless, unconditional kind of care, it's a toxic, manipulative relationship that he's only entertaining as long as Jesse firmly sticks by him and, importantly, under his thumb. We saw how quickly Walt turns on Jesse when he feels he isn't giving him enough respect, isn't doing what Walt commands him to. Just rewatch that scene where he berates him after Jesse makes it absolutely clear he wants out of the business and so Walt decides to keep all the money to himself. Or earlier, after Walt saw Jesse's positive relationship with Andrea, and manipulates him into breaking up with her so that she's not a threat to Walt. That's not actual love and care, that's just awful. And tons more examples like this. You can appreciate Walt as a character, as a well-written figure in a well-written show. But you can't really defend his actions in-universe and have much of a leg to stand on.

Jonah Bertorelli

let her watch the damn show. stop with the expectation cultivation. ffs she's almost done with the show, and ya'll still can't stop spoiling shit. SMDH


Womp womp. Should Walt roll over if someone is trying to kill him or his family- no matter who they are- as a man? Would it not be a manipulative relationship if Walt let Jesse kill his family? Would you have an inkling of respect for Walt then? 💀


LMAO seriously without context it's so funny but with context it's so emotionally heartbreaking... I hope there's no future ones that i have to worry about

Jonah Bertorelli

I agree in hoping that no other really good acting gets ruined by memes but it's the internet and that's a false hope lmao! they're the most popular memes because they started off the most popular scenes and for a reason! it's unfortunate but just how the math works usually. lol


AM I the only one that gets a tad bit annoyed with the amount of memes and clips vee has been exposed to, on this show? Not saying its her fault as its inevitable being apart of internet culture in all, its just sucks that they have literally ruined amazing moments of this show for vee lol

Jonah Bertorelli

Yess! haha it's frustrating because the most important, and most emotional scenes are the ones that get turned into memes and either spoils (somewhat) or dampens the emotional reaction you would feel from the shock of it. haha

Tim Martin

I think she is intelligent enough to have already figured out where this is going.