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Hey guys! Happy Saturday! Invincible Ep 5 time!!! Episode's name is HURT so I'm feeling SOMEONE'S GONNA GET HURT!!!! Anyway hope you guys have a great Saturday today! Love you guys :)



Scarlet Angel17

You forgot about the end credit scene :)


Gotta be careful about stopping these episodes too quick :p


Man in the High Castle is another really great Amazon original that you'd probably like, actually Vee. It's about America in the 1960s if the Nazis and Japanese won WW2.


It was just a small scene with cecil and a scientist , you should be able to follow the story well regardless. Every episode though, except for 7 i think has a post credit scene, theyre good at slipping them in there lol

Pistols O'Brien

Speaking of Amazon originals, check out the Legend of Vox Machina. It's an animated series based on Critical Role's first D&D campaign (you don't have to know anything about D&D to watch it). Legit it's so good. Similar animation to Invincible.