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Hey guys! Happy Saturday morning! Hope everyone is doing great and had your breakfast already, but hopefully you haven't because then you get to have breakfast while watching Breaking Bad with me hehe :)

Anyway some quick thoughts, this episode was VERY dialogue heavy but for good reason, there was a lot of stuff going on so definitely waiting to see what happens next...



Arne Bjørnebekk

Breaking Bad is my favorite series ever, and I have seen a lot. Mainly because you never know what's gonna hit you in the next episode, even in season 5.

Zach Aquino

The thing about narcissists like Walt is that they are never wrong. You’re 100% correct in that a normal, well-adjusted person would hear what Skylar said and do some self-reflection. Instead, Walt brought it back around when he showed her the watch Jessie got him and said “See? YOURE wrong for wanting me dead and thinking I’m a psycho. The person who got me this present wanted to kill me for the same reason and they were wrong too.” The additional bit of irony here is that Walt had just made her a promise of safety and then used having a gun pointed at his head as a point as to why he’s right. I also love the small detail about Skylar smoking. Walt is telling her that she’ll change her mind about him while she’s actively smoking in their house after having just told him she’s desperately awaiting the return of his cancer.


The bedroom scene with Walt vs Skyler is one of my favorite scenes in the whole show. It's just a masterclass in visual story telling. Skyler is defiant at first but Walt is just so experienced. You can see how he takes over the room as the scene progresses until he has her backed up on the bed. I could make an hour long video essay on it.


It may be a bit of a reach but as Skyler is staring off into the pool, Walt is talking about the first week of his chemotherapy and lying down on the cool tile floor in the bathroom while Skyler comforts him could be a reference to Ted's bathroom and the contrast of how Skyler liked his heated floors at first but then after the talk with Marie on the phone and after looking at the bag of money again etc. Without realizing it prior... it gets her rethinking why he did what he did and so she then puts the towel down on Ted's floor to stand on instead. That was before Walt killed Fring... and in just two scenes after the pool scene Walt tells Skyler: "I can promise you Gus Fring is dead. He was the threat, he was the danger". Skyler brings up Beneke in that scene too- while having no means of an out, an escape to come up with a better plan than Walt's for getting the kids to leave their environment. She's feeling the regret about the choices she's made. She feels engulfed. I think the blue pool symbolizes Walt's product (the pool being cool in temperature) and how Skyler is drowning in it. (there's a lot of emphasis on pools in later episodes) She's probably thinking about all the decisions she's made that's led up to this point- the back-and-forths with Walt, she wants an escape but is instead consumed by it- almost to say she'd rather die more or less than go on with this any longer. To make it worse she doesn't know Hank & Marie know about the "affair"

Gabriel Berilli

A lot of things that you've said makes a lot of sense, Vince Gilligan is a master on simbolism, there are literally papers analyzing his work. About Skyler waking into the pool, I don't think she wanted to kill herself, she just wanted to create some kind of excuse to take the kids out of the house.

Lorenzo Baxter

Walts confidence isn't false. He's truly confident in himself. It's not that he feels safe. Safety isn't a concern. It's about power. Walt is on top of the world. No one can touch him. No one will make a move on Heisenberg. And his power trip is blending into his normal life. I mean at this point, you can't tell where Walt ends and Heisenberg begins. He's just lording over everything. Any challenge in his life he will destroy. Him saying that the Methlamyine doesn't stop No matter what. He's not even concerned with Lydia. But he wants her alive because she keeps his train going. Walt decided he was Heisenberg a long time ago. Like when he said to "Stay out of his territory". He's been Heisenberg for a long time. The hat was for the audience. He's Heisenberg essentially all the time now. He's showing no signs of stopping. Nothing and no one will stop Walt from doing what he wants. Jesse giving him that watch just hurt. Jesse is such a pure soul. He cares so much about the people in his life, and my god he deserves so much better than Walt. He's still not even aware of what Walt did to him. It's funny how at the beginning of the show, we think Jesse is a bad influence on Walt, how Walt should steer clear of Jesse and that whole world. Now we think how bad an influence Walt is on Jesse 😂 Jesse has to get away from that world cause it's just not good for him.


The way you said "I wanted a big surprise party!" reminded me of the "Sweet 60" skit with Bryan Cranston. If you haven't seen it, you should definitely record your reaction to it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ot_V7Q8a6yc

Timothy Poeschl

As someone who lives in the southwest (Phoenix), I can tell you that if it’s mid October-mid March (sometimes even later), the pools are quite frigid! It hasn’t snowed here since I moved here a couple years ago, but during these months, it can get down into the 30s/40s, even if it does get up in the 80s during the day. December is the coldest. If the sun’s not up, you’ll want a jacket. Albuquerque tends to be a bit cooler than here though. IMO, it’s better than below freezing!


Don't forget Jesse sold drugs to recovering addicts

Gabriel Berilli

Sorry, you didn't say in the pool, but I think she doesn't wants to die at all, she wants Walt dead


I love the contrast between his 50th and 51st birthday. In the first episode of the series he comes home not expecting any kind of birthday celebration and is shocked to see a whole crowd of people waiting for him. Here, he is absolutely expecting it and shocked when it's just his family.

Jonathan Giles

Such a great show. Looking forward to seeing how this all ends. Can't wait to see what's next. Still hoping for some Doctor who reactions someday lol. Anyway thanks 👍


Mike has always been my favorite character. The scene in this episode that made me crack up so much was when he was talking about how he should have killed Lydia in the first place. "That's what I get for being sexist." lmao I laughed so much at that part.


It may be a bit of a reach but as Skyler is staring off into the pool, Walt is talking about the first week of his chemotherapy and lying down on the cool tile floor in the bathroom while Skyler comforts him could be a reference to Ted's bathroom and the contrast of how Skyler liked his heated floors at first but then after the talk with Marie on the phone and after looking at the bag of money again etc. Without realizing it prior... it gets her rethinking why he did what he did and so she then puts the towel down on Ted's floor to stand on instead. That was before Walt killed Fring... and in just two scenes after the pool scene Walt tells Skyler: "I can promise you Gus Fring is dead. He was the threat, he was the danger". Skyler brings up Beneke in that scene too- while having no means of an out, an escape to come up with a better plan than Walt's for getting the kids to leave their environment. She's feeling the regret about the choices she's made. She feels engulfed. I think the blue pool symbolizes Walt's product (the pool being cool in temperature) and how Skyler is drowning in it. (there's a lot of emphasis on pools in later episodes) She's probably thinking about all the decisions she's made that's led up to this point- the back-and-forths with Walt, she wants an escape but is instead consumed by it- almost to say she'd rather die more or less than go on with this any longer. To make it worse she doesn't know Hank & Marie know about the "affair"