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Hi guys! Happy Friday! Sorry I can't upload Breaking Bad today. My editor couldn't render in time but I will upload it tomorrow! I apologize once again but ALSO HAPPY 1ST OF DECEMBER! :)

ANYWAY THE SEASON FINALE OF THIS IS FREAKING INSANE. It was an AMAZING FIRST SEASON. HAS to be one of my top 3 shows EVER watched I believe. (but i have a memory of a goldfish so i have recency bias probably LMAO) anyway I hope you guys have a great rest of your day and a great weekend! AOT & Breaking Bad tomorrow! :)



Samurai Shampoo01

WE FINALLY HERE! Ps, you gotta check out the Atom Eve special before hopping into season 2. It dives into her origin story. If you like her in season one, you're gonna LOVE her in the special! Awesome reaction as always, hope you didn't get too much emotional damage ❤️

Samurai Shampoo01

What I love about Invincible is the fact that its not his body or power that makes him "Invincible". It's actually his fighting spirit that's Invincible. As we've seen throughout the series, regardless of how outmatched he is, he never backs down and has the courage to fight for what's right.


At this point i would also reccomend you check out the boys on amazon prime , between this and invincble theyre definently in the same ball park and two od the best amazon prime has to offer

Florian Hoyer

lets quote your episode one "I think this is a really healthy father son relationship" ... i dont know ... i rather not have that xD

TJ Bigelow

Aliens are a fun thought experiment but always be aware of how easily we project the human experience onto the unknown. Projecting society and culture and judgments. We do it now with other countries that we mostly only know the stereotypes that have been past down to us. But those of us that have traveled and lived in other parts of the world know how wrong those stereotypes are or how those stereotypes were made by people that didn't take the time to understand another culture or society. We take what we know here, on this planet, and we have no choice but to think its the same out there, only because we haven't seen it be anything else. Often we project aliens, in our tv and films, as behaving like insects, parasites, and viruses/cancer. Not just because those films are made to make us feel better about ourselves fighting off an invader of sorts but because those organisms were some of the first to evolve here and our species manage to out do them all and become top of the food chain. We also give them 'human' reasons to come here. Why would any space, time, and/or dimensional traveling species come here? Take our resources, or to conquer, or to enslave (as workers, or breeding, or as food), or to eradicate (either for purifying reasons or wanting a new home for themselves), to study, or to help. This is how humans (and/or how other species/organisms on this planet) think and behave. We barely think about if an alien species is a form of life that we don't think of as alive. We question even today if fungi are a sentient intelligent thinking species. Or what if stars have awareness? Can we separate human projection from understanding an alien species or life-form that we don't even acknowledge as being a life-form, today? We also do this on the concept of immortal or long-living beings. We desperately, as a species in the general sense, want to live longer than we do. But we always worry about being cold-hearted like Omni-man, losing our humanity, because we know how dangerous our own species would be when some of us begin to think we are better than others over arbitrary reasons. We know our flaws and we show them to ourselves in Sci-fi shows, this is why we project the human experience in tv and film. We hold up a mirror, change the appearance to protect our egos, then attempt to show ourselves why we are wrong to encourage this flaw. But because it is a show or film, and studios need to make money off this, we more often than not, make us humans to be the heroes or are special because we have the capacity to love. Gotta satisfy the masses to make a profit. But realistically, we wouldn't stand a chance against anything with the tech/science to travel space, time, and/or dimensions. The stories that do show that reality often show us humans as, at very least, keeping our dignity and standing up and fighting on principle even though we know we would lose. Even less often they show humanity bowing down to this superior invader just so that humans can keep on existing, which many of us today would also do. Lastly, you got rogue alien categories; trolls and survivors. Aliens that take on the human behavior of just acting like a troll for the lols. These are usually kid shows or cheesy horror movies because pranksters, bullies, and twitter trolls are usually seen as childish behaviors. But then we have aliens that are crashed survivors or refugees seeking asylum. And what do we do in these stories? We help them. These stories are meant to applaud certain human behaviors where the enemy is often the government but that is whole another can of worms, lol. My favorite part of this episode is that last scene. Sitting on the moon, chatting with an alien, trying to find common ground and understanding. There is a lot more going on in that scene, of course. Coming of age tale, innocence lost, the last stage in the grieving process (acceptance), and taking a chance on doing the right thing (which is a never-ending struggle to maintain) instead of doing the easy thing (which can turn you cold, bitter, and willing to sacrifice others for your desires/ideals).

Michael Thomas Fink

Homie wrote a whole essay in here lol. Interesting read though, so thanks

Sneaky Poptart

Can't wait for the Atom Eve special and season 2! Love the reaction V!

Senza Nome

“You dad…I’d still have you” was absolutely gut wrenching for me, despite everything that just happened Mark still loves Nolan and didn’t want to give up on him even after threatening to burn the planet to the ground. Then Nolan realizing what he has done to his own son and reflecting on what he just did was just 🤌

jamie jones

You gotta watch atom eve special before season 2


this episode is so good and so heartbreaking,"whats 17 years?" and "id still have you" is just such a brutal scene. and yeah we've been waiting a long time for season 2 lol