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Heres The Last of Us Episode 2!! So this episode kept following the storyline buuuuuut... they made some very significant changes - that I just KNOW hardcore TLOU ride or die-rs are going to be very upset about. But after watching the very end I feel they explained the changes very well! There was ONE part in this episode I could've DEFINITELY done without and it makes me scared for future episodes LOL but let's see how it goes!

Thank you guys for watching! I hope you all enjoy :) 


The Last of Us | Episode 2



The spores were not a make or break component of the game and story, I was fine with the decision to cut that out. People also don't know what they want, I've seen some complain the show is too much of a recreation and some who are uncomfortable with even minor departures / different interpretations of the material. At the end of the day you can't make everyone happy, but I think the consensus among viewers and critics has been overwhelmingly positive and the TLOU franchise was never about being a crowd pleaser to begin with

David Portnov

I think you'd be surprised at the fan consensus on all of the changes/expansions. I've just been hearing positives about the show and, as a fan of both games, I'm so much more satisfied than I even thought I would be. It's like they were given a chance to re-do the game to make it better... and they nailed it. I'm in the middle of my third playthrough of the game right now and I honestly almost don't want to go back to the game because the show has all of the good parts without the gameplay, which I don't necessarily love in Part I (I do love it in Part II though). The biggest thing that stood out to me about this episode is just how they let the characters exist in this world and take it all in. It's my favorite part of the non-combat sections of the game and they managed to capture it here. That would have been my one complaint if they didn't just address it here.

Logan Monty

Judging by your thumbnail face vicky, I can tell what scene that’s for lol

Chris Shine

They're in Boston, so they're actually called "clickahs". I can confirm 😂

TJ Bigelow

She was already shaking by the end, so I feel they were showing not only the infected's reaction to her but also the infection starting to influence her a little from the inside. However, she is also smart. If she resisted she would get attacked and trying to light the lighter, needing more time, more attempts, not moving or fleeing. Idk, I feel I can deal with how they did the scene, guess at some rationals. A lot of people don't consider fungus very much but ever consider how much they do closely resemble flesh? We cook portobello mushrooms like there are steaks even, lol. The mycelium network is also interesting in how its very similar to brain synapses. They explore more about mycelium network in the entire first season of Star Trek Discovery, lol, thee foremost tv series authority on fringe science fiction, lol. if Star Trek does it, then there's got to be something to it, lol.


I am glad they don't spread through spores, or we would be watching half the show with people in gas masks. They spread through the tendrils in the mouth, which is also shown in the first episode when grandma was "biting".

Richard Maurer

Realistically, if they spread through spores the only people left would be people with natural immunity like Ellie. We breath in spores every day.

Richard Maurer

Vicki, you need to respect the inter-Kingdom. Fungus x Animal love between Tess and her new fungal boyfriend. ;-)

Connor Ellis

You keep saying "hardcore TLOU ride-or-diers" will be angry/upset. That's not really happening. All I've seen is across the board praise.


I go through all comments and there are some serious haters :') they'll bully others in the comments section for enjoying the show and the show not staying 1 to 1 with the game

Richard Maurer

Unfortunately there are some crazies in every fandom. Word of advise, don't point out that LotR came before Harry Potter and that any similarities come from LotR being "borrowed" from, at least not where HP fans outnumber LotR fans. It was not pretty.

Joe Blankenship

I'm glad that it's not exactly like the game. I've never played the game, so now I'll have more incentive to play it at some point in the future.