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Hi guys! HAPPY MOVIE MONDAY!!!! This week we're starting off with one of the recommendations I asked you guys! This also went along with the "sci-fi" theme you guys voted for! :)

Hope you guys enjoy! :)
FOR SYNC PURPOSES: It's a copy of the "Robocop Arrow Remastered" :)



Joe Blankenship

Woohoo! One of my favorites. Now you know where Colossus stole the "Come quietly or there will be trouble" line in Deadpool 2.

James Hawkins

VEE speaking of sci-fi, have you seen "The Abyss"? One of James Cameron's finest movies ever made. Made in 1989 being remastered in 4k this December and coming to streaming. This movie was ahead of its time as it was filmed actually under water with the cast and crew. They gutted an old Nuclear power plant and turned it into their under water set for the film.

Jared Spotted Eagle

"I'd buy that for a dollar!!!" This has been one of those quotes that my sister have been tossing around for years after seeing this.

Connor Clarey

OMG!!! This is in my top 5 all time favorites


Wow this is so random that's why we love and adore you Vicky you hit us with these surprises 🫶 heading to sleep but will watch this sometime this week 👍 I'm hyped

Robert Jewell

Oh, cool. My pal Nancy plays Officer Lewis in this. She's so good. You should check her out in Blowout with John Travolta.


Now do a reaction to "Our Robocop Scene 27". Our Robocop was a fan-made remake that's basically a "scene for scene" remake. Scene 27 is one of the finest pieces of art ever made.

Joe Blankenship

If that's what I think it is, I just saw it for the first time a couple days ago. It was insane! LOL

Retro Tom

for cops striking it's a tough call for me. I think people should get paid what they're worth but they also serve a vital function, same for doctors & nurses. If they aren't doing there job people could use their lives so While I would side with the cops goal I wouldn't support the striking, but I also wouldn't stop them from doing it

Tyler Gorash

Vicky, fun fact, the old steel mill is only like 10 min from my house!

Frankie H

Kurtwood Smith (Red Foreman) actually met his wife during the filming of this movie. When he puts the gum out on the secretary's name plate while flirting with the secretary, that secretary actress went on to be his wife. Also I never got why they would program the ED-209 robot to scream like a pig when it falls over. What's the purpose of programming it to do that? Like why would the killer robot have a panicky scream? Anyway this movie rocks!

Em McG

lol I love Vee's opening here. The meme "We can rebuild him, we have the technology" is from the television series The Six-Million Dollar Man, yes it's a cheesy show 🙂 He gets one bionic arm so he can lift a car over his head... but his spine isn't bionic though. Later they made Bionic Woman which was more better, mo' betta.


Robocop is a special movie for the role it played at the time. I can understand that people dont like it when they watch it for the first time now, but it was a great project that took risks and did some insane stuff. I like it but I dont love it.


Truly amazing reaction Vicky you were so funny with so many fun comments I literally was laughing out loud so many times 🤣 his was epic one of your very best Ty so much for the laughter 🙌

Joe Blankenship

Gunshot wounds in older movies look real because they're just little pouches of fake blood under the clothes that are rigged to explode. They call em "squibs". The guy getting blown away by ED-209 is still one of the craziest squib shots on film.


Oppenhiemer came out to streaming today Vkinua fam!


Robocops Director Paul Verhoven Made two other Scifi movies that are classics: "Total Recall" (1990) with Arnold Schwarzenegger and "Starship Troopers" (1997) which are both amazing and love to see you react to both of them. But since you are now initiated into 1980's Sci-Fi action, I would like to press you to react to "Aliens" (1986). Continue to follow Sigourney Weaver's Ripley with James Cameron writing and directing this one. And I would like to see you watching "2010 - the year we make contact." It is an underrated sequel that try's to make some sense of what happened in 2001. Its a great movie with a beautiful ending. [I am of course under the impression that you have seen "2001 a space odyssey" before, if not you should definitely see that one first.]

Jacob King

This is a fun film. It is super dark but the comedy is part of what makes it dark. A lot of the joke news reports were linked to current events, Apartheid South Africa were building nukes, there was a Star Wars program (but no space lasers), the two presidents that were killed would have been Nixon and Reagan. The hostage situation at City Hall is a reference to Dan White who murdered the mayor of San Francisco and a prominent gay rights activist. Detroit and many other American cities were being deliberately gutted by corporations to make money and destroy the unions and communities. Jones talks about for profit hospitals and prisons with for profit police being the next step, this is now a common thing with private security guards and surveillance companies being big business. My opinion on cops going on strike is that they always have to balance the threat that people will find out how little they actually do with their desire for more money so it’s not likely.


Thiswas a fun watch, you had me cracking up some parts there. It is crazy and a bit depressing how theres a bunch of corporate guys sitting at a meeting talking about ways to make prisons ,healthcare, and space exploration for profit, and cut to 2023 where we live in a world where prisons , hospitals , and space exploration are all for profit with corruption running rampant now. Great movie though

Garrick Smalley

Lovely reaction V thank you. I think what makes me cry the most is how little things have changed since this movie came out. The news "Give us 3 minutes and we'll give you the world." sounds an awful lot like people getting their news from TicToc, Facebook and so forth. Oh well. Hey V Robocop 2 is worth a watch.

Michael Thomas Fink

Hey V not exactly related to this video in particular, but you've made a few subtle comments that might suggest you have a rough past. I know this is supposed to be a fun venting thing for you, but I think all of us would love to get to know you more and hear your story. Only if you want to tell it of course. Just mean to say I think we're all hear to listen if it would ever help